I nod. “Yeah, that’s her. She’s in Kappa Delta, right?”


“So, she lives in the house at the end of Greek Row with green and white shit on the porch?”

He nods. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t just show up there. Abby’s weird about guys coming over for some reason. Shannon usually has to meet me outside.”

“Abby’s not a fan of mine either.” I laugh at the thought of how hard I dismissed her last year at a party. “I can’t stand her. She’s such an uptight bitch.”

“Tell me about it. Shannon hates her, but she’s the president of her sorority, so she has to put up with her shit.”

“Can you ask Shannon to talk to Jade for me? I need to ask her something.”

His eyebrows rise in curiosity. “Why don’t you just talk to her?”

“I was going to show up at her house, but since you don’t think that would be a good idea, what choice do I have other than to relay messages through you? I was gonna ask Shannon tomorrow in class but figured maybe you would know where I can find her.”

“Hold on.” He faces his locker and digs out his cell phone, tapping on the keys at a feverish pace. Then, he turns back to me, smirking. “Done. Since you’re too much of a pussy to ask Jade out, Shannon will have to do it for you.”

“Yo, I never said I want to ask her out.” I elbow him hard in the arm. “Tell her you were joking. I need to talk to Jade about something. I don’t want to go out with her.”

Jamie looks even more confused than he did before. He bites the inside of his cheek and then says, “Explain.”

“She’s in the middle of something she shouldn’t have been a party to.” I try to find the words to elaborate, but as a beat passes between us, Jamie nods as if he understands.

“Your side hustle?”

“You could say that,” I mutter. “She saw something she shouldn’t have.”

Jamie moves closer to me, concern scrolling across his face. “There’s only so much I can help you with, you know that.”

“I never asked you to do anything illegal,” I whisper so only he can hear.

Jamie snorts. “You only ask me to teach you how to do the illegal things.”

“Just get me in contact with Jade, and I’ll handle the rest.”

“I’ll talk to Shannon later. Okay?”

“She can’t know about any of this. Pretend I like Jade if it makes things easier.”

“You don’t?” Jamie smirks. “Not at all? She’s pretty hot.”

I roll my shoulders. “I’d fuck her.”

“Why don’t you drop a class and switch into one of Jade’s? Then you can keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t talk.”

“And I’m supposed to be the criminal.”

He laughs. “It’s not a bad idea. She’s in my Econ class, you could swap electives and still graduate. The drop date isn’t for another week.”

“Yeah, I can do that. I’ll make the switch when I get back to the house.”

“One more thing,” Jamie says under his breath. “You’ve heard about The Queen. She’s going after our team for some reason. Be careful.”

Our team has been the highlight of a new blog called Dethroned, and the girl who writes it calls herself The Queen. She’s a real bitch and has been making my friends lives a living hell. If anyone needs to stay under her radar, it’s me. She could do more damage than Jade if news of my extracurricular activities gets out.

“I’m always careful,” I lie.

At least I was until the night I stole Jade’s car.

Jamie turns his back to me, facing his locker, and as I walk toward mine, I let out the breath I was holding.

The plan is simple.

But now comes the hard part—convincing Jade to keep her silence. Otherwise, my life is over.

Chapter Six


“Why is Killian Kade asking about you?” Shannon sits on my bed in the Kappa Delta chapter house where I live. “He asked Jamie to talk to me about you.”

I bite the inside of my cheek wishing I didn’t have to conceal the truth from Shannon. She knows everything about me. We share everything. But should I tell her this? Contemplating her question, I lean back on the mattress and thread my fingers together above my head.

“He owes me a favor,” I lie.

She chuckles, rolling onto her side to look at me. “Seriously? I didn’t even know you were friends with him. Killian doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would do anyone a favor. He’s one of those hot loner types.”

“We’re not friends,” I correct. “I helped him with something a while ago.” A beat passes between us before I speak again. “What do you know about Killian? He’s so… mysterious.”

I’m not even sure that’s the right word to describe Killian Kade. No one seems to know him. At least no one I know does. Everyone on campus loves him, and yet not a single person can tell me anything about him other than he plays hockey.