A few minutes later, a local number pops up on the screen. Without knowing for sure, I have a strong feeling it’s Tucker on the other end of the line. Is this all part of some sick game for them? That’s how it feels at the moment, though I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding, one I wish were all a dream.

Every time I see them together on campus, I run in the opposite direction. Tucker and Trent can call or text all they want, but I have yet to speak to either of them. I need time to heal, time to process my reality.

It’s funny how I never saw them together before. Kind of like when you get a new car, and then you start to notice dozens of others in the same make and model. Now, I seem to see Tucker and Trent everywhere, as if the universe is pushing us together. I can’t escape them no matter how hard I try.

“C’mon,” Jordan says, tugging on my arm, moving me in another direction. “We can take another way to the chapter house.”

A week has passed since the day I found out they are twins. One week of absolute torture. I can’t get them out of my head, and they’re making sure I don’t forget them with how much they call and text. Tucker seems to favor texting over calling, where Trent rings my phone at least twice a day. He’s left apology voicemails and texts, none of which I have responded to, none of which I plan to respond to.

“What’s this meeting about?” I ask Jordan.

“Abby wants to go over the details of Strickland University’s Most Eligible Bachelor Auction. We have a lot to do before Thanksgiving break.”

“More hot glue guns and rhinestones,” I deadpan, rolling my eyes. “Oh, joy. I can’t wait.”

Jordan laughs. “We don’t do it that often.”

I smirk. “Be serious. Abby has us decorating shirts or hats or some piece of clothing at least once a week for another event. I don’t understand why we need to wear so much bling on our clothes, or why we need Greek letters on our asses.”

“It’s fun.” Jordan pushes her short hair behind her ears and smiles. “Most of the girls don’t mind. Doing things together helps us to bond as sisters. It’s not so much about the activity as it is about us coming together as one to work toward a common goal.”

I almost feel stupid when she puts it that way.

“What are you going to do about the twins?”

“Way to change the subject,” I shoot back.

She shrugs, moving her hands out at her sides. “Hey, you’ve got to deal with them at some point.”

“Maybe I’ll luck out and they’ll give up and go away.”

“I wouldn’t count on it.” Jordan sighs. “Trent seems pretty determined to win you over.”

“Tucker, too,” I add.

“Yeah, but Trent has been way more aggressive.”

“I have no idea which one I like,” I counter. “And I’m not about to date twins just to see which one is better. Nope, not gonna happen.”

“I can’t believe they did this to you. I could kill them both for putting you in this position.”

“They didn’t know.” I adjust the bag on my shoulder and cross the street alongside Jordan, headed toward Greek Row. “I can’t even blame them.”

“You should,” she growls. “They’re known for doing shit like this. You’re not the first girl, and I’m sure you won’t be the last. Don’t blame yourself for this, Jem.”

“I don’t.” Our eyes meet, and I try to force a smile but fail. “I’m just happy we’re going home for the holiday. I need to get away from this place. Everywhere I go I’m faced with a constant reminder of the mistakes I’ve made.”

She shakes her head, and then takes my hand in hers, massaging my skin with her fingers to soothe me. “Don’t let one bad experience sour the rest of your life.”

“I won’t.”

“I can see it now. You’ll go home, see Corey and feel like you made the wrong choice when you left him, and then you’ll be packing your bags to go back and marry him.”

“No way. Not even close.” I blow out the breath of air I was holding and sigh. “I just need an escape. A reset to take my mind off things.”

“As long as you don’t jump back into something with Corey. Give yourself the time you need to make any big decisions.”

“Corey wanted kids and a wife. I’m not ready for that. You have nothing to worry about, sis.”

She smiles, opening the door to the chapter house for me, and I tell myself that I don’t need to make a decision. In fact, I can ignore my love life altogether until I’m ready to deal.



After practice, I drag my tired ass into the locker room, following behind Preston and Jamie, who are talking about meeting up with their girls. Preston has been hooking up with our coach’s daughter for the last month or two. Jamie is messing around with a sorority chick, who hangs out at our house way too often. And I’m stuck in a holding pattern with Jemma… with my brother.