With a bit of hesitation, I do as she says. I came to this school to experience new things, through new eyes, and with new people. If I don’t give this a shot, I will never be fully ready to consider Corey’s proposal or a life with him. He wanted me to do this, just as much as I wanted this for myself. I wasn’t ready to become his wife. The truth was I wanted to scream and run for the hills when he asked me. No way am I ready for a family. Not when my life hasn’t even begun.

Jordan adds layers of eyeshadow and mascara, followed by lipstick and gloss. I feel like her very own Barbie doll. The girls in the chapter house have more makeup combined than the entire cosmetics department at Macy’s. There’s always an emphasis on style and fashion, two things the girls seem to value most.

By the time I glance in the mirror again, I don’t recognize myself. “Wow,” I mutter under my breath, stunned by my appearance.

“I know, right?” Jordan takes one last look at her handy work. “You look so hot, Jem. The guys at this event are going to be all over you, begging for a kiss.”

Do I want that? I do if Tucker is one of them. If I’m going to be bad with anyone, I want it to the gorgeous blond who has occupied so many of my dirty thoughts this past week. Plus, he promised me a kiss. A kiss I’ve been dreaming of since last weekend.

The carnival is packed, the Quad overflowing with brightly colored tents, full of fun games, food, and merchandise to help raise money for various charities. Every sorority, fraternity, and social club on campus is in attendance, everyone wanting to win the Excellence in Philanthropy Award, which usually goes to Kappa Delta. My sister, as well as Abby, made it abundantly clear that we have a reputation to uphold, but I think it’s more for bragging rights over the other sororities.

It seems like we’re always in competition with someone, for some trophy or award, or even for just the right to attend certain parties. I’ve never met so many competitive girls, all of which look like fashion models with their perfectly manicured nails and unblemished faces.

The kissing booth isn’t the usual one-person wooden box. This one, in particular, was custom built to meet Abby’s specifications and fits five girls comfortably. With fifteen girls in our pledge class, we have to work in shifts, rotating every thirty minutes or so. Thank God Abby said we only have to kiss the guys on the lips. I honestly had no idea what to expect. Still, I’m not all that thrilled about touching who knows how many guys over the course of the day.

Corey was my first boyfriend, my first everything. We were friends before we became lovers, inseparable since we were in middle school. Sometimes, I get the itch to call him, mostly because I wonder what he’d think about all of this.

Other than my sister, Corey was my best friend, my confidant. It’s hard not to miss that part of our relationship when he was a huge factor in most of my life. He would have a stroke if he knew how much I’ve changed since moving to Philadelphia. Good thing we have a no-contact policy in effect until I go home for Thanksgiving break. Then, I have to make up my mind about us. Either we get back together or I let him go for good. It’s only fair.

Zoe hooks her arm through mine, her body trembling so much it causes me to shake a little bit. Some of her blonde hair brushes my shoulder, the scent of her citrus shampoo filling my nostrils. “I’m so nervous I could puke.” She bites her bottom lip, staring out into the crowd, a look of fear on her face.

“I wish I had a Xanax or something to take the edge off.”

“I don’t want to do this either,” I confess. “But at least it’s for a good cause.”

I would mind less if Tucker were here, I want to add but keep my mouth shut about him. He’s my dirty little secret, one I would like to keep private, especially after Shannon warned me to stay away from a player like him.

“Ya’ll worry too much,” Riley says, crossing her arms across her chest, pushing her breasts out. “This is gonna be a breeze. You have to kiss a few frogs before you meet your prince, am I right?” She chuckles to herself, but Zoe and I are too anxious to join in her laughter.

“That’s easy for you to say, beauty queen,” Zoe says in a condescending tone, though she’s not serious about anything other than the beauty queen part. “You’re used to getting up on the stage and having everyone stare at you in a bathing suit. You like showing off your body.”