Once we reach the kitchen, the guys who helped us through the crowd stop in front of a long bar that spans the right side of the room. A tall guy with dark brown hair and a thick chest commands the bartender’s attention. He nods, and then retrieves a stack of red Solo cups from beneath the bar, placing them on top of the wood. The bartender fills our cups with beer, passing them around, and of course, I watch every move he makes. I’ve heard rumors about fraternity parties. I’m not taking any chances.

“You okay?” A cute guy with shaggy brown hair asks me.

I look up at him, stunned by his question. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You look like you’re ready to jump out of your skin,” he mutters.

I shrug, unsure of what gave him the impression. Am I acting that weird? “I’m fine.”

Beers are passed to us, and I take a sip from the cup, as if I’m desperate for a drink. Anything to avoid making conversation with this guy about my apparent awkwardness.

“What’s your name?” He asks me. I tell him, and then he offers his. “Professor.”

I stare up at him, perplexed by his strange nickname. “You go by Professor? And why do people call you that?”

“Just a name my brothers gave me when I pledged.”

“Because he’s smart,” one guy says from behind us.

“More like a smart ass,” another says, laughing.

I chuckle at their comments. Fraternity guys are… different. I’m less than ten minutes into this party, and I’ve already met Romeo and Professor. Who’s next? I laugh on the inside, making a private joke about how silly all of this is.

Jordan and her friends are talking to three guys, which leaves me with Professor, who hasn’t left my side. I still want to laugh, but somehow manage to keep a straight face.

“I’ve never seen you around,” Professor says, speaking over the loud music.

“I’m a transfer student,” I admit, and he nods.

“Is this your first frat party?”

“Yeah,” I say between sips of beer.

“Wanna dance?” He tilts his head toward the living room.

I glance over at Jordan, who’s in a full-blown conversation with the guys and girls behind us. Zoe and Riley are equally busy with two guys. No way am I leaving this room with some random dude I just met.

“No, I’m okay right here.” He gives me a weird look, and I add, “For now.”

I have no idea what to say to him. He’s cute, sure, but I didn’t come to this party to hook up with a guy who goes by the ridiculous name of Professor. I came here for Tucker. And I won’t be satisfied until I get at least a kiss from the sexy hunk with the surfer tan and white blond hair.

I drink half of my beer, consuming it in small sips that allow me to avoid talking to Professor. A few seconds pass, where Professor turns to the side to talk to someone else, and I’m relieved I no longer have to continue this charade. I lower my guard for a few seconds until he walks into the kitchen.

Tucker, accompanied by a group of sexy as all hell guys wearing hockey jerseys and tons of face makeup. They look like zombies, their faces painted white and black, their clothes stained with blood. It’s not the sexiest of outfits, but Tucker somehow manages to make being a hockey zombie hot.

Flanked by his friends, who I guess are his teammates, he strolls into the room. They act like they own the house. They consume every inch of the space around us, the brothers welcoming them with open arms. A natural magnetism draws you to these guys. All of them are tall, muscular, and insanely hot. Like really fucking hot. I’m not surprised he’s with guys who look like models.

Their bodies are thick and toned, their muscles perfectly sculpted to perfection beneath their jerseys. My body hums with excitement when Tucker glances in my direction, his blue eyes burning into mine. A tiny smile turns up the corners of his mouth. He has lips I want to kiss, a mouth I want to explore with my tongue. He does something to me I still can’t explain. I’d never had this feeling with Corey. It’s like a rush of energy that courses through my veins, making me feel alive.

Heat licks my skin, the dangerous flames leaving a brush of fire in their wake. Shannon warned me about Tucker, even though she never gave me a real reason to stay away from him. She’s across the room with Abby and my sister, talking to the incoming group of guys. Does she know Tucker’s friends? I wonder if that’s why she was so insistent that day in the cafeteria.

I want to get Tucker alone, so when he moves toward me, I exit the kitchen. Glancing over my shoulder, I cut down the back hallway, noticing his sights are set on me. He’s right behind me, his pace quickening. I down the last of my beer, in hopes it will give me some liquid courage. This is what I wanted. I came to this party with a purpose.