Staring at my children, I smile so wide my jaw hurts by the time my gaze shifts down to Jemma. She’s trembling, her body shaking through mine. With my other hand, I reach over to swipe the sweat-matted hair from her forehead.

Jemma looks up at me, a smile on her face. I love you she mouths, and I say it back. In this moment, I know I will never love anyone or anything as much as I love Jemma and the babies. Hockey was the love of my life. But not anymore.

The nurse sets Teddy in Jemma’s arms and then gives Thea to me. They’re not identical like Tucker and me, but the similarities are there. Thea peeks up at me, her eyes fluttering, as if she’s fighting sleep. A chill runs down my arms, and I hug her lightly against my chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I love you, baby girl,” I whisper to Thea.

Her tiny lip curls a little bit into what looks like a smile, her expression mirroring mine. Jemma’s cheeks are flushed, sweat still dripping from her face, but I’ve never seen her look more beautiful. She gave me the most precious gift. And I wouldn’t give this up for the world. I now understand why my father regretted missing out on Blake’s life. Because I couldn’t imagine not being here with my children.

“I love you, too, my handsome boy,” I say to Teddy as I bend down to kiss him on the forehead. “Someday you’re gonna be a lady killer like your daddy.”

Jemma laughs, and I look down at her, unable to stop smiling.

Sometimes, the one thing you didn’t know was missing in your life is the one thing you need the most. My dad was right about being a father. I once thought being drafted into the NHL would be the highlight of my life. But no feeling in the world can compare to the moment when you hold your child for the first time. It’s a feeling I wouldn’t trade for anything.

After the doctor gives us the okay, I call my family into the room. My friends took that as code for they can come too, and now the tiny hospital room is packed with my parents, Tucker, Drake, Preston, and Jamie. My sister, Ava, and my older brother, Tyler Junior, who everyone calls Tye, are standing in the doorway, staring at the babies with smiles on their faces.

Every member of the Kane family has the same white-blond hair and blue eyes as my father except for Teddy and Thea. They’re beautiful, the perfect combination of Jemma and me.

My dad slaps me on the back, before pulling me into a strong hug that nearly knocks the air from my lungs. “I’m proud of you, Trent.” His eyes leave mind and land on the twins. “You made the right decision, one you will never regret.”

“I know,” I confess.

Now that I have Jemma and my babies in my life, I couldn’t imagine going back to my old ways. My friends crowd around Jemma, Thea, and Teddy, each of them taking their turns saying hello, before they turn to congratulate me.

My mom squeezes me as hard as she can, offering her support and congratulations. She’s going to be the rock Jemma and I both need. After she releases me, Preston hands me a cigar, even though I will never smoke it. And he knows that. I take it from his hand and lean into his embrace, followed by Jamie, Drake, Ava, and Tye.

Saving Tucker for last, I hold out my arms, and he slaps me on the back with even more force than my father. “Congrats, bro. I can’t believe you’re a dad now.”

“Thanks. Me either. It still doesn’t feel real, you know.”

Tucker nods. “Your entire life is about to change.”

“It’s a good change,” I say, meaning every word. “I still get to have it all. A family and a career.”

“Yeah. And you lucked out getting signed by the Devils. You’ll only be an hour away.”

I’m about to respond when Drake interrupts our conversation. “Who’s gonna be the godfather? I call dibs if you haven’t picked one yet.”

I shake my head, laughing.

Leave it to Drake to say the most unusual thing moments after Jemma gives birth. If anyone is going to be the godfather of our children, it will be Tucker, Tye, or one of Jemma’s brothers. But I can’t deny that Drake is also my family. We might not be related by blood, but everyone in this room with us is family. And now, they’re Jemma’s too.

I move to her side, slipping my fingers between hers. She glances up at me, a tired but happy look on her beautiful face. I return her smile. She’s the love of my life, the one person I couldn’t imagine living without, which is why I plan to make her my wife.