“Oh, Dane,” she said, enjoying the feel of his silky kisses on her skin. Her sex pulsed hard at his touch. The scent of his freshly washed skin turned her on.

He couldn’t get enough of me?

He liked the way I tasted?

Olivia could not believe Dane’s revelation as to how he felt about her body. Jack had never made her feel that way. Not that she’d done the things with Jack she’d done with Dane.

Dane moved his lips to her cheek, then to her earlobe. Oh, the sensitivity of his flesh on her skin made her crazy. “Oh,” she moaned in her throat.

“Olivia, I want you so badly,” he murmured, as his incredible lips slid down the side of her neck.

Dane guided Olivia down by the bed, lowering her down on top of the burgundy silk bedspread.

She arched her neck back as he pleasured her flesh with his tongue on her skin, swirling around to the point she felt as if she would come. “I just don’t want you to regret this,” he continued.

“Oh, Dane,” she groaned with pleasure. “I want this. I…won’t…re…gret.” Olivia breathed heavily as she moaned between hot, wet kisses. She was filled with deep erotic satisfaction as he removed her towel, exposing her nakedness, massaging her flesh with his soft hands. He slid his hands over her breasts but not over her taut nipples, not just yet, causing her sex to pulse with want.

The feel of his hands around her hot zones left her begging for him even more. He didn’t go for her hard aching nipples just yet, he was teasing her and it was driving her deliciously insane.

“You have the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen,” he confessed in a low moan, as he finally slid his hand over the tip of her nipple, stroking it gently as her inner thighs pulsed with fury. He then lowered his lips over to her other nipple, sucking and then flicking his tongue gently over her sensitive flesh as she dug her fingers into the hardness of the muscles on the back of his shoulders, arching her back on the silky bedspread.

“Mmm,” she groaned, uncontrollably, breathing hard.

Dane moved down lower on her, kissing the dimple of her belly button, swirling his hot, wet tongue over her belly. Where did he learn to work his tongue magic like that? The sensation sent waves of heat washing through her body. All this time, his warm body over hers. The heat of expectancy filled her as her inner thighs throbbed and moistened with anticipation as he moved slower down on her, taking his time with her, admiring her body.

Olivia enjoyed the low groans of approval from his lips as he slid his mouth over her soft pubic hairs.

Then a wicked grin curled his beautiful lips when he gazed intently in her eyes, making eye contact in such an intimate way. God, she was so turned on.

She gasped with sweet surprise as he kissed her softly in her intimate spot, watching her lovingly—as if wanting to savor the expression on her face and the look in her dreamy eyes when she came.

The feel of his mouth there felt so good she held firmly onto his head as he sucked and swirled his tongue over her heat, sliding his moist tongue between the sensuous swell of her moist folds. Breathing heavily, desire washed through her as he French kissed her heat, thrusting his tongue inside her walls. She gasped with pleasure, breathing faster and faster until she spasmed uncontrollably, coming hard and fast. Her muscles tightened as Dane continued to flick his tongue between her legs.

“Oh, God,” she cried out in ecstasy, until her body relaxed again, her legs felt weak in a good way. Twice in one night, Dane had pleasured her out of her mind with his soft, hot tongue in such an intimate way that she never could have imagined. Her body had never been more sweetly stimulated as it was this night under the heat of Dane’s passionate touch.

Seductively, Dane slithered up on her, pressing his lips first to the sensitive part of her neck, then kissing the hollow of her throat. He moved his lips to hers and gently kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his firm waist. She could taste the love juices on his soft lips.

“Oh, Dane, I want you.”

“I want you, too, baby,” he murmured. “God, you’re amazing, Olivia.” Dane stroked her earlobe with his finger. How did he know exactly where to touch her so sensitively?

“I want you now. I want to taste you, too,” she declared.

A rush of hungry desire spiralled through Olivia. She was eager to pleasure Dane back.

She reached her hand down to his erection, straining through his pajama pants.

“Oh, Dane!”

Dane shifted position and moved over to his back, exposing his tented pants.

“My turn,” she whispered in a low, husky voice that surprised even herself, a naughty grin curling her lips. She repositioned herself and pulled down his silk pajama bottoms and exposed his enormous erection.

Her eyes widened with pleasure at the sight of Dane’s massive arousal. She was thrilled that she had that kind of effect on the man who’d done so much for her over the past few weeks, the man who was there for her during her most difficult time.

Olivia was pleasantly surprised by his impressive length and couldn’t wait to take him in between her lips to please him the way he’d pleased her so intimately with love and gentle care, making her feel so treasured.

Olivia caressed the length of Dane’s throbbing erection, enjoying the low groans of pleasure escaping his lips. Carefully, sliding her hand up and down his hardness, she lowered her lips, wanting to take her time and wanting him to enjoy her feel. She extended her tongue over his tip.

“Oh, God, Olivia,” he moaned with delight to her satisfaction. She swirled her tongue over him, then moved down strategically on his shaft. He intertwined his fingers with her hair, breathing hard and fast as she moved up and down, savoring his heat. He tasted like a mixture of fresh soap and masculine musk. This was the moment she’d fantasized about from the time she first laid eyes on him a few weeks ago when he’d rescued her from what could have been the worst day of her life.

As she sucked on his hard erection, something bold exploded inside her. Feeling more empowered and brave, she looked up into his eyes, wanting to take their intimacy to another level. Olivia wanted to see the pleasure on his face, to experience his dreamlike gaze as their eyes locked in such intense intimacy. She saw love in his eyes, watching him breath heavier and faster. She gently stroked him up and down as she savored him, until she could feel his hotness explode. He came hard, muscles contracting as his release spilled over her skin.

“God, you’re amazing,” Dane said in a hoarse voice, his chest heaving. “I loved what you did, looking into my eyes like that.”

Olivia climbed atop Dane. “I wanted to return the favor,” she said, smiling sweetly.

“I can’t get over what you do to me, Olivia.” They changed positions on the bed. He repositioned himself over her. “I want to take you all the way, Olivia.”

“I want this badly, Dane. I want you inside me, now,” she groaned. “You have a condom, right?”

“Course, I have a condom.”

“Good! I really don’t think I would want to wait any longer for us to go further,” she purred with pleasure.

Dane took out a silver square foil packet to her delight. He ripped it open and rolled the latex condom over his hard, long manhood.

Olivia was pleasantly stunned at Dane’s stamina. She couldn’t believe he’d gotten hard again so fast. He’d whispered how much she turned him on more than any other woman he’d ever been with.

Dane looked into her eyes. “I want you to know how much I care about you, Olivia.” He stroked her chin, causing a spark of electricity to jolt through her. He brought his soft lips to hers again and kissed her passionately, sliding his tongue first around her lips then in between her moist softness. His warm, hard body covered hers as he laid her down again kissing her tenderly. The heat of expectancy filled her as her inner thighs throbbed, moisture settling between her legs as he slid himself inside her folds.

She gasped with delight as Dane pleasured her hard and fast, thrusting his manhood deep inside her, back and forth. Olivia enjoyed the erotic pleasure of his hardness filling her completely as she tightened herself around his shaft, moaning softly.

While making love to her, Dane reclaimed her lips, bringing her pleasure throughout her body.

Olivia trembled with desire and want, his body was hard and warm on hers. He continued to thrust until she came with a rush of heat, crying out his name, her body convulsing on the bed.

Soon after, he came spasmodically, groaning with carnal pleasure while jolts of electricity pulsed through her.

The pleasure was pure and explosive. Ecstasy continued to ricochet through her body.

In the aftermath of their lovemaking, Olivia lay on top of Dane’s muscular chest, feeling as if she were in heaven. Feeling as if she were his bride for a day, all over again. Wishing she was his bride forever.

She could hear his heartbeat throb against her ear while she laid her head on his firm chest. Dane hugged his strong arms around her and she was consumed in his warm energy.

In the night, she curled into the curve of Dane’s hot, muscular body, feeling safe and warm and loved for the first time in as long as she could remember. She didn’t want it all to end. She was in a dream. A beautiful dream and she didn’t want to wake up to reality. Not just yet.