Lee appeared in the frame. When he saw her, he rushed to her side. “Maya!”

“Please.” She lifted a hand. “I need time alone.”

He hesitated. “Should I call Tim?”

She couldn’t live like this, dependent on Tim. She’d sworn she’d never need anyone.

She took a deep breath. “I’m fine. Just give me a moment, okay? I’ve just had some bad news.”

“I know,” he said softly. “Tim told us. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. Are you sure—”

“Yes. I need to be alone right now.”

“Call me if you need me.” He hovered for another second before walking away.

She pushed to her feet and wiped her face on her sleeve. She needed to get her act together, dammit. She had a job to do.

For two long days, Tim successfully avoided Maya. He stayed at his office with Frida until late, always leaving Maya with either Lee or Cesar. Maya used the time to plant bugs, but without getting back to her equipment at the dive center, she couldn’t monitor Tim’s conversations. He always had his laptop and phone with him, and when he didn’t, they were locked away in the safe, out of her reach. She got through the time by focusing on her purpose for being there. She was helping Cain save the world from Godfrey’s evil intentions. When she couldn’t bear to be alone with her thoughts, she jogged long distances, Cesar or Lee always a step behind.

The need would kick in soon. She could feel it. There was a slight shaking in her hands, and she felt weaker. However, this time it took longer, granting her another day without the onset of the uncomfortable symptoms. The shipment was leaving in two days. She’d get her kick from Tim tomorrow, and then escape to Puerto Viejo to finish the job. One more boat to sink, and then she’d have to tell Cain to pull her in. Maybe Eve, the team doctor, could find a cure. If not, she was on her way to hell. She hoped Darren was there to keep her company.

It was late evening when the headlights of Tim’s car shone in the driveway. Her heart ached knowing he wouldn’t come to her. He was waiting for her apology, waiting for her to tell him things she couldn’t. She still slept in his room, but he didn’t join her. Where he spent his nights, she didn’t know. It thus came as a surprise when he opened the door and stepped into his room.

Dressed in his office suit, he looked as handsome as ever. He studied her from the frame, his face dark.

“I came to fulfill my duty,” he said stiffly.

She raised an eyebrow. “What duty would that be?”

He slammed the door so hard it nearly came off the hinges. “Stop playing games.”

“If you’re referring to your duty to keep me alive, I think I’ll last until tomorrow.”

“Dammit, Maya.” He crossed the floor and jerked her to him. “Do you think I can’t smell your weakness? Why is it so hard for you to admit that you need me?”

She smacked her palms on his chest. “Because I hate needing someone!”

His face softened. “Well, that’s a step in the right direction. That’s the most honest you’ve ever been with me.”

“What the hell do you want from me?”

“I wouldn’t have pushed you so hard if I didn’t know you cared. You have feelings for me, Maya. I know you do.”

“What happened to all your sweet promises of giving me all the time in the world?”

He watched her silently, emotions washing over his face. She tried to shove him away, but he only tightened his arms around her.

“Answer me, Tim!”

“I’m scared that you’ll die,” he finally said. “Petrified. Because I can’t be without you. I don’t have the luxury of time to fight for your love any longer.”

His honesty took her aback. “The doctor said I’d be fine as long as you bite me,” she said, perplexed.

His gaze drilled into hers. “What if the next time, it’s not enough?”

“What if we just take it day by day, breath by breath?”

“I don’t want just one more day. I want forever.” He scrutinized her, studying her face. “You’re trembling. Your skin is pale. We waited too long.”

There was none of the gentleness he reserved for Adel when he dipped her body. His arms held her in a vise, keeping her from struggling while he kissed and licked his mark. There was no massaging her shoulders or leading her to the bed. No intoxicating kisses on her lips or his cool hand on her heart. His teeth sank into her even as she cried out her disappointment. She wanted his hands, his lips, and his skin on her. Her breathing became labored as her arousal quickened her heart. It was more than a physical reaction. She wanted his comfort, his reassurance, but most of all the warmth of his heart.