“I thought we had a good time that night.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, until you tossed me aside and moved on to the next girl.”

So, that’s why she’s mad…

I want to defend myself, but what do I say? We hooked up. She said she was okay with just sex when she apparently wanted more. They always want more. I never promise women anything other than an orgasm. She knew the deal. We had an agreement. And now, I’m paying the price for my honesty.

The following Monday, Jamie tells me to leave for class without him. He’s over at the Kappa Delta house apologizing to Shannon again. For what, I have no idea. It seems like all he does is kiss her ass. His relationship with her serves as a constant reminder of why I don’t want anything serious.

On my way through Franklin Hall, I round the corner near my classroom and almost run into a group of Kappa girls. The sorority girls’ faces light up, and a few smile in my direction. I’ve seen them at the Delta Sig parties over the years, even hooked up with a few of them.

I nod in acknowledgment.

One of the girls locks eyes with me before cutting across the corridor, heading toward me, and latches on to my biceps. I attempt to shake her loose, but she just holds on tighter forcing me to drag her along with me to class. We have about one minute before the door closes. Professor Frazier is known for his strict lateness policy. No one is admitted after nine o’clock. No exceptions.

“Hey, Tuck.” She looks up at me with puppy-dog eyes and pouty lips that are hard to forget.

“Riley,” I say, still focusing on her mouth, hoping I have the right girl.

“So, Romeo said you like date parties.”

I cough to cover my laughter. I’m gonna kill that motherfucker. “I don’t know about all that.”

I attempt to peel her fingers from my arm, but she holds on tighter. Damn, can you say clinger?

“I was hoping you would come with me to the Valentine’s Day party next month.”

Is she really asking me out on a date? Romeo’s dead when I see him.

“Sorry, Riley, but that’s not my scene. It’s not you…”

“It’s me,” she finishes, even though I wasn’t going to say that. “Okay, I get it.” Her smile quickly turns into a frown. “I thought we had a good time. Figured we could have some more fun.” She says the last part with a sparkle in her eye.

Girls always look at me this way, and every time they do, it sets off an impulse inside me to run. I don’t want to be tied down. It’s nothing personal. Riley’s gorgeous and built like a beauty queen. It really isn’t her. It’s me. Because I’m not ready for this level of responsibility, so I avoid it like the plague.

Her eyes travel to the floor for a few seconds before she meets my gaze. “Maybe another time.”

Like never? No fucking way am I going to a date party at a sorority house.

I shrug. “Yeah, maybe.”

We both know it’s a lie.

She bites her bottom lip, nervous. “Right. Well, I guess I’ll see you around.”

I nod. “Sounds good. I gotta go.”

Turning away from her, I glance over at the door to the classroom, one minute away from being late. Sam stands in the entryway clutching the door handle about to close it while glaring at me with pure hatred in her eyes. She drives me fucking wild when she looks at me this way. I don’t know why, but it turns me on. I like that it challenges me.

Giving me a hard look, Sam focuses her attention on Riley, frowning in disapproval by the time her eyes find mine again. “You’re late, Tucker.”

In a tight red top that hugs her tits perfectly, Sam’s showing enough cleavage to make my dick grow hard. I have to think of something else, anything else. She looks good today even better than last week. It’s like she’s turned up her hotness factor to drive me insane. One week she’s the girl next door, and each time I see her, she looks better and better.

This girl does things to me I can’t explain. She’s hot without even trying. And I’m hoping she doesn’t notice how turned on I am right now.

“You know the rules. Professor Frazier doesn’t tolerate tardiness.” The word slips from her lips in a cruel and mocking tone.

Fuck me, I’m dead.

I want to bend her over and spank her for talking to me this way.

Is she doing this on purpose? Is the universe punishing me for whatever she thinks I did to her in the past?

Then, she does something I didn’t see coming and slams the door in my face. Grabbing hold of the handle, I tug, but nothing happens. I try a few more times before I give up. She’s locked me out on the day we’re supposed to have a quiz. And I actually studied for it for a change.