“Let’s go to the library,” Joss said. “There’s a fire going in the fireplace. It’s warmer there.”

Lann took Kat’s hand and pulled her behind him. Once they were all gathered in the room, he closed the door and led Kat to the sofa.

“Sit,” he said, pushing her down gently.

She didn’t feel like sitting when everyone else was standing, but she did as she was told. Lann was commanding her out of concern.

“We were intercepted by an FBI agent at Katherine’s parents’ house,” Lann said.

Joss shrugged. “It’s not the first time we’ve got govvies on our asses. Cain will deal with it.”

“This is different,” Lann said. He gave a brief summary of what Kat had told him.

Joss didn’t seem so calm any longer. “I’ll speak to Cain. We’ve got to tap Richardson, see who he works with. I want to know who tipped him off.”

“I want to know who accessed Katherine’s medical records, and if what Richardson said about her scholarship is true,” Lann said, “because if it is…”

“If it is,” Maya said, “someone knew you’d be fertile with her. Someone knew, and sent her right to you, a pretty little package, all but tied with a bow.”

Lann believed Richardson? Someone had set them up? Planned it all along? “Who would do something like that?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out,” Joss said.

Kat looked at Lann. “That means that there’s someone out there who knows more than Eve.”

If what Richardson claimed was true, if her meeting Lann, and her pregnancy, had been orchestrated, then that someone who knew that Lann wasn’t truly infertile, just maybe knew how to save her.

Lann gave her an apologetic smile. “I know what you’re thinking. Don’t get your hopes up. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

He was right. There was no guarantee. “We’re still going to look into it, right?”

“How do we go about it without raising suspicion?” Clelia asked. “If we raise hell, whoever we’re after is going to run or hide.”

“Richardson gave Katherine a number,” Lann said. “We’ll play his game.”

Joss crossed his arms. “She’ll call him, and he’ll lead us to his source.”

“This’ll be hard,” Clelia said to Kat. “Are you up for it?”

There was no question about it. She nodded.

“I’ll start by getting a call list for the telephone number he gave Kat,” Maya said.

“Do it,” Joss said. “Lann, give Cain a report. He’d want to know asap.”

Maya held her hand out to Kat. “Give me the number.”

Without thinking, Kat reached down her shirt and withdrew it from her bra. She only registered Lann’s expression after she’d handed the card to Maya.

“Fine place to hide your enemy’s number,” Maya said with a smirk.

“I didn’t hide it,” Kat said. “Richardson—” Too late, she realized her mistake.

“Katherine’s tired,” Lann said. He took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

“Can I get you anything?” Clelia asked.

“I’ve got it, thanks,” Lann said. “I’d like to feed my fiancée now, and then put her to bed.”

Maya rested her hands on her hips. “What the fuck?”

“I’m marrying her. She’s mine.” He accentuated the last part, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind as to how much he meant it.

Clelia hugged Kat and then Lann. “Congratulations. I’m so happy for you.”

Joss slapped Lann on the back. “Get your woman settled. We’ll celebrate tomorrow.”

Lann took Kat to the kitchen, and pointed at the table. “Sit.”

“I can do something.”

The look he shot her made her shut her mouth and sit down.

Opening the fridge, he asked, “What do you feel like?”

His tailored pants stretched over his backside as he bent over to inspect the contents.

“Various parts of your body come to mind,” she said playfully.

He turned and gave her a heated stare. “We’ll get to that. Food first. You need to eat.”

Actually, she was hungry. Suddenly her mouth watered. “I’d like some eggs, please.”

His eyes widened. “No tomato soup?”

“An omelet. With cheese. And mushrooms. No tomatoes, please.”

He grinned, banged the fridge door shut, and walked to her. Leaning over her, he tipped her chin for their eyes to meet as he placed a palm over her stomach. “My child is finally accepting.”

“What do you mean?”

“When the nausea passes, the baby has accepted its fate to be born into this world. When he stops fighting, he lets his mother eat again.” He kissed the top of her head. “I think I can find everything we need.”

He went back to the fridge and took out the ingredients.

She watched in silence as he whipped together an omelet, taking care of her in an endearing way. When it was done, he plated the fluffy omelet and placed it in front of her on the table.

“What about you?” she asked when he took the seat next to her.

“I ate enough in the plane.” He forked a piece and blew it cold before offering it to her. “I like that you want to eat again,” he said when she took the bite. “I’m looking forward to your cravings.”