My feet are killing me, heels are not my thing, which made the task much harder than it needed to be. At least we didn’t have to wear another bathing suit. Running into Tucker on the lawn, with most of my skin on display for him to see, was enough for me. Any more humiliation and I would have to withdraw my bid and say fuck it to all the work I’ve already put in.

While our sisters talk about people we don’t know, the pledges are so tired and beaten down from constantly working that we eat our food in silence. Riley looks as though she wants to take a nap in her salad. Zoe is staring out the window, twirling a lock of her blonde hair around her finger, lost in thought. I zone out because I’m so bored with their conversation, ready to go back to my dormitory. And then I spot him—Tucker, the hottie from the Quad.

Across the cafeteria, on the opposite side of the room, I lock onto Tucker. He’s hard to miss. Well over six feet tall, broad-shouldered, and built like an athlete, the sexy blond captures my attention. Hell, he doesn’t have just mine. A few of the girls closest to his table stare up at him, as he moves his hands back and forth, demonstrating something to his friends.

A large group of hot guys surround him. They laugh at the joke Tucker’s telling. I can’t hear a thing from across the room. But I’m curious, wondering what’s so funny. Now, his conversation I want to be a part of. Ever since Tucker knocked me down in the Quad, I’ve been dying to see him again. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. His muscular body and handsome face—especially his wicked smirk—is branded into my mind.

From across the room, he has no idea I exist. He’s probably forgotten me already. And yet I can’t stop fantasizing about him. I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh as Tucker lights up the room with his larger than life personality. He makes my heart pound, and he hasn’t even touched me. But I want him to. More than anything, I want his hands on my body, his lips on mine.

Not once has he looked in my direction. He stands at the end of his table, his arms outstretched, his voice now loud enough for me to hear his laugh. It’s deep and manly, and so damn sexy it sends a shiver down my arms. A natural magnetism surrounds him. He has that it factor some people have. It’s the kind of thing you can’t put your finger on, but you feel it when you’re around the person.

I feel stupid for watching him from afar. But it’s hard not to notice him. Hard not to want him.

“Ladies,” Abby says from the end of the table. Our heads snap in her direction, and she continues, “We could use some dessert.”

Without another word, all fifteen of us push ourselves up from the table.

I glance over my shoulder at Trent, realizing the frat party is my only shot at hanging out with him. He invited me. Wouldn’t it be rude of me not to go? I haven’t asked Shannon yet, but I’m hoping we’re allowed to attend the party.

I’m about to turn away, headed toward the front of the room when Tucker looks in my direction, his eyes meeting mine. My breath catches in my throat, about to close up from the anxiety choking me. He’s so beautiful I could die. And then he does something unexpected.

Tucker mutters something to his friends, and then he struts toward me.

Oh, shit.

My group moves toward the buffet line, and I hide between two of the pledges, pushing my way through the crowd. Like a coward.



I’m standing in front of my usual table in the cafeteria, telling my friends a story when I spot her—a girl with long auburn hair and big green eyes is staring at me as if she knows me. And I want to get to know her. She’s the kind of girl you stop to notice.

She’s dressed in a short skirt with Greek letters on her ass and a tight white shirt that makes it easy to see her bra through the material. Her tits are huge, well over a handful, and I can’t stop thinking about how they will feel in my hands. High heels accentuate her killer legs that are just begging for me to touch. I lick my lips, imagining running my fingers up her thighs, slipping my hand into her panties. She’s giving me a semi without even trying.

I’ve never seen her before. Maybe she’s a freshman, considering she’s pledging Kappa. She sticks out with her curvy body and nice plump lips. Her tits practically pop out from the top of her shirt, filling out every inch of the fabric. It doesn’t hurt that she’s the only redhead in her pledge class, which makes it easier to spot her. She also looks the most out of place, as if she doesn’t feel like she belongs with the girls surrounding her.