Page 24 of Savage Saint

“What’s up, Samos?”

She normally laughs when I use her real name. Not today. “It’s Pip.”

Suddenly, my heart is leaping into my throat. Pip is Scamp’s little sister, my half-sister. She’s only twelve years old. “What’s happened? What’s wrong?”

Saint is at my side in an instant, his brows drawing together as he mouths what is it? I shake my head, listening as Scamp speaks.

“Don’t panic, but I think papa is making her work the casino.”

“What?” I ask, incredulous. “Doing what?” Knowing my father, it could be anything. Scamp told me he was furious when he heard about Saint and me getting married, I wouldn’t be surprised if he uses my sisters as some sort of twisted retribution.

“I’m not sure about it, but Pip mentioned a name. Geraldo. She fell quiet after, but Amara it’s one of the croupiers. I’m sure she doesn’t know anyone else called that. How would she know that name if she hadn’t been there?”

I frown. “You need to find out for sure. If our father has Pip doing anything illegal, I swear to God…” Saint reaches out for the phone. “Scamp, I’m going to put Saint on.”

“If you need to get out of there, you know you’re both welcome here, right?” He waits, and I hear her voice in the background, but not what she’s saying. “Well, be careful. I’m your family now, too, and I’m here if you need me. Day or night, right? OK.”

He hands the phone back to me and I smile, mouthing a quick thank you. “He’s right you know, we have the space if you need to get away.”

“Amara, I haven’t told you everything.”

I reach out and grab Saint’s hand, holding onto him for support. “Talk to me, Scamp. You know I’m here for you.”

“I know. You and Saint are awesome. But I can’t bring any of this to your door, not with one child in your arms and another on the way. It’s just…” She sighs. “Papa doesn’t see me the way he sees you, he never did. You were the princess, I was always just the fruits of a mistake. One he made twice, six years apart, with the same woman.”

I snort a humorless laugh. “I never saw you that way.”

“I know you didn’t and I don’t blame you, but that’s the way with him. I don’t think he’d care if I ended up dead or worse. Last night, he sent me on a run with a rival gang, can you believe that? I was supposed to take some stuff to them, you know, make the deal and he had a particular price in mind. They weren’t having it. I was lucky to get out of there, I mean, Amara they started saying they were going to…” She lowers her voice, and I’m not sure if there’s someone there with her that she doesn’t want to hear this. “They said they were going to take me with them and sell me on the black market. You know, as a fucking slave. Jesus.”

“Right, you need to get out of there right now. Seriously, you and Pip, here, tonight.”

“No. Amara I won’t do that to you. But I do need to get out, that’s what I need to tell you. I have enough saved for me and Pip to stay in a hotel for a few nights. After that, we’ll figure something out.”

“A hotel is going to cost too much, sis.”

She falls silent, then says, “I know, but what else can I do?”

Saint clears his throat. “If she wants to stay at a hotel, I’ll prepay it for her. However long she needs.”

“Did you hear that, Scamp?” I say into the phone.

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You didn’t. We want to do it. So that’s settled? We’ll get you a hotel room and I’ll text you the name of the place. You and Pip go there right away, OK? I don’t want you staying in that house another day.”

“Are you absolutely sure?”

“Yes. I would worry about you both if not.”

“OK. Thanks, Amara. And thank Saint for me.”

“I will.”