The house I saw in the distance becomes clearer, and my captor allows me to my feet, but his hold on me stays strong as his arm snakes around my waist, and when I finally get a glimpse of his face, a gasp tumbles from my mouth.

“What are you doing here?” The shock is clear in my tone, but Mr. Shaw just offers me a sly grin that has dread sluicing through my veins.

“I’m here to keep you safe from the predators out there,” he informs me, gesturing with his head toward the forest we just exited. And that’s when I take in the house before me. Three floors of pure opulence similar to Gran’s mansion, but this one is even bigger, with old brick that looks like it’s from a scary movie, rather than modern-day real life.

The windows are lit up, just like I saw from the woods. “Why am I here?”

“Because it’s not safe for you to be out there,” Mr. Shaw tells me as he leads me into the house via the kitchen door. A similar layout to Gran’s with all modern appliances, along with a shiny gas stove that looks like it’s never been used.

A table is sprawled along the window, overlooking the garden, and when I glance out toward the property line, I see the dark shadow of my hunter standing there, watching.

“There…” I point, but by the time Shaw looks out, it’s gone. “He was right there.” My gaze snaps to his, and I see something flickering in those depths of green. “How did you—”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to,” he warns before turning on his heel. I watch him move to the fridge before he pulls open the heavy metal door and asks, “Do you want something to drink?”

“I—I… No, I mean, I need to get home.”

“You’ll stay here tonight.” His tone is no-nonsense as he grabs a bottle of wine and finds a corkscrew in one of the drawers. When he sets two glasses on the breakfast bar, he meets my inquisitive gaze. “I don’t want you out there while he’s looking for you.”

“How do you know he’s looking for me?” My curiosity has piqued, and I wonder if Mr. Shaw will offer me the answers I need. I doubt it from the look on his face. He opens the bottle with a pop and pours two generous glasses of white wine before handing me one and taking the other for himself.

“I know things that will cause you to be sick, little red,” he tells me. “Now, drink up, and I’ll show you to the guest room.” My stare is locked on his movements, how he brings the glass to his lips and sips the alcohol. Once again, I’m stunned by just how handsome he is. For someone who was racing through the forest moments ago, he doesn’t seem at all perturbed. He hasn’t shaved, and like I imagined when we first met, there’s a dark dusting of stubble lining his perfectly angular jaw.

“Fine, if you won’t tell me how you know, at least tell me your name.” I set my glass down, meeting his stare.

His mouth crooks into a wolfish grin as he regards me. “Lycan Shaw,” he says, holding out his free hand to mine. “It’s lovely to meet you again, Scarlett Bardot.”

My gaze falls to his strong hand, and I finally accept it after being at war between wanting to touch him and wanting to run in the opposite direction. We shake, and his thumb circles my skin, sending goose bumps dancing across every inch of me.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you too, Lycan.” His name tastes like sin on my tongue and poison on my lips. “Why am I here?” I want answers, even though he seems adamant about not giving them to me. But he has to offer an inkling at least.

“Everything will be answered when you get to your room, Scarlett,” he informs me before setting his empty glass down and turning for the door. “Follow me.”

My mouth gapes then shuts quickly as my feet move behind him, leaving my untouched wine on the counter. “What do you mean, my room?”

He doesn’t respond. His steps are long strides, showing off his tall frame and how his slacks and shirt fit him perfectly. There’s no doubt this man is breathtakingly gorgeous, but my fight-or-flight instinct has taken over, and I glance at the front door as we pass it.

But Lycan anticipates my thoughts and says, “You can try to run, but there are only two evils you have to deal with, the hunter outside or me.” He takes the stairs slowly, waiting for me to make my decision. “But make no mistake, little red,” he says, stopping to glance at me from over his shoulder. “I will find you. No matter where you go. The big bad wolf always finds the girl.”