She saw things firsthand that no girl should have to witness. And now, we’re going to turn this story on its head and spill all of the juicy details to the world. But she’s afraid of the backlash, and I don’t blame her. We’re all nervous about what will happen once the truth is out there. But the truth must be heard.

“Thanks, Sam.” Eden pats me on the shoulder as we stroll into Broad Street Beans. “You’re a life-saver.”

Eden approaches the long counter and waves to our boss to signify we’re here. He acknowledges us with a quick nod and then continues writing on the clipboard in his hand.

“Do me a favor, though?”

“Anything,” she says without hesitation.

“Save me if the guy I’m meeting on Friday is an asshole.”

She looks over her shoulder at me and winks. “I got your back.”

I smile, a real one this time. Eden always has my back. She’s the only person on this planet who does.

Chapter Three


The scent of coffee smacks me in the face when I open the door to Broad Street Beans, the sweet aroma filling my nostrils. I can’t believe my tutor wanted to meet me here, of all places. Where everyone on campus will see us together.

The coffee shop is packed to the brim, the tables crammed with groups of students, some dressed in Strickland University shirts. A few people are wearing shorts and sandals with socks. I’m analyzing every single person as I pass through the crowded space in search of the girl in the green shirt.

She’s not here.

Other than the employees, no one in the store is wearing green. A sea of navy and white—Strickland University colors—surround me.

By the window, a group of girls gather around a table too small to fit all of them. One of them notices me, and when she does, the rest of their heads snap in my direction. I give a quick wave and keep moving toward the back of the shop where there’s an open table set further apart from the rest, right next to the restrooms.

I drop my bag to the floor and take a seat hoping no one comes over to ask questions. Everyone on campus knows me or at least has heard of me. It’s hard not to gain unwanted attention when your dad is a famous hockey player. Because of that, no one can know I need a tutor. My academic history is one of the best-kept secrets on my team. And now, that secret could easily be exposed. But Sam didn’t leave me much of a choice.

Thirty minutes pass where I flip through the social media apps on my cell phone trying not to look like I’ve been stood up.

This is a first.

She told me to be on time.

Because of her attitude and apparent anger with me, I showed ten minutes early. No one has approached me. The only girls who have glanced in my direction I already know.

A sliver of hope passes through me when a girl in a green shirt steps into the café area with a tray in her hand. And that hope fades the second I realize she works here. So, what should I do? Is she testing me to see if I’m worth her time? If that’s the case, I will sit here all damn day and night just to prove her wrong. I like a challenge.

I answer a text and comment on a few Facebook posts by the time I hear a female voice. My name is like a melody when whispered from her lips. Expecting my tutor, I’m surprised to find Jemma, the girl I intentionally knocked over in the Quad last week to catch her attention.

Pale skin, auburn hair, and the brightest green eyes I’ve ever seen greet me along with the smile that graces her perfectly plump lips. She’s gorgeous with a body that has all the right curves in all the right places. I scan every inch of her delicious body before refocusing my gaze on her mouth.

“Jemma with a J,” I say with a wicked smirk.

She’s glowing, her skin touched by a slight blush that spreads from her cheeks to her chest. “Hey, Tucker.”

I nod at the open chair across from me. “Keep me company.”

Jemma glances at the chair and then at me.

“Unless you want to sit in my lap,” I offer, patting my thigh with a wink.

Her skin turns red from my suggestion, and she tucks her hair behind her ears, turning her head away from me for a split second. “No, that’s okay. I was just running to the restroom real quick, and then I have to get going. But I’ll see you around.”

“Party this weekend. I better see you there.” I flash a quick smile that earns me one in return.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Jemma waves, and then passes me as she heads into the ladies’ room.