She meant to sound untouched, with her usual hint of humor, but instead her words had an angry edge to them.

Tim studied her with a furrowed brow. Without a word, he walked into the house and waited for Maya to follow. He led the way to the lounge and pointed at the leather sofa.

“I’m wet,” Maya said, glancing down at her sea-soaked clothes.

“I don’t give a damn about the sofa.”

She sat down on the edge. Why did she feel as if she was a student about to receive a lecture from the teacher? If Tim was going to defend Frida, she wouldn’t be able to sit here and listen to him.

The subject of her thoughts entered with a white envelope in her hand, which she gave to Maya.

“Here you go.” Frida’s words held a deeper meaning when she said, “Pay special attention to the dress code.”

Tim turned to Frida. “Can you please give us a moment? Go for a walk on the beach.”

“Sure,” she said in a sugary sweet tone as she swept from the room.

After she’d gone, Tim sat down next to Maya. He took her face between his hands. “I’m sorry.”


Tim pressed their lips together and gave her a hard, demanding kiss. She turned rigid in his arms. Before today, a flirtation on the side hadn’t seemed so irresponsible. Today changed everything. She was starting to have feelings she couldn’t afford.

“Let me in,” he said against her tightly pursed lips.

Her body obeyed, her limbs with a mind of their own. He could snap his fingers, and her legs would fall open for him. With a word, she’d be on her knees. Gladly. Her lips parted. His tongue delved inside. Every inch of her body caught fire as he fucked her mouth with his tongue. It was hot and wild and just what she needed.

Moaning, she gave in to his rough caresses. At her surrender, he pushed her body flat on the sofa. She snaked her arms around his neck. It was her dream all over again, with Tim there, but not, visible, but untouchable, because even as he kissed her like there was no tomorrow, she knew he’d deny her what she wanted most—to feel him inside her.

“Not yet, baby girl,” he said while growing even more savage above her, their hands and tongues tangling in frantic desire.

“Give me what I need,” she begged.

He held her head still between his hands while his kiss became so intense she couldn’t breathe. Instead of fighting it, she gave in. She allowed the feeling of euphoria to overtake her until a calm enveloped her like a soft, curling wave. It was heaven, bliss, and every sweetness in between. She stayed in that airless tunnel of water, riding it out like every surfer would use a good wave, and when she finally came to her senses again, Tim’s kiss had turned tender.

There was a taste of copper in her mouth. Her tongue pulsed lightly. She turned her head to break the kiss and pulled her tongue over her teeth.

“I cut you with my teeth,” he said, this time not offering an apology.

She pushed him away with her hands on his shoulders. “I don’t mind playing it rough, but you’ve got to be careful with those teeth.”

He stared at her soberly. “I did it on purpose.”

“What?” She scrambled into a sitting position. “Are you getting off on making me bleed?”


His honesty shocked her more than what it should. Deep down, after the first time he’d cut her lip, she’d already sensed that he’d gotten off on it.

“It turns you on?” she asked.

“Very much, but I didn’t do it for me. I did it for you.”

She jumped to her feet. “I’m open-minded when it comes to sex, but bleeding has never entered that equation for me.”

“I’m sorry I bit you.”

He sure as hell didn’t look sorry. He practically glowed. Not that it mattered. Cain could pull the plug on the operation as soon as the shipment had gone down. Then she’d leave—and never be kissed like that again. It hurt just to think about never seeing him again. Oh, God. She was so fucked. She cared for Tim. She cared for him and no one could ever know, or Joss would haul her ass back to their base in France quicker than a tidal wave could flip and break.

“Maya.” Tim held out his hand, but she took a step back.

“Today was amazing. Thank you for the picnic.”

She turned, but he grabbed her arm. “Don’t you dare say it like it’s goodbye.”

Reminding herself of the job she was doing, she took a breath and focused on the sound of the ocean. “I’ll see you on Friday.”

He still seemed uncertain, but eased his grip. He scrutinized her as if he were searching for the underlying deceit in her words.