“Show me,” Marco commanded, holding out his hand to demand my phone. He already understood what the text was about. His dark eyes narrowed as he read the man’s name and address. “That’s him,” he confirmed, even though I’d already been sure my dad had IDed the right guy. Unlike Marco, I’d been too lost in Ashlyn during our date to notice her stalker. I didn’t recognize the man in the picture, but he did. He’d fought the bastard. He’d protected our girl. While I held her and sent him taunting thirst emojis.

Hot shame rolled through my insides. Marco had taken on so much responsibility, so much darkness, while he allowed me to carry on in blissful oblivion. Even now, I could see his expression shuttering, cold purpose encasing his powerful body like icy armor.

“I’ll go. You stay here.”

“No.” I immediately rejected the order. He speared me with a black glare, but I pressed on. “You’re not dealing with this shit on your own, Marco. I told you last night: I won’t abandon you. I won’t let you do this to yourself.”

“Do what?” he demanded in a low, dangerous tone. “Protect my family?”

I fixed him with a glare of my own. “Isolate yourself. I won’t let you pull away from us in some misguided attempt to keep us happy. We won’t be happy if you’re hurting, Marco. We can’t be happy without you. Ashlyn needs both of us. I need you,” I added more quietly. I’d never said anything like that to him before. He knew I loved him, just as I knew he loved me. But I’d never made myself vulnerable like this. When I left him and ran away to Cambridge, I wounded him deeply. I owed him a little vulnerability. I’d do whatever it took to bind him to Ashlyn and me.

He leaned back in his chair, as though he could physically withdraw from the intensity of my declaration. “You have to stay here and watch over Ashlyn. I’m going to visit Rafael.”

“Damn it, Marco!” I took a breath and lowered my voice. “You’re not going alone. Cut the bullshit. Ashlyn will be fine. She already promised to stay in the bar until you come back to pick her up. No one can touch her in a public place. There are too many witnesses. Now is our best chance to go and question Rafael.” I doubled down. “Jayme is going on vacation in Cancun tomorrow, and we won’t be able to leave Ashlyn with her in a safe place like this. If you don’t want our girl to know about the threat, then we have to go visit Rafael right now, while she’s distracted.”

I wasn’t above manipulation at this point. If he wanted to hide the truth from Ashlyn, then I’d set some conditions. The only way he could ensure that she didn’t pick up on our worry was if the situation was handled and done with. “Let’s go,” I prompted, sliding out of my seat and slapping two twenties down on the table to cover our tab.

Marco scowled at me, but I simply stared right back, implacable. With a fierce growl, he got to his feet, stepping into the edge of my personal space. “You’re being an asshole,” he muttered.

“And you’re being a stubborn bastard,” I retorted. “I’m coming with you, end of discussion. We’re in this together. Deal with it.” If my vulnerability wouldn’t work, I could shift to bullying. Marco wasn’t going to face our enemies alone. I wouldn’t fucking allow it.

We exited the restaurant and cut around the block to where I’d parked my black BMW. I’d chosen one of my least flashy cars, so Ashlyn wouldn’t immediately spot it and realize I was somewhere nearby, watching her.

As soon as Marco slid into the passenger seat beside me, his dark, furious energy crowded the car. I sucked in a deep breath, trying not to choke on it. I’d forgotten how scary my best friend was when he got like this. I rolled my shoulders and allowed his cold, focused rage to fill my chest. We would do this together. We would protect Ashlyn and each other. Always.

It took a little under fifteen minutes to drive to Rafael Foti’s apartment complex in the North End. The building wasn’t exactly rundown, but it was old, and security was minimal. All it took to gain entry through the locked front door was a quick call to a random apartment on the intercom. I told the man who answered that I had a package for another resident who wasn’t currently at home to accept the delivery. Just like that, we were in.

We bypassed the elevator and found the stairs. We could easily be trapped in the confined space if Rafael figured out we were coming. I wasn’t interested in being shot like fish in a barrel.