“You’re such a commitment-phobe,” Bex says.

Taylor rolls her shoulders, ignoring Bex.

From the moment the guys stepped onto the ice for practice, she hasn’t stopped looking at Drake. I don’t blame her. He’s tall, built, and ridiculously good-looking, and just charming enough underneath his manwhore façade. But Trent was the same way when I met him. All of his friends are like him in some way.

I like hanging out with his teammates’ girlfriends, and it doesn’t hurt that Shannon is one of them. She’s a good Big Sister and has been a huge help ever since I told her I was pregnant. This transition is hard enough, and with my new circle of friends, I don’t feel as alone as I did in the beginning. Still, nothing can prepare you for one child, let alone two—especially when you hadn’t planned it.

The game starts, with all of our men now on the ice for a face-off at center ice, cutting off our conversation. Tucker lines up his stick with the player across from him on the opposing team, and when the referee drops the puck between them, Tucker gains possession. I still know very little about hockey, even with all of Trent’s coaching, but it’s growing on me. Jordan and I never played sports. Our mother wanted us to be cheerleaders. Of course, I had zero interest in that, where Jordan was the captain of her team in high school.

By the time the third period starts, Bex and Taylor have been giving me the play-by-play, trying to explain everything that’s happening to me. While I’m not completely clueless, I don’t understand all the penalties and line changes. From my vantage point, and with how fast everything is playing out before me, it’s hard to see which player is on the ice. Someone on the Strickland Senators has possession of the puck, dodging a player on the opposing team as he fakes him out to take the shot.

The puck sails into the net, and the entire arena goes wild. Everyone around us rises to their feet to clap and cheer. Not until he turns around do I realize Trent was the one who scored the goal. His teammates surround him, all of them huddling together to celebrate.

Even though I have a lot to learn, and can use all the help I can get from Bex when it comes to hockey, I can’t deny that hockey is a sexy sport. When Trent is out there, doing his thing, I get so turned on. Maybe some of it is from my hormones, which have been insane lately, but damn, he sure looks hot in his uniform.

“Frozen Four here we come,” Bex yells, high-fiving each of us. She’s such a tomboy, a real lover of sports.

Trent hasn’t been able to stop talking about making it to the Frozen Four. He’s determined to win another championship before he graduates, and I have no doubt his team will bring another win home for Strick U.

Before the start of the third period, I look over at the Senators’ bench, where Trent is already staring at me. He’s holding his helmet in his right hand. Sweat drips from his brows, which he wipes away with his hand. I smile so wide my cheeks hurt, and he does the same, still focused on my face. There’s an unspoken bond between us, one I can feel from a distance. I’m the mother of his children. He’s the man of my dreams. Life couldn’t be more perfect right now.



Four months later

My babies are almost here. I still can’t believe I’m going to be a father. No matter how much I try to prepare, I still don’t feel ready. Neither does Jemma. After months of reading baby books and talking to our parents, Jemma and I are terrified. One baby is a lot of work, but two is a whole other story. My brother and I were complete terrors when we were kids. We’re still a pain in the ass. And now, I’m going to have twins of my own.

I stand next to the hospital bed, dressed in scrubs and a mask, holding Jemma’s hand. She squeezes so tight she practically cuts off my circulation. Her teeth are clenched, her face writhing in pain, and I wish I could take all of it away for her.

“Almost there,” the doctor says. “Push.”

Jemma does as the doctor tells her. A few seconds later, screams fill the room.

Dr. West has my daughter cupped in his hands, and I can’t stop the tears from spilling down my cheeks. She’s so beautiful, so tiny and precious. Thea Kane. That’s what we decided to name her. One minute later, the doctor has my son in his hands, passing him off to the nurse. Thea and Teddy are so perfect, little pieces of each of us. They have Jemma’s auburn hair and my blue eyes.