“Hi.” Those perfectly formed lips curl into a friendly smile before he continues, “I have dinner ready and was wondering if you’d like to join me.”

“Is that an order or an invite?” I test, offering him a glimpse of a grin before I school my features. He could just pick me up and walk down to the dining room with me, but he doesn’t.

“It’s an invite to join your fiancé for a meal. We’ll sit on the patio. It’s a lovely evening with the fire blazing,” he informs me. “Meet me in fifteen minutes. Choose something pretty from the closet.” He gives me a slight nod before making his way down the hall, leaving me staring at the empty doorway.

Once I shut myself in the bedroom again, I race to the closet to find something to wear. Thankfully, I had time to shower earlier and wash my long, wavy, red hair. The length almost hitting the base of my spine.

Flicking through the hangers, I find simple black pants with a matching long-sleeved, red blouse. It’s as if the whole wardrobe has been designed in outfits rather than items. I dress quickly before adding a dab of pink gloss to my lips. I line my eyes with black kohl and run the brush through my unruly hair.

I’m not sure why I’m nervous, but the flurry of wings in my belly is enough to have me giggling like a teenager about to head on her first date. I wish for a moment I could talk to Aelin and tell her what’s happened. Perhaps tonight I can ask Lycan if I could get my phone. I’m almost certain she’s sent out a search party for me. But then again, she might be partying in the city with enough guys to keep her busy for months.

Once I’ve breathed deeply to calm my nerves, I leave my bedroom and head downstairs to the hall to the dining room, where we spent breakfast together. The meal was tense but seeing Lycan do something so normal was eye-opening.

When I promised to give him a week to allow him to prove he’s not a monster, I didn’t think it would be possible. Yet each interaction with him has been filled with sexual tension rather than animosity. He’s been polite, almost gentlemanly.

But even so, I’m not about to go tripping over myself because he’s nice to me. It doesn’t change the fact that he only has me here because of my father. And that’s also something I need to learn more about. I have to know what’s happened between the two men in my life.

Why did my father force Lycan’s hand?

Did he know what would happen to me?

By the time I reach the glass doors that have been opened, allowing the cool evening breeze to sweep through the dining room, I have more questions than ever before. But what I find waiting for me takes my breath away.

The pillars that form a picturesque frame to the garden have been strung with white fairy lights. The table set for two has four tealight candles dancing in the gentle breeze. And the two place settings are perfect, waiting for us to take our seats.

Lycan picks up a wine glass from the cotton tablecloth and hands it to me. The red liquid shimmers under the soft illumination. If I were ever to tell someone about my dream date, this would be it. It’s as if Lycan has burrowed himself in my mind and stolen every thought I’ve had about spending an evening with someone I care about and made it real.

“Welcome,” he says as I take the glass from him. With a sip of my drink, I allow the warmth of the fruity, yet spicy alcohol to soothe the bird’s wings that have taken flight in my stomach.

“This is beautiful,” I remark as I slip into the waiting chair Lycan’s pulled out for me. He helps me with the seat before taking his own. Lifting his glass, he holds it up over the dancing flames, and I mimic his action.

“To a new beginning,” he says before clinking his glass against mine. The crystal tinkling while his gemstone eyes twinkle with mischief.

“Is this your way of attempting to soften me to the idea of marrying you?” I challenge before taking another mouthful of wine, hoping it will keep me calm through the dinner. Before Lycan can answer, we’re joined by his staff, who bring out plates with steaming food, waiting to be devoured. I notice the girl from this morning isn’t one of our servers, and I want to ask about her, but I don’t.

It’s not my place. Not yet anyway. Once we’re alone, I take in the meal in front of me—a bed of lettuce with small, bright red tomatoes, cucumber, and herbs. There are roasted cubes of pumpkin and steamed potatoes surrounding a beautifully prepared piece of chicken. My stomach growls in response, and a chuckle has me lifting my gaze to find Lycan watching me intently.