I roll my eyes at him. “You hang out with those guys too much.”

“Whatever, Dad,” he groans. “Get off my ass.”

“Get in here and close the door. This is important.”

He gives me a confused look but does as I ask. Tucker sits across from me on his bed.

“Jemma is pregnant,” I blurt out.

His eyes and mouth widen in shock. “You knocked her up? Get the fuck out of here. Dad’s gonna flip the fuck out.”

“There’s a possibility it could be yours. That’s why I’m telling you.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Is that what she told you?”

“No, she says it’s mine, but the timeline fits either of us.”

“I used a condom.”

“So do I,” I admit. “I’ve never had sex with her without one.”

“Have you considered it’s not yours either then?”

I shake my head. “It’s one of ours, Tuck. You know as well as I do that Jemma is not like that.”

Tucker rests his elbows on his thighs and covers his mouth with his hands, speaking between his fingers. “I know… but it’s not mine. Are you sure you never fucked her without a condom?”

“No,” I say without hesitation. And then I remember that one time. “Wait, the first time we had sex the condom slid off. But I didn’t come inside her. At least I don’t think I did.”

He laughs. “You fucked her that hard?”

I throw a pillow at his head, and he ducks.

“Leave it you to get your girl pregnant the first time you fuck her.” Tucker snickers. “What are you gonna do about it?”

I shrug. “What can I do? If she wants to keep the baby, I have to talk to Dad.”

“I don’t want to be there for that conversation.”

I run my fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends in frustration. “I wish this was all a dream. That Jemma didn’t just come here to tell me that she’s pregnant. I’m always careful.”

“Not careful enough,” Tuck points out.

We sit in silence for a few moments before Tucker adds, “We should go get a drink. I think you could use one.”

“Or ten,” I deadpan.

Tucker pushes himself up from the bed, his hand extended to me. “C’mon, you need to get drunk.

I need something. I’m just not sure what it is.

“You still need my help passing that class?” I ask Tucker.

“Which one? Business Ethics?”

I nod.

“Nah, I got it covered. Remember the girl I hooked up with last weekend?”

“Yeah, what about her?”

“Turns out she’s my new TA.”

I laugh. “You fucked your teacher.”

He smirks. “Teaching assistant. She’s a student here.”

“I’m surprised you even know the difference,” I joke. “What about her? Did you con her into giving you an A?”

“Not exactly. More like I made a deal with her.”

I shake my head, still laughing. “How’s that working out for you?”

“So far, so good.” Tucker opens the door to our bedroom and cups his hands around his mouth. “Hey, assholes,” he screams down the hallway. “We’re going out tonight. Get your asses in gear.”

And just like that things are back to normal. At least for now.



My heart cracks open, spilling onto the pavement in front of Trent’s house. At least that’s how it feels after the conversation we just had. I knew he wouldn’t take the news well, but I never expected him to act like a complete jerk. Doubled over in front of the house, I clutch my stomach and let the tears fall until I hear a voice I recognize. Shannon.

“Are you okay?” she asks.

When I look up, Shannon is standing in front of me, with her hands on her narrow hips.

“I guess it depends on your definition of okay,” I deadpan, wiping the errant tears from my cheeks.

She hugs me against her side, taking away some of my anxiety with her warmth. My Big Sister has had my back from the beginning. I should tell her what’s going on, but I’m terrified she will either judge me or relay the information to Abby and the rest of my sorority sisters. At some point, I will have to confide in my sisters. But what will they say? Will they throw me out, cast me aside and forget I exist? I have no idea how they will react.

Fear rocks through my body, causing me to tremble in Shannon’s arms. Instead of speaking, she holds me until I finish crying, comforting me with her presence. She seems to understand this is what I need, that no words need to be exchanged to help quell the emotions raging war inside me.

Even if I weren’t pregnant, the sting of rejection from Trent would hit me just as hard. It’s as if I’ve been stung by his words, the pain still deep in my bones. How could he ask if Tucker is the father? How could he doubt me after everything we have been through together?