Trent removes his mouth guard and says, “I’m ready, Coach. We both are.”

“Look, I know there’s something going on with you guys…” Coach continues, “… and I wanted to let you know you can come to me if you need help. I’m here for you no matter what.”

I raise a curious eyebrow at him. “There’s nothing going on with us.”

Does he think we’re on drugs or something? He’s never acted this way with us before.

He cocks his head toward me. “Are you sure? Because I can usually count on you two, and lately—”

“I need help with a class,” I confess because it’s the truth.

Coach nods. “Do you need a tutor? If you do, I can have Dean Whittaker arrange one for you.”

I shake my head. “Nah, I can figure it out. I just need to spend more time studying.”

Our suspension has already raised suspicions within the league. Everyone wants to know why the Kane twins are out for academic reasons. Luckily for us, our dad has enough pull to get the actual reason omitted from our records. People can speculate as much as they want, because we’ll be back in the game next weekend.

Once we’re inside the locker room, Preston stops by our lockers, a towel around his waist, his hair wet from the shower. “You guys heading over to the carnival later? I think a few of us are going.”

Trent shrugs. “Depends. Who’s going?”

“Bex wants to go. I think she’s bringing her friend, Taylor.”

Drake has a massive crush on Taylor Bradshaw, even though he won’t admit it. Bex Bryant is Coach Bryant’s only daughter, a basketball player at Strickland University, and Taylor is her roommate, best friend, and teammate. They’re two of the tallest girls on campus, both of them close to six feet and built like athletes.

“Anyone for me?” Trent asks, a wicked smirk crossing his lips.

Preston opens his locker and drops his towel over the top of it. “Doubt it. But I’m sure you can find your own girl. There will be plenty of them in the Quad.”

I already have my sights on one girl in particular. Last weekend, I told Jemma I wanted a kiss from her, and I plan to make good on that promise.



Staring in the mirror, I hug my stomach, feeling exposed. “This is not a dress,” I tell Jordan. “How can you wear this in public? Why do you even own this?”

She laughs, coming up behind me, in a barely there Kelly green dress that hugs her curves. “Lighten up already, Jem. Remember why you’re at Strick U. This year is all about having fun, hooking up with cute guys, and getting out of your comfort zone.”

She’s right, but still…

Frustrated, I blow out the air I was holding. “Can’t I at least wear something that covers my ass?”

Jordan chuckles, even though I don’t find it the least bit funny. She glances at my backside and then slaps it, causing me to jump forward.

I laugh, now rubbing my hurt cheek. “What was that for?”

She shrugs, appraising my clothes in the mirror. “Trying to take your mind off everything. Seriously, sis, you are stressing me out.” Jordan clutches my shoulder, and then spins me around so we’re facing. “Please don’t act like this in front of the other girls, or the frat guys who will be there, for that matter. They will sniff out your fear and go in for the kill.”

I shake my head, laughing. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Hey, at least my plan to distract you is working.” Jordan fixes her hair in the mirror, smiling. She applies a coat of shiny gloss over her red lipstick and presses her lips together.

“It’s bad enough we have to kiss strangers for money.”

She rolls her eyes at me in the mirror and scoffs. “Oh, Jem, you have no idea what college is all about. Or what this sorority is all about. Do you have to do a few embarrassing things to become one of us? Yes, but it’s worth it. Trust me. And today is all about raising money for an amazing organization. Think of all the good this money will do.”

I cock an eyebrow at her. “Okay, I guess you’re right. This is all so new to me, you know. We never did stuff like this back home.”

She chuckles. “That’s because our lives back home were boring. We worked on the farm and went to school, without much in between. Our brothers were raised for that kind of work, but we were never meant to stay in Lancaster. That’s why everything with you and Corey worked out the way it did. Right?”

I nod. “I suppose so.”

“You told Corey you would give this a chance, so you could tell him for sure if the break up was permanent. The only way you will know is to have fun and meet a few cute guys along the way.” Jordan points to the bed. “Sit down. I need to finish your makeup.”