Tucker seems disappointed with my response but recovers quickly. “Sure. Rain check.” He shrugs, drawing my attention to his massive biceps that would take at least three of my hands to wrap around. “But if you change your mind, come by the Delta Sig house around eleven. Tell whoever’s working the door you’re with Tuck. He’ll let you in, no problem.”

I literally just had his dick in my hand, my fingers grazing his balls, and now I have no idea what to say. This situation is beyond awkward. What’s even more bizarre is that he’s so popular I can give his first name at the front door to the party like he’s Prince or Cher or Madonna.

An awkward pause passes between us. His eyes find my breasts, and he licks his lips, before returning his gaze to my face. “I hope to see you around, Jemma with a J.” Tucker smiles. “Don’t make me come look for you.”

My breath hitches at his comment. Damn, I am so screwed if he finds me again. My entire body comes alive with excitement, and he’s not even touching me. I try not to focus on what would happen if he were, in fact, touching me. I’d lose my shit.

Tucker wipes a bead of sweat from his forehead, the rest of his bare skin glistening in the sunlight. Then, he’s gone, jogging across the field to meet his friends. And I’m left in the middle of the Quad, my mouth still open in shock from our encounter.

I turn around, and my entire pledge class is waiting about a hundred yards in front of me. They were told not to leave anyone behind. It was part of Abby’s instructions. Everyone saw me talking to Tucker—my entire sorority included. Did I break a rule by speaking to him? I hope not.

When I catch up to the girls, Zoe hooks her arm through mine. “What the hell was that about? Looked pretty intense.”

“He ran into me. It was nothing.”

She cocks an eyebrow at me. “Didn’t look like nothing. C’mon, girl, you have to tell us what he said to you.”

“He insulted me,” I admit. “He called me Red, which I hate with a passion. And before that, I accidentally grabbed his… you know.”

Riley laughs in my ear. “Oh, my God, you have got to be kidding me. You touched his penis?”

I nod. “Yeah. I did a little more than touch it.”

Zoe chuckles. “This is priceless.”

I should tell them about Tucker’s offer, but for some reason I don’t want to share him. I’d rather play it off as a meaningless encounter. If that were true, I would have no problem getting him out of my head. And yet I can’t stop fantasizing about him, replaying every second in my head.

A guy like Tucker will get me in so much trouble.

So, why do I want to see him again?



My friends stare at me, watching my every move, as I cross the lawn to meet up with them. Three pairs of eyes study me, each of my friends curious about Jemma. I know they are without them asking about her. She’s beautiful, her long auburn hair, bright green eyes, and perfect smile still fresh in my mind. I need to see her again.

Drake Donovan closes the distance between us and leans in until our elbows are touching. “Who was that?”

I raise my eyebrows at him. “Who?”

He smirks. “Don’t play stupid, bro. The girl you were talking to.”

I glance over my shoulder, looking for Jemma, who’s now gone. “Oh, her. No one.”

He laughs and then slides his sweaty arm across the back of my neck. “Yeah, right. Didn’t look like nobody.” Drake winks, a devious look on his face.

I peel his hot, wet arm from my neck and step away from him. “I never saw her before. But I wanted to get her attention.”

He chuckles. “You have some way of getting it.”

“You guys ready?” Jamie moves his hands to his hips, looking annoyed. “Shannon is meeting us at the house. She’s already texted me ten times. We gotta go.”

Jameson “Jamie” O’Connor, Jr. is one of our oldest friends. He’s the grandson of Mike Turner, one of the greatest hockey players who ever played the game. All of my friends are sons of famous hockey players, raised as one big hockey family.

“Look at Jamie,” Preston says with a devious smirk. “Who would’ve thought he’d be shacking up with a sorority chick?” He slaps Jamie on the back and laughs. “Senior year isn’t about settling down, it’s about getting laid and getting paid.”

We laugh at his comment.

All of us are in the same situation. Months away from winning another Frozen Four, the NCAA Division I Ice Hockey Championship, and one step closer to making it to the NHL. We were bred for this, trained our entire lives for the big show. Girls never factored into the equation. Our fathers drilled that fact into all of our heads from an early age.