Tim seemed calm removing his gear and propelling himself up. He even appeared comfortable swimming back down. He did everything right, until he pulled on his BC. He swept his arm backward to bring forward his regulator, just as she’d done, but instead, his hand came up empty. He felt at his back for it, a frantic look crossing his face. Maya moved to him quickly, but his arms swatted around wildly. She had to keep her distance in order not to get whacked in the head or have her regulator ripped from her mouth. Tim gulped, and then his eyes went wide. He’d swallowed water. The shock froze him for a second, and she used this opportunity to approach him anew, grabbing hold of his shoulder. His instinct would have him surface, which was fine, as they weren’t deep enough to need a decompression stop, but she didn’t want his confidence broken. Psychologically, it would be a lot harder starting the exercise from scratch than dealing with the crisis now, and it was a valuable lesson for future mishaps.

As his fingers went to the straps of the BC to do exactly what Maya didn’t want, she placed her hand on his cheek. It worked. He stilled. She kept her gaze calm and steady as their eyes connected while she moved two fingers from her mouth to his to show him her intention. Tim nodded, his body relaxing slightly under her touch. Maya inhaled deeply, and held her breath as she offered him her air. Once he’d placed the mouthpiece between his teeth, he blew to get rid of the water, then breathed in and out twice, before handing it back to her. They repeated the ritual three times, Maya watching Elvin and Jake from the corner of her eye to make sure they were fine. When Tim’s jaw slackened under her palm, she let go and swam around him to investigate the problem. His regulator tube was hooked around a piece of protruding coral. Maya retrieved the regulator and fitted it in his mouth before taking back her own. She then gave Tim space to test his equipment. When he gave her a thumbs-up sign, she signaled for Elvin and Jake to take their turns.

The rest of the dive passed without incidents. Maya took Tim’s hand and kept him close to her, pointing out Napoleon and trumpet fish. They were even lucky enough to spot a sea turtle. In the boat on the way back to the shore, Maya watched Tim’s pale face. He was quiet, whereas Elvin and Jake babbled non-stop.

After they’d rinsed themselves under the outdoor shower and washed their equipment in the freshwater tank, Maya pulled on a T-shirt and shorts over her bikini.

She was busy logging their dives at the desk inside the cabin when Elvin said, “Hey, Amazon Queen, want to grab a beer?”

Tim, who’d been quiet up to now, stepped between Maya and Elvin. “She’s already got plans.”

Elvin’s face fell. “See you tomorrow?”

“Of course,” Maya said. “As scheduled.”

The two young men waved and took off. When they were out of earshot, Maya turned to Tim. “Already got plans, huh?”

He shrugged. “I had to save you from those love-sick boys.”

“As if I couldn’t fight off two guys.”

“I don’t like the idea of you having to fight them off in the first place.” His gaze turned serious. “Talking about saving, thanks for what you did down there.” He jerked his head in the direction of the ocean.

She studied him. “You’re afraid of water.”

“Dead scared.”

His admission surprised her. She’d expected an excuse or a lie, because the kind of guys she knew didn’t like to appear weaker than her.

“Then why do it?”

He cocked his head. “Do what?”

“Why scuba dive, if you’re afraid of water?”

“You know what they say. The only way to overcome your fear is to face it.”

“You could’ve warned me. I would’ve taken it slower, had I known.”

“You would’ve taken it slowly, just for me?” His eyes traveled over her body. “I get the idea you don’t take anything slowly.”

She ignored the insinuation and gave him a stern look. “As divemaster, you’re my responsibility.”

His lips curved into a grin. “Me, your responsibility? That makes for a change. I like that.”

“This is serious, Tim.”

He sighed. “I was only trying to impress you.”

Before she could say more, he clasped her hand and kissed her fingers with surprising casualness, as if they were lovers instead of strangers.

“How about that drink, Maya?”

There was plenty she wanted to say before that drink. She wanted to tell him he was irresponsible and confusing. She wanted to know who the woman was he’d taken to bed and why Lee was lurking in the shade of a palm tree, dressed as a holidaymaker in swimming trunks, but none of that mattered. What mattered was why Tim received money from Godfrey and when the next shipment of arms was due.