“Oh, oh, Dane,” she cried out as she came hard and fast, while his mouth kissed her sex. Breathing erratically, Olivia’s body became flimsy, her legs weak. Dane then got up and held her. He hugged her, kissing her passionately.

“You really turn me on, Olivia. You’re so beautiful.” He growled, kissing her shoulder blade then moving his lips to her neck. She leaned back into him, feeling his solid erection from behind.

She turned to face him, and they kissed each other passionately, like long-lost lovers. She couldn’t wait to pleasure Dane the way he’d pleasured her so incredibly well. Her body was still buzzing; she didn’t think she could ever come down from her erotic high.

She wanted so badly to cover his erection with her mouth. She wanted to taste Dane’s sex.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

Dane pulled himself away from Olivia again, leaving her breathless.

“Who could it be?” she said, still panting. She felt as if her head was spinning out of control.

“It’s probably JoJo.” Dane said, straightening his clothes. “Just a minute,” he called out to the door. A satisfied grin curved his lips, looking at Olivia’s body. “There’s a washroom right there behind that door.” He directed her to the door nearest the bookshelf.

How very convenient. An en suite washroom in an office. She guessed the office used to be a spare bedroom back in the early day.

Olivia grabbed her clothes and hurried into the washroom to clean herself off and put her clothes back on. She hadn’t done anything as naughty as that in her life. A sexy tryst in an office. Even if it were an office built inside a mansion.

Dane opened the door to his den office. JoJo stood there in the doorway.

“I hope I haven’t interrupted anything,” JoJo said in his brusque voice.

“No, you haven’t, JoJo. It’s okay. Anything new?”

“Yes, sir.”

The men went out in the corridor for a few moments and Dane returned alone.

“Listen, we shouldn’t have done what we did, Olivia. It was a bad idea,” Dane said.

Disappointment sank Olivia’s spirit. What if JoJo hadn’t interrupted them? “But I told you, I’m okay with it.”

“I know you said that,” Dane said professionally. “But you might regret it later.”

“But I want you, Dane.”

“God, Olivia, I want you, too,” he said, his voice sounding more hoarse again. “But…we need to think about the consequences.”

Olivia was gutted. Her body was still ablaze from his awesome touch. She folded her arms across her chest and changed the subject.

“What did JoJo say?” Olivia murmured.

“He’s got some leads on work he’s doing for my…father.”

“Your father needs a detective, too?”

“He’s trying to find out if there are any heirs he’s not aware of, but that’s another story.”

“I see.”

“JoJo does have his men on your case, though. But he himself is not actively surveillancing anymore. He still does the occasional bit of private detective work for my dad and his other long-time clients, but he’s busy with his new security system business and can’t take on any more big jobs at the moment. And Jack’s case is getting more complex so that’s why he’s turned over some of the PI work.”


“Yeah. There are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding…Jack’s passing.

“Let’s just call it a night. I’ll see you up to your room.”

Olivia was stunned. Call it a night? But the night hadn’t even begun and her body was still fired up in a frenzy from Dane’s touch. How could he want them not to continue the heated passion between them? She could see that his arousal was not as hard through his pants. Was she that much of a turn-off? Olivia thought Dane had felt the same way about her.

“Why are you doing this, Dane?” She wanted to say “don’t you want me, too?” but the last thing she wanted was to sound desperate. Even if she was desperate for him to take her right there in the office in the middle of the night. She was going to ask if he had a condom because she wanted to go all the way, but first she wanted to take him with her lips, just as he’d done for her.

Dane stroked her chin with his finger and Olivia shivered with delight.

“Because, now is not the time,” he said softly.

“When will be the time?”

“Not now.”

“Dane, you’re driving me crazy. I hate you.”

“Funny, that’s not what you said a moment ago.” His boyish grin almost got the best of her.

She heaved a sigh.

“We have to meet with the detectives soon, Olivia. They’re going to want a lot of information from you…and you need to be able to think straight.”

“What does that have to do with us being together…tonight?” Oh, God, I sound desperate.

“Because when I’m done pleasuring your body, there’s a good chance you won’t be able to think straight in the morning,” he said with a knowing grin, his words toppling off his tongue like silk. “I can’t have you fumbling for information now, can I?”

Olivia swallowed hard, resisting the urge to lick her lips. All sorts of wild erotic fantasies with Dane and her being naked, entangled in silky sheets, making love like passion-starved animals slid into her mind. Her heart galloped in her chest. One night with Dane and she wouldn’t be able to think straight?

Truth was, right now, she couldn’t think straight and they hadn’t even finished what they started…

Chapter 15

It was already late in the evening, and Olivia didn’t know if she was more disappointed with herself or with Dane. She turned off the gold-plated shower faucet in the marble stall of her bathroom guest suite. She thought a cold shower would cool down her body a bit from her heated contact with Dane earlier.

Didn’t help much.

She looked in the mirror. Her dripping ebony hair hung down. She reached for a towel and dried her body then her hair, still feeling the silky touch of Dane’s skin on hers from earlier. Her inner thighs throbbed again at the sweet memory of his lips in her most intimate areas. What had she been missing out on? She’d never felt this way before with Jack. She could not believe how desired Dane made her feel.

She wrapped the white towel around her midsection and went into the bedroom blow-drying her damp tendrils as she sat on the edge of the bed.

When she was done, she switched off the dryer after finishing her hair and almost jumped out of her skin.

Dane was standing at the door, looking incredibly hot and sexy as he had earlier in his office downstairs.

“Dane, you startled me,” she said, amusement in her tone. Part of her was thrilled he was in her room.

“I’m sorry,” he said in a deep, silky voice. He closed the door behind him and walked in, clad only in royal-blue silk pajama bottoms. His biceps were finely sculpted. When had he changed for bed?

Olivia’s heart pounded. She couldn’t breathe.

“I knocked, but I didn’t get an answer,” Dane continued. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“You must have heard the blow dryer,” she answered. “Don’t tell me you thought I was blow drying myself to death in here.”

Dane chuckled. His cute dimple on his cheek made him adorable as hell. “You’re very funny, you know that?”

“And so are you, Dane. Not the laughing kind, either.”


“You deserve that.”

“I do?”

“Yes. For leaving me high and dry down there in your office.” Down there was right. God, did she ever love the feel of his lips on her flesh “down there.” Olivia couldn’t believe the naughty thoughts she was having about her romantic rendezvous with Dane. This was so unlike her. She was usually the Miss-Play-It-Safe-Boring type. But Dane made her feel more adventurous, daring, alive.

“You’re right, I deserve that,” he said in a low murmur, his sexy azure eyes penetrating her.

She hugged herself, the towel still around her body. She got up and walked over to the dresser. She was going to reach for a robe to put on but changed her mind, quickly. She didn’t have to cover up anything around Dane, he’d already seen her very intimately. All of her.

“You’re changed for bed early. I thought you’d still be working in your office.”

“I was. But I went to take a cold shower, thought I’d turn in earlier for a change.”

“A cold shower?” Olivia turned around surprised.

Dane walked over to where she stood and the heat of his gaze melted her defenses. “Yeah, I thought I could cool myself down after our…meeting, but nothing can cool the way I feel about you, Olivia. Actually, I’ve taken a lot of cold showers since meeting you.”

“You have?” Again, Olivia was caught by surprise.

“Yes. That night we kissed under the mistletoe did my head in. I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I kept telling myself we could never be together, but my body’s been telling me different.”

“Dane, I…I don’t know what to say. I feel the same way.”

Dane lifted her chin with his finger and Olivia trembled with the heat of desire for him. He brushed his soft lips to hers again and she felt waves of desire sweep through her body. “God, Olivia,” he breathed, his voice hoarse and unrecognizable. “You have no idea what you do to me, girl. Tasting you the way I did downstairs drove me insane. You taste as amazing as you look! I couldn’t get enough of you.”