Trent closes the distance between them attempting to touch her, but she steps to the side.

My brother folds his arms over his chest, shaking his head. “Put us up to what?”

I cast a sideways glance in his direction. “Were you with her? Because we just…”

Trent’s mouth twists in disgust, his expression of pure anger. Shit, he was with her, too. Not like this is a first for us, though it’s the first time neither us nor the girl knew about it.

“But you said my name,” I say to Jemma, still confused as to why she would have thought I was Trent. “So, I thought…”

Jemma covers her face with both hands and sighs. “I can’t believe this is happening right now. Which one of you was I suppose to meet here today?”

Trent squeezes her shoulder. “Me.”

She drops her hands to her sides, her eyes now puffy with a few errant tears spilling down her cheeks. “I thought he was you.”

Now, I feel like shit because I do like this girl. Not in a marry-me-and-have-my-babies kind of way, but I could see keeping her around for a little while.

“But you said my name,” I reiterate, my focus now on Trent. “So, what the fuck is going on? Did you give Jemma my name?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “I thought she already knew mine.”

“Because you’re so popular you thought we didn’t need a formal introduction,” she snaps.

Trent shrugs. “You seemed like you knew me when we met in the cafeteria.”

Her teeth clench. “Which one of you did I meet in the Quad?”

I raise my hand. “That would be me.”

“Which is why I thought your name was Tucker and never thought to ask,” she says to Trent. “So, you and I met in the cafeteria. Was that the first time?”

He nods. “But you had already met Tuck?”

“Yes. I think so. God, I’m so confused.”

“Hey, Jemma…” I say, “… I had no idea. I thought you wanted to… you know.”

Trent shoots me an evil look, and then his gaze lowers as if he’s somehow defeated.

“I’m sorry,” I tell Jemma. “I wouldn’t have followed you into that classroom if I’d known you thought I was Trent.”

I’m not sure that’s entirely true. When have I ever turned down sex? Especially sex with a girl I like.

She glares at me for a few seconds before her eyes are back on Trent. “I have to go,” she whispers, pushing past him.

“Now, you know,” Trent shouts at me. “So, stay the fuck away from her.”

My top lip curls up into a cross between a smirk and a snarl. He has some fucking nerve. I met her first.

“Has it occurred to you that maybe I like her, too?”

Ignoring me, Trent follows after Jemma, who’s power walking toward the Student Activity Center, know as the SAC. And I’m left wondering what the hell just happened.

Lately, nothing has gone according to plan.

I can’t find a tutor.

The girl I like wants my brother.

Or does she?


November Edition

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the douchiest of them all? This week’s D-Bag Award was supposed to go to Preston Parker, Mr. MVP and captain of the men’s ice hockey team, for his scandalous affair with his coach’s daughter. But the Kane twins have stolen the throne. Their latest shenanigans make you wonder…. can two princes share one crown? Or in this case, one girl?

Trent and Tucker Kane, you have been dethroned.


The Queen

“Fucking bitch,” Preston yells, throwing his phone across the living room. It hits a pillow on the couch next to me. “If Coach Bryant finds out about Bex and me before I get the chance to tell him, he’s gonna flip the fuck out.”

“Then, man up and tell him,” Drake says, stating the obvious.

Preston tugs at the ends of his hair. “I will. Eventually.”

I’m still in shock by the entire situation between Trent, Jemma, and me. Two weeks have passed since the incident with Jemma, and my brother is barely speaking to me. We’re both competing for the same girl. It’s a losing battle, though. I know he likes her way more than me.

Should I let him have her? That would be the right thing to do. But he won’t even talk to me.

Trent stares at his phone, re-reading the blog post over again while shaking his head at the screen. We promised Jemma we wouldn’t tell anyone. Our roommates found out by accident, but they would never talk.

Somehow, this evil online troll knows we both hooked up with Jemma. But how? How does she know anything about us? And why does she care so much? At least she didn’t call Jemma out in the article.

“You’re missing the point,” Preston growls at Drake. “This girl, The fucking Queen, is going to ruin our lives if we don’t stop her.”

“I still can’t track her IP address,” Jamie says, kicking his feet up on the coffee table between us. “She’s good, whoever she is.”