“You want me to go?” She couldn’t believe it, not after the way they’d just groped each other.

“As I said, only because I don’t trust myself.”

She shrugged, doing her best to appear unaffected. “We could just … hang out.”

He shook his head. “It’s safer that you go.”

She knew defeat when it faced her. For now, she’d give up. She’d have to find another way in.

“I don’t need your bodyguard to drive me. I can walk. I think after that steamy, sadly unsatisfying performance I can do with a long stroll along the beach.” She gave Tim a smile. “Or maybe I’ll head into town and find a vent for my frustration.”

He moved so fast she didn’t see it coming. He curled one hand around her nape while he fastened the other on her hip to hold her in place. “Don’t make empty threats. You don’t know the kind of fire you’re playing with. If anyone touches what’s mine, that man is dead.” His gaze drilled into hers, his eyes having taken on a very dark tint. “Is that clear?”

She was faster than any of her male combat partners because she was light on her feet and good at predicting moves. Tim was the first exception.

“What I meant was finding a bar and having that drink since I’m not going to finish this.” She waved her hand at the warming cocktail.

He released her. “At least we’re clear on the matter, and I’d feel better knowing you’re home.”

She could only stare at him, even more confused than before. What wasn’t confusing, was the look on his face. He was dead serious. It was safer to dodge the subject of what Tim presumed to be his. For now.

“I still prefer to walk.”

“Humor me.” Without waiting for her answer, Tim walked to the front door and called for Cesar.

The bodyguard appeared a second later. He seemed uncomfortable, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. No doubt he’d overheard their conversation.

“Take Maya home, please,” Tim said, his voice gruff, “and see that she enters her house before you leave.”

Cesar’s answer was to stroll past them to the buggy and open the passenger door.

All right, she’d humor him, but Tim was going to learn she was her own boss. The only reason she’d dance to his tune now, was because she needed to avoid conflict.

As she turned to leave, Tim grabbed her and pressed her against him. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tenderly, as if she was fragile, and then he planted a kiss on her forehead. From over Tim’s shoulder, she saw Frida standing in the doorframe with a smirk on her face.

Maya broke from Tim’s embrace and got into the buggy. Even if she felt eyes on her, she didn’t look back. She didn’t trust herself to. If she did, she was going to jump out of the vehicle and wipe that smug grin off the Swedish ice princess’s face.

Thankfully, Cesar took off fast, not giving her time to simmer in her annoyance. He said nothing as they drove, his back rigid and his hands clutched around the steering wheel. He only spoke when he’d parked in front of Maya’s tree house, leaving the engine idling.

“You don’t want to defy him.” He looked her straight in the eye for the first time since Tim had introduced them. “You don’t want Tim for an enemy.”

“Don’t get your balls in a knot. Whatever you saw, or heard, it wasn’t going to be more than a shag, and I’m not the one who bailed.”

Cesar’s face turned red. “I’d watch my mouth if I were you. It isn’t as simple as a shag. So you better be sure you want it.”

“I know what I want, and it doesn’t include your advice.”

“Go on,” he said with a nod toward the house. “I’ll wait until you’re up safe.”

“I’m a big girl, Cesar. I don’t need a babysitter.”

He looked her up and down. “Maybe not before, but everything has changed. You need a lot of things now.”

She jumped out of the buggy. “Changed, how?”

“Everything changed the minute Tim decided you were his.”

“That kind of decision concerns two people, and I haven’t decided anything.”

“Like I said, it isn’t as simple as that. Now get your ass into that tree before I carry it up there.”

The only thing saving Cesar’s nose from getting broken, was that it would blow her cover. “Fine, Tarzan, but just so you know, I won’t be bossed. If I go up there, it’s because I want to, and not because you told me to.”

“I have my orders. The first was to bring you home. The second was to see you enter it. Just so you know, I don’t take my orders lightly.”

Maya regarded Cesar thoughtfully. How much information would he share?

“You want to make sure I get safe inside? You and Tim make it sound as if I’m in danger.” She tilted her head. “Am I? Is that why Tim told you to wait until I’ve closed the door behind me, or is Tim just a gentleman?”