My eyes stung, and when I looked up at Joseph, his aquamarine eyes shined, too. His features were softened by the same awe Marco showed me.

“I want you to have a pretty collar to match your tiara.” His voice was roughened by longing and hunger. “Will you accept it?” Unlike Marco, he wanted my permission. He wanted me to give myself to him willingly, placing myself at his mercy. My Joseph, my Master.

“Yes, Sir,” I whispered. “Please.”

His grin was like looking into the sun, almost blinding in its brilliance. Marco gathered up my hair with gentle hands, lifting it out of the way so that Joseph could secure the collar at my nape. The metal was cool against my throat for a long moment, but it warmed to my heated skin within a few heartbeats. The soft click of the clasp fastening it in place echoed through my entire body, rolling over me in a pleasurable shudder.

They each took one of my hands in theirs, guiding me to my feet. Then, they stood at either side of me, staring into the huge mirror above the fireplace with matching expressions of love and lust.

“Look how beautiful you are,” Marco rumbled, trailing his fingertips along the line of my jaw. Joseph traced the curves of the gold collar that encircled my throat, and I felt each stroke like an indelible mark inked into my skin.

I wanted to say something, to tell them how much this meant to me. How much they meant to me. But the words were too heavy, too many, and they crowded my chest with too much weight to leave my lips. The single tear that slid down my cheek as I greedily drank in our reflection seemed to be more than enough for my men. Joseph continued to trace his warm brand around my throat, and Marco kissed my glittering tear like it was more precious than the diamonds that adorned me.

I wasn’t sure how long we stood there, basking in our love and perfect contentment with one another. After a while, Joseph stepped away. Cool air washed over my skin where he was supposed to be, but he shot me a crooked smile filled with wicked promises. He crossed to the small dining table and retrieved the ceramic pot of chocolate sauce from beneath the silver platter.

“Is that for me?” I licked my lips in anticipation of the sweet treat.

He chuckled, indulgent. “It’s for all of us, greedy girl.”

He returned to us, and Marco reached out to dip two fingers into the dark chocolate. He lifted them to my mouth, his eyes locking on mine in the mirror. My lips parted in anticipation, and he traced them, the silky glide of chocolate layering over the soft tingle elicited by his callouses against my skin.

Lust rolled through my body in a slow shudder. Marco slowly pushed his fingers into my mouth, and Joseph dropped to his knees. As Daddy painted my tongue with sweetness, my Master coated his own fingers with chocolate and began trailing them over my stomach. He traced each letter with aching care, every brush of his hand awakening my flesh beneath his heated touch. M I N E.

By the time he finished, I was licking Marco’s fingers as though they were my favorite ice cream, feverishly swirling my tongue around him. Joseph sat back on his heels, grinning up at me with a euphoric light in his eyes. He was so beautiful when he lost himself in our games. When he lost himself in me. In us.

A rivulet of chocolate dripped from the N, tracing a warm trail down to my desire-slick sex. My core ached to be filled, and my clit throbbed with each beat of my heart. Joseph locked me in his crystalline gaze as he slowly dipped his head between my legs. I gasped when he caught the drop of chocolate on his tongue, just before it hit my clit.

Instead of dipping lower to my needy pussy, he licked his way up my stomach, catching each drip of chocolate from the sweet brand he’d traced on my skin. His tongue swirled around my navel, and the sensation was almost unbearable. My fingers sank into his hair, instinctively struggling to urge him where I needed him most.

Molten heat flooded my belly, gathering between my legs. My desire was so keen that my body hurt with need.

Marco made a low sound of admonishment and pushed his fingers deep into my throat, commanding my attention. My hold on Joseph’s hair eased on a whimper, and bliss swirled through the physical ache as I submitted to their torment.

Joseph continued to lick and tease, slowly working his way down to my sex.

Satisfied that I’d thoroughly cleaned his fingers, Marco freed them from my mouth, allowing me to draw a full breath for the first time in minutes. My head swam at the sudden rush of oxygen, and he braced one strong arm around my waist to hold me upright. Joseph’s hands cupped my ass, supporting my weight as his tongue flicked my clit.