“I’ve got this under control,” she said. “Just go.”

He shook her gently. “Like hell you do. You will have an abortion, do you hear me?”

Such cruel words. The air was gone again. Her chest heaved.

“Katherine, breathe.”

She tried to drag oxygen into her lungs, but the simple action she’d always taken for granted was ineffective.

“Let me help you,” he said, dragging her closer.

She pushed him away. She didn’t need his help. She could do this on her own.

“Kat!” Diana rushed across the floor. “What have you done to her?” She gave Lann an accusing look. “Just as well my gut told me to come back.” Taking hold of Kat’s shoulders, she pushed her down onto the couch. “This has been happening a lot lately. I think you need to see a doctor.”

Kat didn’t need a doctor. It was just a small panic attack. In and out. Easy. When she made an effort to relax, her lungs filled again.

“You should really go,” Diana said, shooting daggers at Lann.

He walked to the couch, but Diana placed herself between him and Kat. “Can’t you see you’re upsetting her?”

He appeared indecisive, but after a moment he turned and left. The door shut quietly behind him.

Diana went to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water. “Drink.”

“Thanks.” Kat took a few sips and left the water on the table.

Diana plopped down next to her. “You’re pale. Are you sure you’re all right?”

“It’s nothing. I’m upset, that’s all.”

Diana didn’t look appeased. “Maybe you should get a restraining order.”

Kat rested her head on the backrest. “What a grand mess.”

For once, Diana sounded scared. “We’ll figure it out.”

Kat’s phone rang early. Wiping her hands over her eyes, she looked at the screen. It was an unlisted number. She pulled the pillow over her head, deciding to let it go to voicemail, but it started ringing again five seconds later. Maybe it was a die-hard journalist who was hard up for a story that was now like old, warmed up food. Changing her number had helped, but some reporters still managed to get it. Facing the breakup with Lann on social media and through the gossip columns had been hard. It wasn’t easy being dumped in public, in front of the whole world. That’s what you got for dating a mysterious millionaire.

She took the call with a tired greeting. The voice that sounded on the other end wasn’t who she expected.

“Katherine, please don’t hang up.”

She sat up. “How did you get this number?” Did she really have to ask? “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

He sounded genuinely concerned. “How are you?”

Tired. “I’m good.”

“We need to talk.”

“There’s nothing left to say.”

“Katherine, this is important. Let me come over, or let me fetch you and bring you here.”

She groaned. “I already told you, you’ve got nothing to fear. I’m not expecting you to—”

“What I need to say can’t be said on the phone.”

“There can’t be more to say.”

“There is.”

She rested her hand on her forehead. “Fine. I’ll listen to what you have to say if you say it calmly, but I don’t have to agree.”

“I’ll be over in a few minutes.”

She regarded her reflection in the mirror and flinched at her disheveled state. “You better give me half an hour.”

“You can’t face him again,” Diana said.

“He’s a dangerous ass,” Enrico chipped in.

They sat in the kitchen in their apartment, Enrico eating cereal and Diana sipping coffee.

Kat sighed. “He’s got a right to say how he feels and what he wants. I can’t deny him that. This baby is half his.”

Diana snorted. “He gave up those rights when he acted like an asshole. I don’t like this.”

“Just give us a few minutes. This has to happen. If not now, I’ll have to face him later.”

Diana left her mug on the table. “You call me if he stresses you out again.” She took her bag. “Come, Enrico.”

He looked at his breakfast. “I haven’t finished.”

“We’ll have croissants at Fournos.” Diana gave Kat a peck on the cheek. “Are you sure about this?”

No. She smiled. “Thanks for understanding. Sorry for kicking you out of your own home, but I simply don’t have the energy to go somewhere else.”

Lann arrived as Diana and Enrico left. Diana gave him a measured look as she squeezed past him. Enrique offered a greeting but he didn’t look Lann in the eyes.

“Come in,” Kat said.

He walked inside and stopped in the lounge. “You look pale.”

Kat didn’t offer him a seat or coffee. She just wanted him to have his say so that she could carry on with her life and put her energy into making new plans for her future. “You said you had something to say.”

“We didn’t finish our discussion yesterday.”

“Discussion?” She crossed her arms. “You accused me of cheating on you and told me to have an abortion. In my books, that doesn’t count as a discussion.”