“As are you.”

Jazz shook her head. “I’m not. Maybe if I had been, I could have done something.

Gotten away from Paul and saved Viper somehow. I might have been able to do…something. I should have seen the evil in Jeremy earlier. Or if I hadn’t found those damn guns…” She shrugged helplessly.

“Okay, honey, this stops right here and right now.” Cassie’s tears slowed as her face hardened. “You are not responsible for a single thing that happened yesterday. It was a product of a complex hatred between two clubs. Honey, you can’t take it on. You need to let it go. For me. For Viper. Do not waste the life he saved by feeling guilt, regret, and punishing yourself, you hear me?”

Every word squeezed her bruised heart tighter. “Damn, Cassie, you fight dirty,” she said around a sniff. “But I hear you. And I promise you I will live every day of my life to the fullest. Viper’s sacrifice will not be in vain.”

“Oh, honey, I know that. And so did he. You know, after I started chemotherapy and was feeling so awful, we had many long, deep conversations about our lives, our wishes, our hopes, and our plans should one of us end up alone. Every time he left the house for the past three weeks, he hugged me, kissed the hell out of me, and said, ‘I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I’ll love you tomorrow whether you’re here with me or waiting on me among the stars.’” She winked. “Bet you didn’t know he was such a romantic at heart.”

“God, Cassie…” Jazz had cried so many tears over the last day, there shouldn’t have been any left, but still, they poured down her face unchecked. “That is incredible.”

Cassie ran a trembling hand through her silvery hair. “I repeated the words back to him. We, more than most, were aware that life is fragile and can end at any moment. We’ve lived in this world a long time and we knew it often comes with loss.”

Jazz squeezed Cassie’s hand as she nodded. The lump in her throat made it impossible to speak.

“I don’t blame you. I don’t blame the club. I don’t blame anyone but the man who threw that bomb. I had so many wonderful years with Viper. So many moments and memories I will cherish for the rest of my days.”

Jazz leaned in and hugged Cassie. “I love you, Mama V.”

“Oh, sweetie, I love you too. You’re one of my chicks.” She sniffed and kissed Jazz’s temple. “It will take some time,” Cassie whispered. “But I will be okay. I’ve lost Viper, but his love is still here with me and that I cannot lose.”

Jazz tightened her arms. Pain shot through the wound in her chest, but she ignored it.

“Live your life honey. Love those two men. Make every day count.”

“I will. I’ll make you proud. I’ll make Viper proud.”

Cassie huffed next to her ear. “Oh, sweetie, you already have.”

She stayed a bit longer, reminiscing with Cassie and Shell. They shared stories of Viper. He’d been like a father to Shell, so she felt the loss with an extra sharp pang. But like Cassie, she was a strong woman, and she’d come out on the other side even stronger.

Eventually it was time to leave. Monty drove her to the clubhouse where she’d wait for her men to finish their task. The club had Jeremy down in the box. He wouldn’t be walking out, and while Jazz would never consider herself a violent or vengeful person, she couldn’t find it in her to care. After what he did, Jeremy deserved what was coming to him.

As vicious as it was bound to be.

“I CAN DO this all day,” Screw said before slamming his fist into Jeremy’s jaw.


The beaten man’s head whipped to the side on impact, blood spraying from his mouth.

“Did the Chrome Disciples authorize the attack on the diner that nearly killed my woman and did kill a member of my family?”

Jeremy groaned, his head falling forward. A line of blood tinged drool hung from his lower lip. Screw grabbed a handful of his hair, jerking his head up. “Hey,” he said giving a couple of firm taps to Jeremy’s cheek with his palm. “It’s not fucking nap time.”

Jeremy spoke, the words slurred and unintelligible from his swollen mouth.

“What was that? Speak up, don’t think the kids at the back of the class heard you.” He turned Jeremy’s head so the bastard had Copper and Zach in his line of sight. Though he might not be seeing too well with those puffed up eyes.

Copper and Zach stood side by side, their backs resting against the wall and arms crossed in almost a twin stance. Only difference was Zach’s smirk was visible while Copper’s hid beneath his beard.