“Excuse me?” Eve asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

“You’re not touching Katherine in the state you’re in. You’re angry and tired.”

Her eyes grew large. “Are you saying I’ll hurt her?”

“I’m saying you might, unintentionally, be too rough with a needle today.”

Eve wiped her hands over her face. “All right. I’m sorry. It’s just…” She looked away.

Kat stepped around Lann. “Eve, it’s okay. You’re doing your best.”

Eve sighed. “My best isn’t fast enough.”

“Did Joss tell you about Richardson?” Lann asked.

“Yes,” Eve snapped, “and you’re grasping at straws.”

Lann narrowed his eyes. “How can you be so sure? What if the person who got Katherine and I together knows something that could help? If that person knew I’d be fertile with her, isn’t there a chance that he may also have other knowledge?”

“I can’t rely on if, Lann,” Eve said. “Besides, shouldn’t you be tracking that person right now?”

Lann’s eyes turned a pale shade of gold. “Katherine is my first priority. The rest of the team is tracking Richardson as we speak.” He took Kat’s hand. “Get a grip, Eve. Your attitude isn’t helping. My advice to you is to get out of the castle today. Get some air. We’ll start tests again tomorrow.”

Without waiting for Eve’s reply, he led Kat from the room.

“Lann, I think Eve—”

“She was out of line.” He kissed her nose. “I’m going to the village to get brioche. Will you be all right until I get back?”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a baby.”

“I know that.” He studied her. “While you’re waiting, put the time to good use. When I come back, I want to know when we’re getting married.”

He left her standing in the corridor, stunned. She watched his retreating form. They were really doing this. They were really going to tie the knot.

She went to the kitchen and found Maya, Joss, and Clelia having breakfast. She greeted everyone, sat down by the table, and patted Tripod, who’d hopped to her chair.

“Anything new?” she asked.

“No,” Clelia replied, “but we’re working on finding out who the sponsor of your scholarship is.”

“I can speak to Charles, my mentor,” Kat offered.

“No,” Joss said. “The university wouldn’t have disclosed the sponsor to him. That information is confidential. Protocol. I don’t want anyone suspecting that we know. It’s easier to catch them unaware. We don’t want to give them any reason to hide.”

“I’m reading some of the old scripts,” Kat said. “Eve gave me a list of what she thinks may help.”

“No one has studied them for years.” Clelia cupped her mug. “It’s possible there may be something in the books we’ve overlooked.”

“Or not,” Maya said. “I say we go in, kick down Richardson’s door, and torture him.” She grinned. “I saw his pic last night. I wouldn’t mind taking care of his interrogation.”

Clelia snorted. “Your hands-on strategy is not what’s needed right now.”

“Well, while you muffins sit here and waste time, I’m going to see what else I can dig up on agent Richardson.” Maya got to her feet. “Later kids.” She left with swaying hips.

“Lann said he was going to the village for brioche,” Clelia said. “So, the cravings are kicking in, huh? Lann’s chest was puffed out like a peacock.”

Kat laughed. “I don’t know why Lann is so proud of my cravings.”

“I think he’s just happy you’re finally eating more than soup.”

Joss cleared his throat and got up. “I’ll be working in the study. Got a TC with Cain at nine.” He kissed Clelia and left the two women to talk.

“Does he seem better about accepting the baby?” Clelia asked.

“I think so.” Kat studied her hands. “Yesterday he actually sounded proud when he mentioned our baby. For the first time, he called him his son.”

“That’s good. I knew he’d come around.” Clelia smiled. “I hope you won’t be too tired today.”

“I’m feeling less tired,” Kat said. “Why?”

“Iza is coming in later with samples for the baby room. Have you thought about a name yet?”

“No. I guess I first have to think about a wedding.”

“Really?” Clelia squealed. “You set a date. Why didn’t you say so?”

“We haven’t agreed on anything yet. We just want to do something quiet for the two of us.”

Clelia’s smile turned mysterious.

“What?” Kat asked.

“That’s what Joss and I did. He brought me here, and he had the chapel all set up. It was just the two of us, plus the priest of course.”

“That sounds beautiful.”

“I didn’t think so at the time, but it was very special.”

Kat didn’t want to pry by asking what Clelia meant. “My parents are upset, but it’ll be easier like this. I don’t want to bring them here or go somewhere it isn’t safe.”

“Your parents love you. They’ll respect your wishes. Right now, you’re only allowed to worry about yourself and the baby.” Clelia got up. “I’m going to feed the animals and walk the dogs, and then I’ll be working with Joss and Maya. Iza should arrive around eleven. I’ll call you when she gets here.”