“Oh my God, Tim. I’m so sorry.”

He tugged on her hand, and they started walking again. “I’ve been looking for that face and voice ever since. I followed the trails of powerful vampires around the world, making it my business to penetrate their innermost circles. I was in Sweden when I heard about the Mexican arms syndicate and that a vampire from Mozambique needed a business partner. As soon as I heard Ilano’s voice, I swore it was him, but I had to be sure, so I took the position.

“When I saw his face, I knew. I was on the verge of destroying him, but everything went to hell when he focused on you. My life’s mission was to blow open his operation, expose his associates, and kill him. I swore to avenge my parents by paying their killer back in kind.”

Empathy filled her eyes. “Did you get your absolution from killing Ilano?”

“When I confronted him in his bunker before he tried to get away, I could see the truth in his eyes. Even as he laughed and told me how much he enjoyed killing them, I could see the pain of having killed the only woman he ever loved. I could see the hurt I caused him with my betrayal and the agony he felt, knowing I really was his son and he was going to die by my hand.”

Her sensual voice washed over his senses. “Did he repent?”

“He didn’t regret what he’d done.”

“So you killed him.”

“It was justice.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I tried to protect you. I knew it was better to stay away from you until the ugly business with Ilano was settled, but I couldn’t let you slip through my fingers.”

“The arms … innocent people died.”

“For every gun that was sent to Zimbabwe, two were retrieved by the peace corps I sent in. I was always going to destroy the syndicate. Looks like your team did most of my work for me.”

“And Frida? Cesar and Lee?”

“Cesar and Lee were always on standby. They knew my plan when I left for Ilano’s island to find you. Lee knew to come for me. If I couldn’t free you myself, he would’ve gotten us out. We had it all worked out, our own small war ready to go. As for Frida, I sent her home where it’s safer for her.”

“Where’s that? Where is home?”

“For her, it’s Sweden. She’s tired of all of this. I think she wants to start fresh, with a less jaded boss.”

“And for you?”

“I don’t know, Maya. I was hoping you’d tell me.”

She paused, the water washing around her feet. She was so beautiful it hurt to look at her. Even more gorgeous was the soul that made her the woman she was. She was soft and fierce and loving and dangerous, all rolled into one. Exactly his type. His woman.

When she bit her lip, he had an overwhelming desire to do the same.

“You honestly think we still have a chance?” she asked.

His heart squeezed painfully at that statement. If she said no, his life would be meaningless. “I told you, you’re mine,” he said as gently as he could. “I don’t take that kind of vow lightly.”

“Does that mean I’m forgiven?”

“We both kept secrets from each other. I’m sorry I didn’t come clean with you, and I’m sorry you were forced to lie to me, but I’m not sorry that I met you or for how you walked into my life. We can start over, make a new beginning. In that basement, for a moment, I believed that you only used me, that you didn’t feel anything for me. Then you told me what I always suspected.” She seemed uncertain, crushing his hope. “It’s only love, baby girl. Don’t be afraid. Just let it run its course.”

The tears that brimmed in her eyes made them look even greener. For another terrifying moment, he thought it was over, the battle lost, but then she wrapped her arms around his waist. Relief had never tasted sweeter.

“I guess home is New York then,” she said.

He blew out the breath he had been holding. “Good. After this attempted kidnapping the government is ready to post me to anywhere I wish.” There was one more thing to clarify. “I knew I had to have you from the minute you insulted me in that restaurant, and even then I knew it would be forever. Will you be mine, forever?”

“I already am,” she said with a soft sigh. “I’ve always been.” Standing on tiptoe, she pressed her lips to his.

“Then tell me the truth, Maya.”

“I already have,” she said with a sly smile, “just before I stabbed you.”

“Mm, that was rather painful and requires retribution. I can think of various ways to make you pay. But,” he cupped her face, “I’ll take it easy on you if you repeat what you said.”