“You’re out of your mind,” he said.

“Oh, stop being melodramatic. I’m not asking to take your child for nothing. I’m offering a fair exchange for something you desperately want.”

His voice was flat. “I doubt I’ll want anything you have.”

“Oh dear.” She sighed. “Famous last words. Not even a cure for your beloved Kat?”

Blood gushed in Lann’s ears. “What did you say?”

She sighed with feigned impatience. “Pay attention, darling. I know who set you up with Kat, and I know why. I also know the experiment worked, because she’s pregnant. Now, the orchestrator wants to collect his prize—your baby. So, if you want her to live, you’ll have to cut a deal. The baby for her life.”

From the corner of his eye, Lann saw Katherine’s big eyes trained on him. Joss gestured for him to keep talking.

“You want our child in exchange for a cure that will save Katherine’s life?” he said.

“Please, let’s not repeat everything.”

“You’re working with this orchestrator.”

“You catch on fast.”

Lann balled his hands into fists. “What proof do I have that the cure will work?”

“I’ll provide you with a small sample. It won’t be enough to have an effect, but it will prove my point. Your doctor—Eve, is it?—can verify the probability of success.”

“Who’s behind this?” he asked. “Who are you working for?”

Her laugh was husky. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.”

“You don’t really think I’ll give you my child once he’s born and Katherine is safe?”

“That’s why you’ll send Kat to a destination that I’ll give you, a safe place, where she’ll have the baby. Once the child is born, we’ll send your precious Kat back to you.”

He banged a fist on the table. “I’m not sending Katherine anywhere.”

“Then the deal’s off. I guess it’ll be fun watching Kat die in the pains of childbirth.”

Lann fumed. “What guarantee do I have that you’ll keep your end of the bargain?”

“You’ll get her back in one piece.”

“This is absurd. Impractical. From next week, Katherine won’t even be able to travel any longer.”

“I know. That’s why you’ll send her tomorrow.”

His laugh carried his disbelief. “You’re suggesting keeping her from now?”

“You’ll have her back in five to six months. It’s not so long to wait compared to the rest of your life.”

Joss spoke into his earpiece. “Tell her you have to consider it.”

Lann glanced at Katherine’s pale face. “I’ll have to discuss it with my wife.”

“Wife? That’s a new development.”

“In the meantime, I want the sample.”

“Sure,” she said in a syrupy tone. “Still in Paris?”

Richardson had to have informed her. Were they exchanging information? That wasn’t FBI protocol.

“Yes, I’m in Paris.”

“There’s a herbal shop, ten Rue de Chattes. Tomorrow, noon. Ask for a cure for smelly feet.” She snickered. “After you receive my magic potion, you have one hour to make your decision.” She paused. “If you don’t agree to my terms, Kat’s hunting will continue. You know a gift hunter will find her sooner or later.”

“One hour?” Lann caught Joss’s eye. It would take Bono forty-five minutes just to fly the heli from Paris back to the castle. Joss held up two fingers.

“Two hours,” Lann said. “My doctor doesn’t work very fast.”

“Two hours,” Vanessa agreed, “and not a second more. After that, you’ll deliver your sweet little wife. I’ll need your promise that you’ll send her alone, and don’t even think about planting a bug on her or following. We’ll let her die after the birth if you break your promise.”

“What role does Richardson play in all of this?”

“Gideon?” She laughed. “Gideon’s just insurance, honey. If you don’t deliver, I’ll cut your operation wide open, throw the juicy bits at Gideon, and expose you for who you are.” She blew a kiss into the line. “Until tomorrow.”

The line went dead.

For a few seconds, no one said anything. Lann got to his feet and placed his hands on Katherine’s shoulders. Her muscles were tense. He massaged her gently, trying to think.

Joss blew out a heavy sigh. “We didn’t get anything from her line. She’s not bugged.”

“Do you believe her?” Clelia asked.

Everyone looked at Lann for the answer. “I’ll believe nothing until I see the sample.”

“We’ll get the sample,” Joss said, “and have Eve test it. Maybe she can replicate it, if it is what Vanessa claims it to be.”

“If not?” Clelia asked softly.

Maya pushed her chair away from the table. “The person most affected hasn’t said anything yet.” She looked at Katherine.

“One thing at a time,” Katherine said. “We first get the cure.”

Bono and Maya rushed into the castle with the insulation bag they’d picked up in Paris an hour earlier. Eve waited in the door while Kat and everyone else stood one step behind. Clelia gripped Kat’s hand when Maya handed the parcel to the doctor.

Eve took it wordlessly, and headed for the stairs. When Lann moved to follow, Eve held up a hand. “Give me some space to work.”