Felicity patted her hair. “Goodness, where are my manners?” She led the way. “Please come inside.”

Why was her mother so nervous? This wasn’t like her parents at all.

In the entrance, Lann helped Kat out of her coat before he removed his and left both on the coat stand. They walked through the entrance to the lounge, Lann looking at the family photos that cluttered the walls. Once inside the cozy family room, Kat came to an abrupt halt. A tall man, all muscles and legs, sat on their sofa. He wore jeans and a red flannel shirt. The shirt was new. It still had the square folding lines from the shop packaging. The attire suited him badly, and seemed purposefully understated. His black hair was brushed back, curling over his collar. His green gaze immediately found Kat, and stayed there a fraction too long. Lann put an arm around her waist and pulled her against him in a possessively hug.

Felicity darted forward. “Um, Kat, Lann, this is Gideon, a friend of your dad’s. He happened to be passing through town and they were just catching up on old times.”

Gideon smiled. He got to his feet and offered Kat a hand. “Your daddy and my brother, Frederic, were best buddies.” His voice took on a somber tone. “Fred passed away, you see. I’m visiting the people he was close to.”

Gideon held her eyes as his fingers gripped hers. She glanced at her dad. His eyes were trained on the carpet. He’d never mentioned Frederic or Gideon before. Was that a growl reverberating in Lann’s chest? Gideon abruptly released her and turned to Lann to shake hands.

“Please.” Felicity motioned at the sofa. “Sit.” She fumbled with her apron cords. “Shall I make tea?”

“That would be lovely, thank you,” Gideon said.

Felicity all but curtsied before turning for the door.

“I’ll help,” Kat offered.

“No,” her mom said quickly. “You stay and catch up. I’ll be right back.”

John sat down in his armchair and Kat and Lann took the sofa opposite Gideon.

“How are your studies?” John directed at Kat.

Non-existent. “Fine, Dad.” She looked back at Gideon. “Where did your brother and my dad know each other from?”

“School,” John said.


Lann said nothing. He cupped her knee, drawing patterns with his thumb on her skin.

In the silence that followed, Gideon looked between Lann and John. “I’m going for a walk, if you don’t mind. I’d like to visit the park where we used to hang out.”

“Of course,” John said eagerly. “Go ahead. Take your time. There’s no rush. We’ll wait with lunch.”

Gideon got up and nodded in Kat’s direction. “Excuse me.”

When he was gone, Kat stared at her dad. “You invited a stranger for lunch, today of all days?” It wasn’t that she had anything against unexpected lunch guests, but today wasn’t just any other day, not that her parents could know that.

“He’s not a stranger. He’s the brother of an old buddy. I could hardly show him the door when he showed up.” John frowned. “It’s not like you to be so unwelcoming, Kat.”

She glanced at Lann, but before she could defend herself, Felicity entered with a tray. Lann got up to take it from her, and placed it on the coffee table.

Felicity looked around. “Where’s Gideon?”

“Gone for a walk,” John said. “He’ll be back for lunch.”

Had it been Kat’s imagination or did her mom exhale in relief?

Felicity moved to the table. “Shall I pour?”

Lann placed his hand on hers. “Please, why don’t you sit? I’ll serve.”

The offer bowled Felicity over. She took a step back and flopped down onto the chair. Lann didn’t have to ask how they took their tea. He handed her mom hers black with a slice of lemon, her dad’s with milk and two sugars, and Kat’s with a teaspoon of honey. When she took the cup from him, he brushed his fingers over hers and gave her a sweet smile. He’d asked Kat all sorts of questions about her parents before they’d arrived. Now she understood why he wanted to know those trivial details.

“Goodness, Kat,” Felicity exclaimed, “I should have made you some coffee. I’m sorry. It’s just been…” Her voice was shrill. “I’m just so excited to see you.”

“Mr. and Mrs. White—” Lann started.

“Please, Lann,” John said, “call us Felicity and John.”

Lann inclined his head. “John, Felicity, you must have a lot of questions, so why don’t we get those out of the way?”

Felicity’s shoulders tensed. “All right.” She moved to the edge of her chair like when she was getting ready for an argument. “I’m sure you can understand that your engagement came as a big shock.” She looked at the ruby ring on Kat’s finger.

“A surprise,” John corrected.

Kat’s eyes flared at her mom’s hostility. “I know it seems sudden, but this is what we want.”

“When is this wedding supposed to take place?” John asked.