‘Not this time.’ He neither knew nor cared what the reaction would be in Ishla, he just shoved away the thought that in a few days he was to dine with Princess Sameena and her family, then Sheikha Kumu three days after that.

He simply could not leave Trinity here and neither could he stay, because it would be impossible for him not to make a scene.

If his gaze fell on Clive, Zahid knew, there was no telling what he might do.

‘You will leave with me.’

‘I can’t just walk out now.’ Even if she had been threatening to just a few minutes ago, the reality was she could not simply walk out and leave, but Zahid had decided otherwise.

‘Yes, you can,’ Zahid said. ‘I will sort it all out. You are not staying here to deal with this alone.’ He took her hand and they walked down the stairs and headed to where her parents stood.

‘I know it is not the best timing,’ Zahid said, ‘but I am taking Trinity back to Ishla with me.’

‘Sorry?’ Dianne blinked.

‘I would like to have given you more notice but my return flight has already been arranged.’

So that his eyes would not drift around the room, Zahid stared down Trinity’s father and almost dared him to protest, but no one would argue with Zahid in this mood. He was nothing but polite yet there was such a black energy inside him that in a matter of moments they were heading to the airport, only stopping at the hotel to collect her small suitcase.

‘I only packed for today. All my things are back in America...’

‘You don’t need to bring anything,’ Zahid said.

‘What about work?’

‘We’ll sort that,’ Zahid said, as they neared the airport. ‘Tell me where you work and I will call someone.’

‘The Beach Bar.’ Trinity shook her head. ‘It doesn’t matter, I’m only casual.’

‘I thought...’ Zahid halted and let out a breath. He’d spent weeks making phone calls and trying to find out what library it was that she worked out.

Another lie.

What did he know about her?

Even as they boarded his jet, Zahid was quite sure that any minute she would change her mind.

‘What will your father say?’ Trinity asked.

‘Don’t worry about that now,’ Zahid said. Usually he would let the palace know if he was bringing a guest but in this instance Zahid felt it would be better to speak face to face with his father.

As the plane took to the sky the practicalities of whisking her away were starting to make themselves known. Zahid did think of stopping somewhere en route but there was much for him to do back in Ishla.

He just wanted her away and safe.

She sat beside him and as the plane levelled out in the sky still she said nothing.

‘Do you want something to eat or drink?’ Zahid asked.


‘Do you want to rest?’

‘No,’ Trinity said, but she stood and Zahid watched as she walked towards the sleeping area. Her top was already off. ‘I want you to make today bearable.’

‘Trinity.’ He walked in and watched as she stripped off her black clothes. ‘What you need to understand is that once in Ishla we cannot—’

‘What I need is one pleasant thing to focus on.’

‘Sex won’t make this better.’

‘Oh, I think you could be wrong.’

‘I’m not wrong,’ Zahid said. ‘When did you last sleep?’

Trinity couldn’t answer that. Even thinking up an answer to the most simple question hurt too much right now.

Zahid pulled back the bedding. ‘In.’

‘I’m naked, Zahid.’

‘If that’s a problem for you I can see if the stewardess can find something for you to wear to bed.’

‘It isn’t a problem for me!’ Trinity was so cross that he would not be goaded.

‘Well, it’s no problem for me either. Get some rest,’ Zahid said, closing the door on her and taking a seat. But two minutes later she was out, thankfully wearing a robe and blinking at the bright lights.

‘Can I have a drink?’

‘Do I look like a flight stewardess?’ Zahid said, deliberately turning away. ‘Press the bell by the bed.’

‘I don’t want to press the bell.’

He did not turn round and finally she gave in and went back to bed. He watched as a few moments later the stewardess came and answered her call and returned a few moments later with a tray and a glass of sparkling water.

But trying to keep her in bed was like trying to squeeze a jack-in-the-box back into a box with a broken clasp.

‘There’s a noise.’

She was back again.

‘A rattling noise.’

‘Possibly because we are on a plane,’ Zahid answered. ‘Go to bed.’

‘I can’t sleep,’ Trinity said, but she did as told.

For four minutes and forty-five seconds.

‘Shouldn’t there be a belt—?’

‘I’ll give you a belt,’ Zahid said, standing, and he practically hauled her into the bedroom and threw her onto the bed.

‘A leather one?’ Trinity smiled.

‘A human one.’ He climbed onto the bed but not in it and lay beside her with his arm clamped over her. He turned her round so she was facing away from him but wedged against him.

‘Go to sleep,’ Zahid said.

‘I can’t,’ Trinity said, ‘because if I close my eyes...’ So violent was the shudder that racked her, for a moment Zahid wondered if they had hit turbulence, and so loud were the sobs and tears that came then that the stewardess really had no choice but to knock and pop her head into the dark sanctuary in the sky to check if everything was okay.

‘She’s fine,’ Zahid said as the door opened. And the stewardess nodded and closed it as Trinity wailed.

‘I don’t have tissue.’

‘You have a giant one,’ Zahid said, placing the sheet in her hand. And not once, as she sobbed, did he tell her to stop or that she should calm down. He just held her facing away from him, clamped down by him, so there was nowhere to hide.

‘I gave him money,’ Trinity sobbed. ‘If I hadn’t...’

‘I gave him money too,’ Zahid said. ‘He called me from his honeymoon and said he could not pay the bill. If you want to blame someone, blame me.’

He could take it.

‘I paid for his honeymoon,’ Trinity said. ‘I’ve lived on noodles for a month.’

‘I paid for his honeymoon too, half the wedding party probably paid for his honeymoon,’ Zahid said, and his words honed perspective.

He let her cry and then he let her sleep and he should have left then, Zahid knew. He should have climbed from the bed rather than hold her.

Zahid had not slept much in recent weeks either.

With Trinity resting beside him he finally did sleep but a few hours later the first stirring from her had him awake.

‘I’m cold,’ she moaned to a universe that did not answer.

He pulled the blanket higher on her shoulder then moved her tighter in to his embrace.

‘Sleep,’ Zahid said. They were five hours into their flight and it was already the most sleep that either had had in a while.

‘I’m awake now,’ Trinity said. ‘Sort of,’ she half explained, for she was in that lovely in-between place where things didn’t hurt so much, or was it just that Zahid was beside her?

Zahid was beside her and they were on their way to Ishla!

She struggled to duck back into slumber, to not face the problems that surely awaited. He was still on top of the covers and, from the shirtsleeved arm that was over her, still dressed.

And again she was down to her bra and panties and had been put to bed by Zahid.

‘Did I demand sex?’

‘You did,’ Zahid said, and smiled to the back of her hair. Then he remembered the reason she was there and the terrible thing that had happened to her. ‘Trinity...’

‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ She had heard the shift in his voice. ‘Please.’

‘Okay.’ That she had told him was huge, Zahid knew.

‘Is it going to cause trouble, you bringing me back to Ishla?’ Trinity asked.

‘Not for you,’ Zahid said. ‘But...’ the ramifications of bringing her home at such a delicate time were starting to hit him. ‘It is my birthday in a couple of days...’

‘Will there be a party?’ she nudged.

‘No.’ Zahid smiled. ‘After that there are dinners to help make the wisest choice when I choose my bride.’

‘Choose me,’ Trinity said, and put her hand up in the air as if answering a question in class, and they both laughed. ‘I’ve never heard you laugh,’ Trinity said, as his hand came up to join hers.

‘Neither have I,’ Zahid said, capturing her raised hand and holding it there.

‘Will you serve me without question?’ Zahid said.

‘I won’t.’

He felt the resistance as she tried to pull her arm down and it was a game but a sad one for possibly the only way they could discuss it was to have a little play. ‘Do you promise to remember to do your duty as I serve my country.’

‘I don’t.’

‘And I don’t need to ask if you will obey...’ He released her hand and she moved it down and turned to face him and stared unblinkingly into his eyes.

‘The closer you get,’ Trinity said, ‘the kinder you look.’