“Yes, I did,” Holly said simply. She straightened and wiped her eyes. “And if you won’t accept an apology from me, I won’t accept thanks from you. It’s Christmas. Almost a new year. Time for new beginnings.”

LJ smiled. Damn, his woman was something. “I don’t know what your plans are,” he said to Travis, “but my club does Christmas in a pretty big fucking way. You’re welcome to stay here with us and join us for the holiday.”

Holly beamed up at him. “Thank you,” she mouthed before laying her head on his shoulder.

With a nod, Travis lifted his mug in salute. “Thanks for the offer. If you mean it, I think I’ll take you up on a place to crash. Maybe the holiday offer too.”

Holly beamed. It was as though the sun shone straight out through her smile. Clearly, offering their home to Travis had been the right decision.

Yeah, mission accomplished. This was gonna be a great fucking Christmas for his girl.



“You got plans for New Year’s Eve, brother?” Maverick asked Zach as he handed him an uncapped bottle of beer. Been a while since the two of them had time to sit and chill together.

After taking a long drink, Zach looked at him with a scrunched face. “I look like I run our fucking social calendar? You gotta ask Toni that shit, man.”

Mav laughed. “Social calendar? Sounding a little yuppy there, brother.”

“Fuck you.”

“Sweet offer, but Steph’s got me covered.” Mav stretched. His back had cramped up after being in a few interesting positions earlier that morning. Been bothering him off and on all day. Not that the uncomfortable twinges weren’t well worth the mind-blowing way he’d shot his load—twice.

“Jesus,” Zach muttered with a roll of his eyes. “You’re on fucking fire tonight. What’s up with the New Year’s question? You guys having a party or something?”

“Nah. Well, kinda.” Maverick took a moment to revel in the rush of excitement he experienced every time he thought of marrying Stephanie. Fuck, he loved that woman. It was beyond time to lock that shit down and officially tie her to him for life. Make sure all the motherfuckers in his life knew she was well and truly off-limits.

“What’s that mean?” Zach took another pull of his beer. The clubhouse was uncharacteristically quiet. Most of the guys were busy with some kind of holiday obligation.

“Means there’ll be an after-party.”

“This is like pulling fucking teeth, brother, but I’ll play your game. A party after what?” Zach asked in an overly interested voice.

“Party after Steph and I get hitched.” Mav did an internal backflip as he dropped the bomb, waiting for Zach to react.

His best friend didn’t disappoint. Zach froze with the beer bottle halfway to his lips. “Come again?”

“Not sure I could right now. Steph’s already wrung two outta me today.”

“Christ, can you stop thinking about doing your woman for two minutes? Did you just tell me you and Steph are getting married on New Year’s Eve?”

With a nod, Mav lifted his beer as though toasting. “That’s the plan, brother. Asked her a few days ago. At first, she said she wanted to wait until her pops got out of prison, but the old guy flipped his shit when she told him that. He wouldn’t hear of it. If he’s on board, why the fuck else would we wait?” Thank Christ, because the thought of delaying years for Steph’s father to get out of prison sucked ass. He’d do it, of course, but he wanted them married and as soon as possible.

“Son of a fucking bitch,” Zach said as he slapped Maverick on the back. “Congratulations, brother. Man, I’m happy for you guys.” The cheek-splitting grin he wore conveyed the truth of his words.

“Thanks.” Mav took a sip, cleared his throat, and cast his friend a side-eyed look. Zach still had a goofy smile plastered across his face. “Wanted to ask you something.”

“Sure, anything.”

Insecure wasn’t a word often used to describe Mav. Yeah, he was a confident guy. Why not walk through life with a high head and a King Shit attitude? Beat self-doubt and uncertainty any day. Been there, done that shit. But at that moment, when he was about to ask his best friend such a significant question, nerves had Mav’s tongue lying limp in his mouth.

“You good?” Zach asked with a frown.

“Yeah.” Christ, his voice sounded stiff and strangled. “I, uh, was wondering if you’d…uh…”

Zach smiled then and pulled Mav a into spine-snapping hug, slapping is back once again only this time he nearly knocked the breath of Mav. Damn gym owner. “Mav, I’d love to be your best fucking man. I’da kicked your ass to Kentucky if you’d picked someone else.”

Well fuck, now he was gonna go and get all choked up. Instead, he cleared his throat, shoved Zach away, and said, “Christ, you turn into a pussy with stuff like this, don’t you?”