“Fuck.” For Joss’s benefit, Lann said, “David’s eliminated.”

“Both of you, out,” Joss said.

“We should look for the assassin,” Clelia said.

Joss used a firmer tone. “Out, now.”

“The assassin’s not here,” Lann said to Clelia. “I’ll explain later.” He grabbed her arm and ran for their vehicle. “It’ll take the vamps ten seconds to smell his blood. When they realize their leader is dead, we’re midnight snacks.” They jumped into the SUV, Lann taking the wheel. “I’d love to stay and play, but we’re outnumbered.”

Joss told Lann to ignore the GPS and follow his instructions instead. He was checking the roads on the satellite system.

“Clelia?” Joss said.

“I’m fine.”

Lann pulled from the parking with screeching tires, maneuvering the vehicle down the narrow road. “Get Bono. Tell him to be on standby.”

Clelia nodded. After she had executed the command, she turned in her seat. “I didn’t see a weapon. If it was chemical, it would have affected us too.”

“Internal.” He turned sharply to the left.

“Someone planted something in him?”

“His sponsor, I’m guessing.” At last, they hit a double carriageway. He glanced in the rearview mirror. “Are we clear, Joss?”

“Open road,” Joss confirmed.

A different voice came tentatively through the system. “Lann?”

Hers. Inside, he stilled. “Katherine?”

“Are you all right?”

She wasn’t supposed to witness any of this. He never wanted her to experience this side of him, the part that destroyed and killed.

“What is she doing on the system, Joss?” he said in a flat tone.

There was a warning in Joss’s voice. “Tell your woman you’re fine.”

“I’m fine,” he bit out, and then made a conscious effort to soften his voice. “We’ll be home soon, sweetheart.”

“I love you,” she whispered, for everyone to hear.

Lann’s heart swelled. The fighting adrenalin in his body evaporated like mist in the sun.

“Ya tebya lyublyu,” he said, closing his eyes fleetingly. He waited two seconds. “Joss?”

“She’s off,” Joss said.

“Bono’s ready,” Clelia said.

He clenched the wheel. “We’ll be home in an hour.”

It took all of Lann’s self-control not to confront Joss, who waited outside, when they landed at the castle. It would be futile to talk to his commander until Joss had assured himself Clelia was unharmed. The minute Clelia climbed from the helicopter, Joss grabbed her to him. Now was definitely not a good time to give Joss a piece of his mind. Besides, he needed Katherine.

He went in search of his woman, and found her in the entrance. She stood on the steps, one hand resting on the balustrade and the other over her belly. The sight of her stopped him in his tracks. With a red dress that stretched over her breasts and stomach, she was a vision to behold. Her hair fell around her shoulders, the ruby shine catching the light, and her eyes were a vivid blue. Molecules vibrated around him, a humming of air. It brushed past his face like the caress of warm fingers.

He closed the distance in a few long strides and pulled her against him. An awareness of her growing delicate state flared inside him. Cupping her cheeks, he tilted her face so he could peer into those mesmerizing eyes. Everything he wanted, he saw right there—love, acceptance, and trust. No other lover had ever accepted him for what he was. No one had truly loved him, except maybe his mother, but Katherine’s love was the only love that mattered to him.

Going on tiptoe, she kissed him. He rubbed a thumb over her cheek.

Behind them, Bono cleared his throat. “I guess I’ll just go upstairs.”

Maya and Eve appeared at the top of the stairs.

“Don’t sound so sorry for yourself,” Maya said as she descended. “Come on. Let’s grab a bite to eat. You must be starving.”

Bono grinned. “Now that you mention it.”

Joss and Clelia entered as Maya and Bono disappeared into the direction of the kitchen.

“Anyone need stitches?” Eve asked, making her way downstairs.

“We’re good.” Lann turned to Clelia. “You did well.”

The firestarter smiled. “You weren’t so bad yourself.” She took Joss’s hand. “I need a shower.”

“You need food,” Joss said. “Dinner’s ready.” His tone turned apologetic. “We need to debrief first. Cain’s waiting.”

“A shower and dinner can wait a few minutes,” Clelia said. “I’ll get Maya.”

When Katherine followed him down the hall, Lann stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m your partner,” she said, “and I need to know what’s going on.”

Joss stepped up. “Kat, will you please ask Bono and Maya to bring some drinks from the kitchen?”

“Sure.” Before walking off, Kat shot Lann a look that said she wasn’t giving in.

Joss led Lann to the library. When he closed the door, the two men faced each other with crossed arms.

“She’s right,” Joss said. “You can’t shut her out.”

“How could you put her on the system?”

“I didn’t do anything I wouldn’t expect you to do for Clelia if the roles were reversed. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be on the other end, to sit here, and not know what’s happening? She needed to know you were fine.”