“Put him away?” The thought didn’t sit well with her. She felt like getting up and walking out, but reminded herself of the purpose of the meeting.

“You don’t think we’ll cut him a deal, do you?” He pushed the container with sugar cubes toward her. “He’s a hard-core criminal, Kat, a threat to our government.”

“If I do this, I don’t want you to traumatize my parents any further.”

He dropped three sugars in his coffee and shrugged. “Fine.”

“What about what you’ve said about him wanting to get me pregnant?”

“I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow,” he said without a hint of sympathy.

“Like I said, I don’t trust you. I want to know if I can believe it.”

He raised an eyebrow, and took a sip of his coffee. “You doubt me?”

“How can I not? How do I know who to trust?”

His smile was faint. “What is it you really want to know?”

“How can you be so sure of this?”

“Someone told me.”


He grinned. “A source.”

“Well, you’re going to have to tell me a bit more if you expect this partnership to be a two-way street.”

“Two-way street?” He chuckled. “No, darlin’, it’s me doing all the demanding, and you the yielding.”

She got to her feet. “The deal’s off.”

His eyes turned hard. “Sit down.”

“I don’t work for you. You don’t tell me what to do.”

“Is that so? I can make you sit down. Is that what you want?”

“If you touch me, you’re a dead man, do you understand?”

He snorted. “By your hand?”

“There are ways to get things done,” she bit out.

“Like what? A sexual harassment claim? Do you think I’m scared of silly claims?” As she turned, he sighed. “Sit down. Please.”

The waitress was watching them, so Kat faced him again and sat down. She needed to play her role authentically without making too much of a scene that would attract unwanted attention.

“I don’t know what to believe or who to trust. Tell me why you’re so sure that Lann is using me, and I’ll make up my mind as to whether I believe you or not. Whether I help you, all depends on that.”

“I can force you, you know.”

She laughed. “I’m sure you’ll try. If, however, I tell Lann about this meeting, you may not live to try.”

He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t take to being threatened kindly.”

“Neither do I.”

He laughed softly. “You’re just as feisty as I took you for. Gutsy, but vulnerable. I like that.”

“This isn’t about what you like or dislike,” she said in a snappy tone.

He rubbed his chin. “Yeah, you’d be one hell of a wildcat to tame.”

“I don’t care for your insinuations.”

She couldn’t deal with him for a second longer. She felt like throwing the sugar cubes at him. The only reason she stayed put was for the information.

“All right,” he said. “I guess I can understand that it’s hard to believe, and that you need proof. I can’t disclose my source or the evidence I’m building, but I can tell you that I’ve been tipped off by a journalist, and the reason I believe her, is because she gave me proof.”

So, it’s a woman. “What evidence?”

“Records. Proof that your medical files had been pulled just before an anonymous trustee awarded you with a bursary that led you straight to Lann.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. Anyone could have pulled those records.”

“Not if the permission for accessing those records had been signed by a specific organization.”

“What organization?”

“The one Lann is involved in, Kat.”

She went cold. Pulling her tea closer, she folded her palms around the cup.

“Lann works for someone called Cain Jones,” Richardson said. “Jones is a powerful man. He’s well-protected. I’ve suspected for years that he’s involved in illegal operations. Jones’s company pulled your stats. Now, tell me Kat, why would Lann have been so interested in the DNA of your body?”

What was she supposed to say? She couldn’t even fabricate an excuse or a lie.

His expression softened. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I know you think you love him.” His gaze intensified. “All the more reason why revenge will be sweet.”

She needed to get away from Richardson. She wanted to run from the brasserie, but she forced herself to sit quietly and appear calm. “Which newspaper?”

He shook his head with a smile. “You know I can’t tell you that.”

He wasn’t going to divulge more. He’s given her too much already. “You’ve made your point. What now?”

“If you have information, call me. I won’t risk you by calling you again. Lann may get suspicious. In return, before we take him in, I’ll put you into WITSEC. If anyone suspects what I know, that you’re susceptible to his sperm, you’re an open target for any gift centered research organization.”

It was as much as she could listen to. She opened her purse, but he lifted a hand.

“Tea’s on me, darlin’.”