Nicolas clutched the book to his chest. “Nicolasjh takesj.”

He wanted the book. “You can have it.” She smiled. “Would you like me to read you a chapter before you take it home with you?”

He looked at her for some time, and then his eye lit up. “Katsj readsch.” He sat down on the floor by her feet, and handed her the book.

She switched on the lamp on the nightstand and turned to the first chapter. Her heart still beat fast as she started reading. As she turned the page, Nicolas rested his head on her knee. She continued to read for hours. By the time dawn broke, her throat was dry and she was halfway into the book.

She shut the book and touched Nicolas’s shoulder. “It’ll be day soon.”

He looked at the window.

“Here.” She gave him the book. “The cameras…”

Nicolas gave her a half-grin. “No camerash. Nicolasjh knowsh.”

“You can come back tomorrow,” she said, “and I’ll read you some more.”

“Nicolasjh comech backsj,” he said, scurrying to his feet.

“Thank you for visiting,” she said, praying for forgiveness for playing Adam’s manipulation games. “I was lonely.”

“Katsh lonelyjs.”

“Don’t tell anyone,” she said.

“Don’tch tellsj Daddysj. Daddysj angrysh.”

“Who’s Daddy?”

“Godfreyjs. Godfreyjs. Godfreyjs.”

Her throat went even dryer. Keeping her tone even, she said, “You better go before Margaret wakes up.”

Nicolas came to Kat’s room every night after that. She read to him, and he carried off one book at a time, always returning it before taking another. Whatever physical problems Nicolas had, he was intelligent. His speech was sometimes incoherent and slurred, but he understood everything he read, and he read fast. The speed with which he consumed books surprised her. She had to ask Margaret for more books, but she didn’t do it too often, so as not to arouse anyone’s suspicions. Obviously, Nicolas knew how to override the cameras, because he was never caught. How he did it, she didn’t know. She once asked, but he closed up like a clam.

Three months after starting to read to Nicolas, Kat felt confident enough in their secret relationship to broach the subject on her mind.

“Who makes me well, Nicolas? Who makes the serum?”

He looked up at her from where he sat by her feet. “Nicolasjh. Nicolasjh. Nicolasjh.”

Nicolas was the genius who fabricated the serum that would save her life? She allowed the information to sink in. Nicolas was Godfrey’s son, and Adam was his brother. She wondered if they had the same mother.

“What is Adam’s mother’s name?” she asked.


Olivia? So, Nicolas and Adam didn’t have the same mothers. Was Olivia Godfrey’s second wife? Then what is Vanessa to Godfrey?

She was going to ask more about the serum, but a contraction stilled her. The book she was reading dropped to the floor. This one was different from the countless others she’d had since the first one in the garden. This one hurt. Really hurt. It lasted five seconds before easing.

Nicolas picked up the book. Holding it to his chest, he rocked himself.

“Nicolas,” she said gently, trying not to frighten him, “go back to your room. The baby’s coming. They can’t catch you here.”

A tear dropped from his eye.

“It’s all right,” she said, clenching her teeth as another contraction hit. “Go. Quickly.”

He nodded. “Gojs. Quicklysh.”

She was only able to breathe again when he’d left her room and the band of pain faded. She set the timer on the watch Adam had given her, and walked around the room, as it seemed to help with the pain. She let it carry on for an hour. In between the contractions, she got dressed, why she didn’t know, brushed her hair, and washed her face. When her contractions were three minutes apart, she went down the hall and knocked on Margaret’s door. As she waited for Margaret to answer, something like an elastic band snapped in the lower region of her body, and water gushed down her legs just as the door opened.

Margaret took one look at her before she rushed down the hall and pushed a button on the intercom.

Kat was leaning against the wall, breathing through another contraction, when Adam sprinted down the hallway with Gerda on his heels. For once, his smug look was absent. His hair was ruffled and his clothes askew. Gerda didn’t look much better. Her usual braid was a mess of tangled hair around her face.

Still buttoning up her shirt, Gerda said to Adam, “It’s too early. She’s only eight months. The serum… We’re not on maximum dose yet.”

“Early or not, it’s happening,” he said in a clipped voice, “so get the room ready.”

When Kat was able to find her voice again, she gave a hysterical laugh.

Adam shot her a strange look.

“This is the moment of truth,” she said, “when you find out if your serum works.”

Chapter 19

They took Kat into the examination room. Gerda helped her fit a hospital gown before making her lie down on the bed. Nicolas hovered in a corner, rocking himself, while Gerda threw a sheet over Kat’s lower body and examined her. Adam stood silently by the bed.