Olivia breathed in a sigh, taking in the fresh lakeside air. “I really appreciate all of this, Dane.” She gave him a brief embrace

“You look sad,” he observed.

She gazed out into the water as they walked. “I am sad. Here you are, pretty much a stranger and you’ve put out so much for me. You know, Jack never gave much thought as you do right now about my well-being. If he did, he never made me feel that way.”

“Sorry to hear that. Sounds like you really had a tough time. A pretty girl like you deserves to feel protected and cared for—all the time,” Dane said. His silky, deep voice warmed her heart and touched her soul. She could tell he was dead serious.

God, I wish you were mine. Her sister was right. Why couldn’t she have hooked up with a sweet guy like Dane? How on earth did she end up with Jack? Sure, they got along when they first met, but it was nothing like the spark she felt with Dane. And Jack sure as hell didn’t seem too bothered with her whenever she worked late hours and came home late at night. He was too busy in his other life apparently. It was so strange feeling this way around Dane. Knowing what it was like to have a man fuss over her the way Dane did.

“Kind of chilly! Do you usually walk along the beach this time of the year?” she asked, changing the subject. She was beginning to feel like such a loser for having chosen someone in the past who clearly wasn’t that into her as she’d thought. Spending some time with Dane made her realize what she’d been missing in her relationship with Jack. And they hadn’t even known each other long—yet it didn’t seem that way. She felt as if she’d known Dane all her life. God, they’d been through heaven and hell in the past two days and knew so much about each other—though she really wanted to know much more about him.

“Never get tired of it. It’s where I get a lot of thinking done.”


“Business stuff. Whatever I’m working on. I work in the city so being out here near to nature is therapeutic. I usually sit up there on that boulder and watch the waves, listening to the sound of the water.”

“Sounds dreamy. I could get a lot of work done here, too.”

“You mean writing poems?” He arched a brow, looking sexier by the minute.

“Yes.” Olivia grinned sheepishly. She’d told him over breakfast how much she enjoyed writing poetry. She even shared some with him by rote after he’d encouraged her. He was so enthusiastic and listened attentively to her—making her feel extra special. Jack never really had the time to listen to her literary gifts. Not that he really cared much. If he wasn’t watching a game—and now she knew he was probably betting on the games, too—then he’d be on his phone, doing whatever business he was doing. No wonder she ended up doing a lot of his studying. Funny, when you think you’re in love, you overlook the obvious indiscretions. There were so many signs Jack was all wrong for her but she didn’t see them soon enough. Of course, Jack was not like that in the earlier days, but Olivia thought it was the stress of school that got him all up on edge. Now with hindsight—which was always twenty-twenty, she knew better.

“While you’re here, why don’t you try it? Come on out and sit on the chairs on the deck. It’s safe out here. The place is secure. We own the land in this area.”

“Must be very nice.”

“To sit out on the deck chairs?” He grinned.

“To own all of this. I mean, you have your own little paradise. A private beach and everything. You can come out here all year. Must be nice.”

“It’s okay.” Dane wanted to say it’s not half as nice as you are but he resisted the urge.

Darn his body’s reaction to Olivia! He was already getting hard just walking beside her on the beach—and it had nothing to do with the nippy weather.

She was breathtaking—like no other woman he’d ever met in his life, and he’d seen gorgeous before. She looked stunning with her hair rustling in the wind, her pretty facial features highlighted in the midmorning sun. He wanted more than anything to slide his tongue between her parted lips again as he’d done two days ago.

Don’t even go there, Dane. She’s on the rebound, remember? Just like Sophie was.

If only Olivia knew how much Dane wrestled with his emotions around her. Damn! No other woman had struck him so hard like Olivia. Not even Sophie—whom at the time he’d thought was a good fit for him. There was just something about Olivia that really resonated with him.

“You know, I’ve always dreamed of having a waterfront condo but I knew I could never afford it on my salary.”

“Really now?”

“Yes. I would come in after work, take a nice long bath in my soaker tub. Not like the shallow pan we had in our last apartment. Then I would relax on the glass balcony overlooking a picturesque view of the waterfront, with my favorite drink, perusing my e-reader as the sun set. Enjoying the air and the view of the ocean or lake or whatever waterfront property I could snag.”

“Sounds good.”

“Thanks. One day, I’ll be able to have it all. But I don’t want to bore you…”

“Oh, I could never get bored with you,” Dane said, before realizing he was getting all warmed up to her again. Keep it professional, Dane.

Oh, hell! He never should have kissed her under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve. Then he wouldn’t have missed the sweet taste of her lips—he wouldn’t have known how soft and delicious they tasted. He’d never tasted a woman as good as Olivia. He had to fight all the urges in his body so as to not entwine his lips with hers again. Something he’d been dying to do again and again since that night.

But he knew better. It could only lead to heartbreak down the road. Neither of them was in a position to be in a relationship right now.

All he could do was think about what type of thugs or goons could have wanted to track this beautiful woman down after her ex-fiancé died and left God knew how much unpaid debt. He knew about guys like that from the underworld. They would tell their borrowers they knew where their children went to school or where their spouse worked. The creeps were deadly and unpredictable. Luckily, JoJo was on the case.

Dane was just glad this pretty young thing was in a safe place where he could keep an eye on her. Until they found and caught the perpetrators.

“You will stay here, won’t you?” Dane said. He hoped he didn’t come off as too demanding. It was more of a statement than a request. From his earlier discussion with JoJo, Dane knew she was in deeper trouble than she could imagine. These guys often came after widows and those the debtors left behind thinking they had the money. They’d stop at nothing to squeeze whatever they could get out of those still living—even if Jack broke off with Olivia. Dane wasn’t about to take chances. And he didn’t want her to get too worried by telling her his hunches.

“Well, I guess I have no choice. I can’t afford the apartment Jack and I leased for the new year, so I’m going to scout a one-bedroom closer to work.”

“I see. If you need any help, let me know. We’re good friends with the Romero family.”

“Oh, you mean Toni Romero, that real estate mogul? I don’t think I could afford to live in one of those condos.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Dane, I have to worry about it. I’m an independent woman who likes to pay my own way, despite how it might look right now. I really appreciate all you’ve done for me but…” she drew in a deep breath.

“Don’t explain further, Olivia. I totally understand. And trust me, I like independent women.” Well, she was certainly a breath of fresh air. Most women would have jumped at the chance to have a paid-for luxury condo. But not Olivia. She was really different. Dane’s body reacted to her sweet and honest response. Everything about her turned him on. He’d come out here on the shoreline to clear his mind, but things were beginning to get all fogged up in his head now. He was torn by his feelings towards Olivia. Kismet. That’s what his father had said, wasn’t it? That you just know from day one. Well, it was too early for that anyway.

She’s different, son. His father’s words echoed in his mind, but Dane tried to drown out those thoughts. She was on the rebound, like Sophie was. Olivia was off limits in his books.

“Listen, why don’t you relax this week, while we check out what’s going on with those texts messages you’ve been getting. You have access to everything here.”

“Thanks, Dane. I really hope I’m not intruding.”

“Trust me. You’re not. You can start looking for a new apartment next year. But we have a big celebration happening on New Year’s Eve. It’s our annual New Year’s party. The ballroom will be open to guests but if you want you can see a private view of the fireworks from your balcony.”

“Wow, that sounds great.”

“You didn’t have plans, did you? Your family’s welcome to come.”

“Thanks but I think they’ve already made plans at my aunt’s house. I was supposed to be at the hotel with-”

“Oh, right. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’s nice to know I won’t be spending it alone after all.”