With one look in my direction, she makes my dick hard as if she willed it to happen.

Jamie elbows me to gain my attention, and I turn to look at him. “Do you know the TA?”

Uncrossing my arms from my chest, I set my legs on the floor and sit up straight. “Yeah, she’s the girl who wouldn’t tutor me last semester.”

He laughs. “You fucked your teacher.”

“Teaching assistant,” I correct.

“Same difference. She’s the one who’s grading our tests and assignments. You better hope she doesn’t take out her anger on you.”

My nose scrunches in disgust. “I doubt she’ll do that.” Would she? I have no idea.

“I hope not,” Jamie says, typing out a message on his cell phone.

And then a few of the phones in the room sound at the same time.

We all know what that means.

The timing isn’t lost on any of us.

Removing my phone from my pocket, I suck in a deep breath, hoping I’m not the target of The Queen again.

Last month, Drake took the focus off me. But who knows what January brings.

I lean forward and place my forearms on my thighs, hunched over to read the latest post.


January Edition

New Year’s resolutions… everyone makes them, and few people stick to them. Take Jamie O’Connor’s promise to be faithful, for example. He’s been playing house with his Kappa Delta sorostitute for the last two months, and yet he was spotted with another girl. The newspapers don’t lie, Jamie. Fess up and tell her what you did, you dirty boy. A picture is worth a thousand words…

You, Jamie O’Connor, have been dethroned.


The Queen

My eyes and mouth widen with surprise. No one ever messes with Jamie. He always stays out of the spotlight, never does anything worth reporting. And now The Queen has just called his ass out. Shannon was over at our house after the break, flipping out over some picture of Jamie and his ex-girlfriend in the newspaper from a gaming event. He swears nothing happened, and I believe him. But he’s been kissing Shannon’s ass ever since, pleading with her to chill out.

“Wow,” I mutter studying the post once more and then hand Jamie my phone for him to read. “You need to see this.”

A pained expression crosses his face. He reads the post several times before handing the phone back to me. “I have to narrow her location down.” His tone is filled with anger. “The signal is somewhere in the city, but that doesn’t help. She could be anyone working from anywhere.”

“You’ll find her,” I say, hoping we all get some justice for what she’s done to us. “Or maybe we need to give her a new target.”

He shakes his head. “We need to shut her down, not feed her ego. She wants power over us. We have to take it away from her.”

“How do you suggest we do that?”

“I will find out who she is, and once I do, we’re taking her down.”

I smirk, and Jamie’s expression mirrors mine. “I like the way you think.”

He winks and then goes back to texting Shannon.

I go back to staring at Sam and her long legs stretched out beneath the desk.

After the class ends and everyone leaves, I stay behind to confront Sam. She knows I’m here, yet she sits behind the desk as if it can shield her from me. She glances at the book in front of her, scribbling notes. Professor Frazier has already left through the side entrance door reserved for staff.

I stroll down the aisle and place my palms flat on the desk, leaning over so our faces are only a few inches apart. “Don’t take the past out on me.”

She glances up at me, annoyed, with those icy-blue eyes that send chills down my spine. “I would never.” Her brown hair covers the side of her face as she tilts her head down and continues to write in her book. “I’m a professional. This is my job. You’re now my student.”

As I reach across her desk to touch her hand, she freezes, and her entire body tenses up. Sucking in a deep breath, she holds it for far too long before letting it out. “Tucker…” she warns, “… think long and hard before you touch me again.”

“Why are you so angry with me?”

She scoffs, blowing a strand of her hair in her face. “Why are you such an ass?”

We stare at each other for a few seconds, the tension between us thick, until Sam breaks the silence. “If you’re trying to charm your way to an A, you have another thing coming, Tucker. No amount of money or smirks can win me over. I suggest you study, for once, and earn your grades the old- fashioned way through hard work and effort.”

“Look, Sam, you obviously have something against me.”

“You’re a user, Tucker. Just like you used me in freshman year.”