The castle was big. There were many rooms to explore, but eventually Kat got bored. She couldn’t hide out here for seven months with nothing to keep her busy. Clelia and Joss had a cleaning team that came in a few hours every day to take care of the upkeep. Clelia had explained that she enjoyed cooking and preferred to do it herself, rather than employ a chef. Helping with the meals brought some relief, but it wasn’t the stimulation Kat needed. Clelia and Joss were working too, closed up in the study most of the time with the wolves at their feet. She hardly saw Eve, unless it was for mealtimes or the dreaded tests. She had no idea where Cain was.

Wandering downstairs, she eventually found herself in the library. She hadn’t informed her mentor of her intention to drop her studies. She hadn’t been thinking about much else but what was going to happen in a few months’ time. She had to call Charles and explain that she wasn’t going to continue with her thesis. If he found out she wasn’t in Santiago, he’d contact her parents, and they’d be worried.

Lann had given her a new mobile phone to use while they stayed at the castle. It was a safe number that couldn’t be traced. She sat down by the fire and dialed her parents’ number. When her mom answered, she swallowed back the tears.

“Kat, honey, how nice to hear your voice. Is everything all right?”

“Everything’s fine. In fact, everything’s wonderful,” she lied. “I’m taking a holiday.”

Felicity sounded worried. “In the middle of the semester?”

“It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”

Suspicion slipped into Felicity’s tone. “Where are you?”

Kat forced herself to say brightly, “You’ll never believe it. I’m in France.”

Just as she said it, she wanted to bite her tongue. She wasn’t sure that was information she should’ve shared. But what else was she supposed to say? Sooner or later, they’d find out she wasn’t living with Diana any longer, and she wanted them to hear it from her.

“What?” her mom exclaimed.

“I’m with Lann.” It was the only logical explanation, and it was true.

“Is he Chilean?”

“No.” Before her mother could ask more questions, Kat said quickly, “I’m thinking of coming home for Easter.”

“Really? That would be wonderful, but I thought you said you couldn’t afford to come home until Christmas.”

By Christmas, she’d be dead. “I just want you to meet my new…” What was she supposed to call Lann?

“Boyfriend?” Her mom filled in for her.

Kat cleared her throat. “Yeah.”

“Kat,” her mother’s voice was imploring, “is your new boyfriend paying for this holiday and your trip home?”


“You’re not taking advantage of him, are you?”

“Mom! How can you even ask that?”

“Sorry, Kat, but I had to. Taking a holiday in the middle of the semester … it seems so out of character for you.”

Kat decided to change the subject. “You will be home for Easter, won’t you?”

“We’ll be home. Honey, are you sure you’re with this man for the right reasons?”

“Oh, Mom.” No, she wasn’t. They were together for all the wrong reasons. “Can you try to be happy for me?”

“I’m sorry. It’s just so sudden. After Mac … I thought you said you wanted to finish your thesis before getting involved with someone again.”

That had been her intention. “I didn’t exactly go looking for it. It just happened.” That part, at least, was the truth.

“I’m happy for you. Just don’t neglect your studies. Don’t do something you’ll regret later.”

Too late, Mom. No. That wasn’t true. She would never regret having met Lann. “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

“Good. Let me know when to expect you.”

“Is Dad there?”

“You know he’s at work.” Kat could almost hear the frown in Felicity’s voice. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Of course.” She added quickly, “It’s just the time difference.”

“Send me the address and the number of where you are,” her mom said.

No, Mom, I can’t do that. “I love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, honey.”

Kat hung up. She dropped the phone on the sofa and covered her face with her hands.

“Are you unwell?”

Lann’s voice made her jump. She looked up to see him standing in the doorframe, concern etched on his face.

“No.” She shook her head and sighed. “I just spoke to my mom.”

“I see.” He walked to her. “What did you tell her?”

“That I’ll come visit them for Easter.” She measured his reaction. “With a boyfriend.”

There was a pause before he said, “I was hoping by then I’d be a fiancé.”

Chapter 8

“You want to get engaged?” Kat asked, finding it hard to keep the disbelief from her voice.

Lann’s eyes flickered with something she couldn’t place. “You say it like you don’t want to.”


“Why?” He stared at her. “Because I love you, Katherine.”

It was sweet, but it was a lie. “Just say it’s to overcome the legal obstacles of obtaining custody of our child.”