“So, it’s another dead-end street?” Clelia asked, her tone despondent.

Joss sighed. “I’m afraid so.”

“What about the bursary?” Lann asked.

“I’m still looking into it.” Maya took a piece of paper from the desk and handed it to Lann. “Whoever the sponsor is, he made a good job of erasing his tracks, but I still have another card or two up my sleeve. There’s a hacker who owes me a favor.”

“Do what you can,” Joss said. “In the meantime, we’ve got to stay sharp where security is concerned. We don’t want Godfrey to find a crack in our system through which one of his hunters can crawl. Clelia, you’re in charge of compiling a list of all national and international media. We’ll tackle them from the largest to the smallest, seeing if we can pick up a trail to Richardson via that route.”

“How are we for time?” Maya asked.

“There are no missions for the moment.” Joss looked at Kat. “Getting answers are our main priority.”

Kat was glad he didn’t say saving her. She didn’t want to think about dying anymore. Lann’s hand on her back pulled her attention to him.

“We have an appointment with Eve,” he reminded her gently.

It wasn’t what she wanted right now, but it had to be done. “Let’s go.”

In the examination room, Eve made Kat lie down on the reclining chair and took a blood sample. “Are you ready for the scan?”


While Eve prepared the probe and squirted gel onto Kat’s belly, Lann said, “Clelia found you a midwife, Katherine.”

She looked at him in surprise. “A midwife? Do I need one? I thought Eve would deliver the baby.”

“It’s not just about the actual birth,” Eve said. “You have to prepare for it. There are exercises you and Lann could do that will help when the time comes for Thomas to be born. You also need to be mentally prepared for what to expect.”

Kat took Lann’s hand. “You will be there, Eve, won’t you?”

“Of course.” Eve gave her a reassuring smile. “The midwife is totally capable of helping you through the delivery if it passes without complications.” She shot Lann a quick look. “However, I will be there in the case of any unforeseen emergency.”

Kat swallowed. “Like what?”

“Well, there are things that can go wrong. Sometimes the baby doesn’t turn, or the umbilical cord is wound around the neck.” She laid her hand on Kat’s shoulder. “I don’t want to scare you with possibilities that may not even happen. Just know I’ll be there should you need an emergency cesarean.”

“I want Lann with me,” Kat said. “I know in France the father is not allowed in the theatre in the case of a cesarean, but no matter what happens,” she looked at him, “I need to know you’ll be there.”

“Of course.” He kissed her forehead. “We’re going to take you to a private clinic with the necessary equipment, just in case. I’ll be there every step of the way.”

Eve turned on the scanner. “Ready?”

She placed the probe on Kat’s stomach and moved it until she picked up an image on the screen.

Eve smiled. “There you go.”

“Is that him?” Kat pushed up on her elbows for a better look. “I can’t make out much.”

“Let’s switch over to 3D.” Eve flicked a button and another monitor buzzed to life.

A strong, rhythmic heartbeat resounded in the space. A color picture appeared on the screen. Kat sucked in a breath. She was looking at a baby no bigger than the size of an olive. She stared at Thomas, the miracle Lann had given her.

Eve changed the angle of the probe to give them a better look. Emotions flooded Kat. He was so small, so perfect. Lann gripped her hand hard and brought her fingers to his lips. She turned her face to look at him. His brow was pulled together and his jaw locked in a way that told her he was fighting his emotions. She squeezed his hand gently. In turn, he placed her hand on his chest, cupping it over his heart.

Chapter 15

Neither Lann nor Kat discussed what they’d experienced as they left Eve’s office. Lann said he needed to go to his office, and Kat understood that he needed time alone. She needed a shower.

Taking her time, she stood under the warm spray until the water started to cool. She turned off the tap and dried herself. Walking into the bedroom naked, she stopped sideways in front of the mirror. The gentle swell of her abdomen had been replaced with a larger bump.

The door opened and Lann entered. He walked up to her with a smiled and hugged her from behind. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

He wore his glasses, which meant he’d been working. The dark frame of his glasses contrasted with the light color of his eyes. She loved his eyes. She hoped Thomas would inherit Lann’s golden eyes and hair. She stretched up, circling her arms around Lann’s neck. The linen fabric of his shirt felt rough against her naked skin. The sleeve cuffs were folded back, baring his muscular forearms. He smelled good, of a fresh, masculine cologne.