“Dad?” Cole blurted out.
“Sorry to embarrass you guys. But I’m very serious about my challenge. I would like to see you not working twenty-four hours around the clock so you can find time to spend with that significant other. I’d like to see it while I’m around and if it means I have to mention it in front of our friends and family…” he shrugged, an innocent expression on his face. “So be it.”
Many of the guests laughed and Cole, Leo and Chase had sheepish grins on their faces.
“Fine, Dad. We’ll try. But it’s not easy…you need to take care of yourself,” Leo added.
“I’m fine. Folks, that’s why I’m so happy today even though I’ve been given limited time,” he drew in a deep breath. “I’ve seen the most beautiful sunsets in the world, lived in palaces, made a lot of money, given away a lot of money, did what I enjoyed doing in life, carrying on the family business in a respectable industry, hospitality, and…I’ve enjoyed love in my life. I wish I still had my wives around. One at a time of course,” he chuckled. “But, I’m very happy. Could you imagine doing all of the above without love?”
“That’s true,” Brandon agreed.
“Well, this party is about appreciation of those you love and thank you, sons. But it’s also about my appreciation of all of you being here and I want you to appreciate each other as you’ve been doing. You only live once. Live it well, very well, the first time.”
A round of applause erupted from the guests. Chase had to hand it to his old man. He was a man of many words. Now that it’s all out in the open, everyone was looking at Chase to fill his old man’s heirloom bucket with a boutonniere. Great. Obviously this only added more pressure.
“Are you ready for your mission, Chase? Or should I say, Chad?” Brandon grinned at Chase.
“You better believe it.”
Chapter 2
One week later…
Abbi Lopez scanned the ad in front of her as she sat in her car. Wanted: Assistant Housekeeper (Part-time and Full-time). Report to: Executive Housekeeper…To contribute to guest comfort and ensure the daily cleaning and tidying of all the Lodge bedrooms and guest cabins. To also monitor the operation efficiency of the linen service.
She was there from the agency for a trial period but she really hoped and prayed that she could actually apply for the job permanently in a full-time capacity. Did she have all the qualifications? God knew she really needed a change of pace in her life. She’d been through a lot as it stood.
The Belmont Valley Ranch & Spa was one of the finest in the country. It was fairly new. They’d taken over another facility and converted it recently. Abbi went over the list of responsibilities.... To ensure that all guests’ laundry and dry cleaning is processed in accordance with hotel procedures, and documentation completed for hotel audit procedures. To record and report all faults and damage arising to the Maintenance Department and to record, report and process lost property according to hotel procedures…
Sure, that would be no trouble at all. Abbi always kept her journal with her and wrote down everything, long before she got into the business of housekeeping. She was the ultimate diarist.
This seemed like the perfect change for her. Some physical work where she could also plan her next strategy and really shake her ex off her tail. Her ex-fiancé, Eduardo, was nothing more than a creep with a capital C. He’d been stringing Abbi along this whole time. She’d moved back to Canada from the States and decided to make a new life for herself, especially after what he’d done to her. She ran her fingers down the ad again… Attention to detail: working carefully within the minimum time. Boy, did she ever wish she paid attention to detail when she’d met Eduardo. How could she have not seen the signs? Love was blind, wasn’t it? Or at least she thought she was in love with him. That two-timing…
Eduardo was a rich dude Abbi met while working at a hotel in housekeeping. The man promised her the world and tried to sweep her off her tired, aching feet. Then she’d found out the guy was a slime ball. As slimy as they came. He tried to practically buy her out. And he’d been living with someone else too. Eduardo had lived a double life and lied to Abbi about everything. I will not think about that now. The past is the past. It’s dead and gone.
She perused the rest of the ad… Team working…The ability to take the initiative…Fluency in a second language would be an advantage…
She was fluent in Spanish and French so she’d put that in on the application when the time came for a full-time position.
God, please let me get this full-time position after this two-month temporary contract.
Abbi got out of the car and closed the door, taking in the clean mountain air. This would be the perfect place to work and retire. The scenic surroundings were breathtaking alone. Later down the road, she could go back to school and do a master’s degree in business. She’d always dreamed of opening her own bed and breakfast or maybe a spa for working moms and dads but the funds weren’t there. She also had to take care of her younger sister Louisa and make sure she finished college, too.
Speaking of which, her cell phone buzzed. It was her sister.
“Yes, Louisa?” Abbi said, as she hurried up on the hill towards the main guest house.
“Just called to wish you good luck.”
“Aww, thank you, sis. And how much do you need?” she asked, lovingly yet with a matter-of-fact tone. She grinned and rolled her eyes. Abbi knew her sister very well.
“What?” Louisa said playfully, feigning surprise. “I’m insulted. Can’t your little sister call you to wish you good luck on your first long assignment in a while, without you always thinking I need money?”
“Eres una mentirosa. I know you too well, my darling sis,” Abbi teased Louisa. “Your calls always seem to come with a price tag these days.”
“What? Not fair.” Louisa playfully scowled.
“Okay, sorry, sis,” Abbi sighed. “You’re right, thank you for calling me to simply wish me luck on my first day. It’s been a while and this place is super nice. I like it already.” Abbi continued walking towards the cottage main area. “I love being close to nature. I think it’s the perfect job for what I need.”
“Good. So glad. Hope you get a permanent job out of that temp one. You always said you wanted to be closer to nature.”
“Thanks, Louisa,” she said, sounding slightly breathless as she hurried up the steep stone steps on the hill. The main guest house was situated up on a hillside. Abbi caught the breathtaking scenery and took a whiff of the clean country air. “How are your classes coming along?”
“Cool,” Louisa said. “Hey, you sound like you’re running a race or sprinting to the finish line. Why are you out of breath?”
“The main guest house is sort of on a hill. I parked the rental at the bottom. Good exercise.”
“Ah, right. Well, anyway, you know these pre-law classes are quite intriguing.”
“Good to hear. Just study hard.”
There was a brief pause on the phone. “It’ll be a cinch to study hard, sis, especially if I had a bit of funds to…”
“Mios Dios, Louisa!”
“Sorry, sis. But, you know how it is. The girls all went to the mall to get the new DS. I didn’t want to be the only one who couldn’t afford one. So…well, I ran out of money.”
Abbi animatedly shook her head. “Fine. I’ll wire you some more funds. But please be careful of the spending, Louisa. It’s not what you have in life that matters, it’s what you are inside. Just study well so you can have all the stuff you want one day. These friends of yours probably have big trust funds, which you don’t.”
“All right. All right, sis. Have fun on the job.”
“Hmm-mmm.” Abbi hung up the phone. She was so focused on her call that she didn’t see the pail in her way as she reached the top. Nor did she see the sign that read “caution.”
Abbi bumped into the pail then stepped backward but didn’t realize how close she was to the top of the steps. She stumbled and tried to prevent herself from falling.
Oh, no.
Flailing her hands about, she was going to fall backwards and break some essential part of her body. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. She felt her heart pounding very hard and fierce in her chest. She felt as if her ribs were about to explode. Abbi saw her life flash before her. Terror gripped her like it had never done before. She was going to die … she just knew it.
Just then she felt strong arms grab hold of her and yank her back to the top of the step. “You okay, miss?” The deep, sexy voice penetrated her mind. The sweet scent of his cologne had a calming effect on her.
“Huh?” she uttered, obviously dazed.
Like an angel appearing out of a shining aura of light, he was at her side. This all seemed so surreal. She’d been this close to what could have been a fatal accident. The tall, dark and handsome stranger caught her fall. Good Lord. He saved her life!
“Ay Mios Dios,” she said, still out of breath. “Mil gracias. Th-thank you, I…don’t know what happened…” Abbi’s heart was pounding hard. She felt her chest squeeze.