“I hope so,” Jamie mutters.

Poor guy.

“Okay, now get out,” I say, joking but not really.

Jamie nods. “I have to go find my girl.”

“Shower,” I remind him. “Girls don’t like guys who smell like barn animals.”

“Dick.” He laughs and then bends down to punch me in the arm. “Thanks for the tip, Tuck.”

“Anytime.” I wave him off. “Now, go.”

After Jamie closes the door, I’m all over Sam, exploring every inch of her. She molds her body to mine, hooking her leg around mine. I roll her onto her back making room for myself between her legs.

“Tucker,” she groans as I thrust inside her.

I lean forward and rest my forehead against hers, taking my time as I slide in and out of her.

“I love you,” I confess, and she says it back, digging her nails into my shoulder.

Everything in my life is falling into place. Sam. The Frozen Four. The identity of The Queen. Pretty soon, the NHL. And all of it started with the girl of my dreams.

Chapter Thirty-One


I kick my feet up on the coffee table taking the last of sip of my energy drink as I wait for Jamie to assemble the troops. He cups his hand around his mouth and calls upstairs for Drake, Preston, and Trent. Jamie hasn’t spoken a word since he came home early this morning. He never stays out all night, so whatever he found out about The Queen must be big.

The guys shuffle downstairs, their footsteps sounding like a herd of elephants hitting the wooden planks. Trent sits next to me on the couch. Drake and Preston take their places on the other side of the sectional. With his hands shoved into his pockets, Jamie stands in front of the coffee table staring at each of us with a strange look on his face. He no longer looks disheveled, but he does look like he’s going through an internal struggle. It’s as if the wheels keep turning in his head and won’t stop.

“Cece is The Queen,” Jamie confesses.

His words suck the air from the room, all of us too stunned to speak. Preston gapes at him, slack-jawed and shaking his head. He knows Jamie better than anyone, and he knows how much Cece means to Jamie. She’s the one, as in the one who got away and Jamie never got over. Until he met Shannon, I never thought Jamie would get over Cece.

And now, she’s back. She’s the one who fucked all of us. Or at least tried to fuck us over. She coerced Sam and Eden into working for her. It’s time she pays the price.

“That bitch,” Drake growls. “Taylor wouldn’t even talk to me over her dick-pic post.”

“What about me?” Preston interjects. “She called me out on dating Bex before I told Coach about us. He could have kicked me off the team.”

“Instead, you managed to kick yourself off the team,” Jamie quips.

Preston’s jaw hardens as he stares at Jamie, his expression growing dark.

I laugh because what else can I do in this moment? A girl got the best of all of us. Go fucking figure.

“You gotta be kidding me?” I say, my words meant for Preston. “You hooking up with Bex is nothing. How about what she did to Trent and me?”

“And Jemma,” Trent adds. “We weren’t planning to tell anyone she was pregnant.” He holds out his hand to motion to the group. “Except for you guys.”

“I’m sorry for what she did,” Jamie says, waving his hand in the air to get our attention. Once he has it, he continues, “But we have bigger problems.”

Drake folds his arms over his thick chest. “She put us all through hell.”

“Why did she do it?” Preston asks.

“To get to me,” Jamie admits.

Preston smirks. “You fucked her, didn’t you?”

Jamie steals his gaze away from Preston and shoves his hands into his pockets.

“Like you even had to ask,” Drake says. “He can’t resist that stupid cunt.”

“Never could,” Preston adds.

“Hey, all of you need to shut the fuck up,” Jamie growls, throwing his hands in the air. “Look, I’m sorry that she told the whole school about you and Bex…” he says to Preston, “… and about you showing your dick to every girl on campus,” he says to Drake. He turns to Trent and me, looking truly sorry about what was said about us. “And most of all, you two. I mean, what she said about you guys could have gotten Tuck kicked out of school. She exposed Jemma’s pregnancy and a whole bunch of other shit. I don’t even know what to say other than sorry.”

“It’s not your fault,” I say, meaning it. “You didn’t make her do shitty things to us.”

He sighs, scratching the corner of his jaw. “It’s my fault, though. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for me.”