As I approach the booth, Jemma’s face illuminates, her smile so wide it draws more attention to her green eyes.

She presses her palms to the wooden ledge in front of her and leans forward, her tits almost falling out of her top. I stare down at her body, my mind wandering to dirty places. My cock perks up at the thought of bending her over. Jemma waits for me, and I meet her halfway, until our mouths are inches apart. Her breath on my lips sends a chill down my arms. I hope for her sake I can follow the rules, give her a quick peck on the lips.

“Did you come to claim your kiss?” Jemma asks, the corners of her mouth turning up into a wicked grin.

Following her lead, I smirk. “You bet your sweet ass I did.” I tilt my head to the side, admiring every inch of her sexy body. “And what a sweet ass it is.”

She giggles, and then I brush my lips against hers. Our connection is electric. A simple touch creates so much need inside me that I don’t care about the rules. I grab the back of her head, pulling her closer to me, consuming her as I slip my tongue in her mouth. At first, she hesitates, but then she goes with it. Her tongue works in harmony with mine, the passion between us is so intense everyone in the Quad can feel it, too.

But our kiss is short-lived, broken up by Abby clearing her throat loudly next to us.

Jemma stares at Abby in horror. “I didn’t mean to…” Her voice trembles and then dies off in her throat.

“I don’t blame you,” Abby says to Jemma, before turning her angry gaze on me. “I told you no tongue, and yet you didn’t listen.” She folds her arms across her chest, a permanent scowl on her face. For a beautiful girl, she doesn’t smile much. “You need to go.”

There’s no point in arguing with her. I look at Jemma one last time, committing her to memory, and then wink. She blushes, the heat going straight to her cheeks.

Doing as Abby asked, I walk away, still thinking about that kiss, and realizing once is not enough.



I missed my chance. As I stagger toward Kappa’s Kisses for Cancer booth, Jemma steps out from the wooden structure. Two of her pledge sisters are at her sides, pulling her toward the group of girls waiting on the lawn, sipping girly drinks from multi-colored straws.

Jemma doesn’t even notice me, which is unfortunate because I was hoping for my kiss. The one I promised her last weekend when I helped build the kissing booth.

I spent more time than I realized getting shitfaced with my friends at Delta Sig. They snuck beer into the alcohol-free carnival in dark green water bottles with Greek letters on the front. No one noticed we were drinking—not even the dean.

I’m still carrying my bottle, nursing what’s left of my beer. Taking a few quick sips, I scan the crowd in search of Trent and Drake. They disappeared on me over an hour ago not to be seen since.

Romeo burps loudly next to me, right in my ear. They call him Romeo because he wasn’t smooth with the ladies back when he pledged. Frat bros seem to like their nicknames. There’s a guy who lives in their house they call Dirty Dan, and yes, it’s for all the right reasons.

I nudge Romeo in the side with my elbow. “Knock that shit off.”

He laughs and takes a swig from his bottle. “You wanna get in line?” Romeo points at the kissing booth. “I’ve had my eye on that one right there since she accepted her bid.” His finger moves to a smoking hot blonde with curls down her back. “She’s got a body like Kate Upton.”

“Yeah, I see that.” I check out the Kappa pledge for a few seconds, before my eyes drift back over to where Jemma is sitting on the lawn with her sorority sisters.

She stands out in a crowd, and not because of her banging body or her dark auburn hair that sticks out among the sea of blondes.

“Go ahead,” I tell Romeo, waving him off. “I’ll catch up with you later. I’m gonna go find my brother.”

He follows my line of sight and laughs. “You got it bad for Jordan’s little sister, huh?”

I cock my head at him. “She’s Jordan’s sister?”

He nods. “You can’t see the resemblance.”

Now that he’s pointed it out, I look at Jemma and then find her sister a few feet away in a green dress, noting the similarities in their appearance. They have the same color hair, except Jordan’s rests below her chin, and Jemma’s is long enough to cover her impressive rack. Jordan isn’t as well endowed or nearly as hot as Jemma, but they definitely look related.