I moan as I lower onto him, and Jamie grips my hips, digging his fingers into my sides. He hisses as he fills me completely. The sexy expression on his face sends me over the edge. Jamie has the body of a Greek god and the mind of a genius. He’s the perfect combination—smart, sexy, and all mine.

I press my hands on his shoulders, moving in unison with him. Jamie leans forward to pull down my top, and when he sucks on my nipple an intense pleasure rocks through my body.

“Oh my God, Jamie,” I cry out, riding him even harder, chasing the high we’re both craving.

“That’s it, Shan,” he says, his voice deep like gravel, his breath warming my nipple. “Come for me, baby.”

“I forgot to take my pill,” I warn.

I’ve been so busy lately planning for my new business that I keep forgetting to do routine things.

“I don’t care,” he growls. “You’re mine. Forever. Always.”

I smile at his words and press my lips to his. He slips his tongue into my mouth, each kiss bringing me closer to the peak of my climax. My orgasm floods through me, the sheer intensity of it causing my body to tighten as I find my release. He grips my hips, his fingers pressing hard into my skin. Jamie’s not far behind me, and when he comes, his entire body trembles, shaking through me.

I collapse on top of him, out of breath and unable to speak, resting my head on his shoulder.

“I have a surprise for you,” he manages to say, still a little winded.

I perk up at the mention of a surprise. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

He waves me off as if it’s nothing and lifts me off his lap. I fix my skirt and panties into place as he stuffs himself back into his pants. Jamie rolls the chair back over to his desk.

Four computer monitors, the same ones from his bedroom on campus, are spread across the desk. I have no idea what any of it means. Some of it’s code, I think. I can’t even read HTML without asking him a hundred questions, and that’s nowhere near as hard as the other languages.

Jamie pats his thigh for me to sit, and then hooks his arm around my back to keep me in place. “I wrote a new ending to Quest for Shanaya.”

“How come? I thought it was ready.”

He flashes a devious grin. “Because Shanaya’s life is about to change.”

“Oh, is that so?” I raise an eyebrow at him, curious about his new addition. “Well, then, let me play my game.”

“Your game,” he snorts.

“Am I not Shanaya?”

He nods and then kisses my cheek. “I made a few changes since the last time you played with me. I think you’ll like what I did.”

Instead of playing on a gaming console, he resumes the game from his computer. Quest for Shanaya and the entire Dragonsbane World appears on the screen. I already slayed the dragon, drank his blood, and secured my position as the Queen of Dragonsbane, but Jamie still hasn’t joined me.

His character, the Lord of Winterbourne, is one kill away from becoming worthy of my hand in marriage. And that’s when it hits me—the reason why Jamie has waited so long to win his own game. He should’ve won six months ago. Hitting the buttons on the keyboard, Jamie is focused, determined to win this time.

Instead of playing the game, he enters a few commands. Cheat codes he could’ve used months ago. If anyone knows how to beat the final level, it’s Jamie. As his character approaches Queen Shanaya, my throat closes up. Jamie takes my hand in his, using the other to touch the side of my face. With one eye on the screen, I look at Jamie, wondering if the game will imitate real life.

“You’re the queen of my world,” he declares, his tone soft but serious. “And now that I’m king, I want to be at your side. I want us to rule together.”

“I have no idea if you mean your fictional world or the one we live in, but I couldn’t care less as long as we’re together.”

I mean every word. Jamie is my life, and I couldn’t imagine spending a single day without him in it.

The corner of his mouth lifts as he reaches into the drawer in front of him. My jaw drops when he raises his open palm to reveal a robin’s egg blue box from Tiffany. The white bow is still tied on top of the small box.

He holds it out to me in offering. I tug on the bow and drop it on the desk. Jamie flips the lid to reveal a small black box. As he cracks open the top, I gasp at the sight of the massive diamond ring nestled inside the velvet.