He holds out his hand for me to take, his fingers intertwining with mine. I hate that I’m starting to like the feel of his skin against mine.

This is bad.

I shouldn’t be thinking about him this way.

But I ignore the warnings sounding off in my head like missiles firing and allow him to lead me into the hallway.

Chapter Eighteen


My date with Sam is not going according to plan. First, she discovers my lie, and then one of the guys on the football team spills soda all over me. I’m having no luck lately not even with women.

Ever since Sam came back into my life, it’s like the universe is trying to tell me something. I can’t seem to catch a break. She hates me. Then, she likes me. And now, I have no idea what she thinks of me.

Why do I even care?

Because you like her, jackass.

She’s smart, beautiful, and probably one of the most infuriating women I’ve ever dealt with. But I can’t ignore how much I like her. How much I want to be around her.

After I wash the soda off my hands, I meet Sam in the hallway. Standing with her back against the wall, her right foot kicked up against the brick, Sam toys with the seam of her Harry Potter shirt. She looks deep in thought, her eyes pointed down at her feet. But she looks peaceful.

Approaching her, a smile stretches across my face. “You ready to head back?”

She glances up at me, the edge of her shirt twisted between her fingers. For a second, she holds my gaze as if searching for something in my eyes. We stand there, frozen in time, staring at each other.

What is it about this girl that pulls me to her?

And why didn’t I see it years ago?

I hold out my palm to her, and she stares at it, unsure if she wants to cross the line. We both want to step over the invisible barrier that should separate us. But the line is thinning by the second. She’s technically my teacher, and I am her student who’s about to fail another class if she doesn’t help me.

Apprehensive, she places her hand in mine, and my fingers curl around hers stroking her soft skin. She peeks up at me and bites her bottom lip. It’s playful, most likely not done on purpose, but it lights a fire inside me. A simple gesture that sends my body into overdrive.

Without thinking, I push her back against the wall, my other hand still holding hers.

Acknowledgment sparks in her eyes when I clutch her shoulder tighter, pulling her to me. Our mouths are inches apart, the tension between us burning like a match.

“What are you doing, Tucker?” The words are a whisper on her lips.

“I’m going to kiss you.” I brush my lips against hers, and she stills, her lips slightly parted to allow me entrance.

“I don’t recall inviting you to kiss me,” she challenges, her tone soft and playful. Her lips move against mine from the smile on them.

Moving my hand from her shoulder to her jaw, I cup the side of her face and look into her eyes. “I’m not asking for permission.”

Before she can protest, I push my tongue into her mouth, and she matches my pace, our tongues tangling in harmony. My skin pricks with heat, the dangerous flames crawling up my arms. I’m consumed by her, each of her kisses like a drug. I need more, taking what I need from her. And she’s more than happy to give it to me.

As she threads her arms around my neck, she hooks her leg around me, her heel digging into my ass. She moans into my mouth. I growl into hers like a ravenous beast who wants to devour her. It doesn’t matter that we’re in the middle of the SAC where I can hear voices moving toward us.

But Sam steals her lips from mine, unable to catch her breath. Taking a peek over my shoulder, she sighs in frustration when she sees students coming toward us. Her leg unhooks from my body, and she stands up straight to fix her hair and clothes. My dick is rock-hard, but thankfully, I had enough sense to wear jeans instead of track pants tonight.

“That can’t happen again,” she says, her tone now serious. “Someone could catch us and tell Professor Frazier. I can’t afford the risk. If I lose the TA position, I won’t graduate on time. Because I won’t be able to pay the tuition.”

“No one will catch us,” I assure her.

“I don’t share your confidence,” she counters. “You’ve been the focus of several editions of Dethroned now. Someone clearly has it out for you.”

I stare at her in shock. “You read that garbage?”

She nods. “Doesn’t everyone on campus.”

“So, you know what happened with my brother, then?”