I expected Marco to return a shadow of my teasing smile, but to my shock, his cheeks flushed. “I think I dropped the waffles when I came home. They’re probably ruined.” He scrubbed a hand through his short black hair. “I kind of lost it after you sent me that picture of Ashlyn tied to our bed. I ran straight upstairs as soon as I got through the front door.”

My laughter rolled through the room, a warm wave that pushed away the suffocating darkness. “After all that, you didn’t even manage to salvage the waffles? You missed out on at least half an hour with Ashlyn because you insisted on waiting in line to order them.”

Marco blinked, and the shadows finally cleared from his eyes. His mouth curved in a hint of a smile. For Marco, that was almost a grin. “You should’ve known better than to send me a picture of our girl naked and bound. Especially when we were both wound up from her teasing us at the café. It’s your fault, really.”

My brows lifted. “Is that what you’re going to tell Ashlyn? You’re going to throw me under the bus?”

“Tell me what?” Ashlyn’s melodic voice hitched on a yawn. “No one’s throwing anyone under the bus.”

Marco and I both turned, instantly seeking her out. All the air rushed from my chest at the sight of my angel. Her porcelain skin practically shined after her intense orgasm, and her pale pink robe highlighted the rosy tint that colored her cheeks.

“Marco ruined your waffle,” I informed her, a teasing grin tugging at my lips. She was exactly the distraction he needed right now. Her soft, sweet presence would pull him back to the light more effectively than I could ever manage.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed, her sapphire eyes going wide. Instead of pouting and complaining, she went straight to Marco with open arms. Our sensitive girl felt the worry radiating from his tense frame and immediately sought to comfort him. “It’s okay, Daddy.” She wrapped her arms around his stiff shoulders and tipped her head back. “I’m glad you hurried home. You’re tastier than any waffles.” To prove her point, she went up on her tiptoes and captured his lips in a tender kiss.

I joined them, placing a hand on her lower back and urging her even closer to him. “See?” I said gently, willing my words to reach Marco. “Ashlyn isn’t upset at all.” She didn’t know anything about the threat that had shaken Marco to his core, and she hadn’t been hurt during our rough sex.

“Nope, not upset at all,” she agreed breathily, her mouth brushing his. “In fact, I feel amazing.” She arched into him. “Better than I’ve felt in weeks. Thank you, Daddy.” She turned and sought a kiss from me, too. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Anything for you, angel,” I promised, claiming her lips even as I pushed her deeper into Marco’s arms. Ashlyn was ours, and I had to make him understand that I would do whatever it took to keep our family safe. I would never leave him again.

Chapter Five


Slender fingers curved into my side, the slight pinch jolting me awake. Ashlyn pressed herself closer to my chest, and her arm tightened around my waist. “Joseph…” My name left her lips on a broken whisper.

I brushed her hair back from her cheek, but in the darkness, I couldn’t tell if she was still asleep. “I’m right here,” I murmured, unsure if I should wake Marco.

Hot tears wet my shoulder, and her soft whimper knifed through my heart.

“Wake up, angel,” I urged, just as Marco flicked on the lights.

Her lovely eyes snapped open, dark and frantic. “Joseph!” Her gaze tore from mine, raking down my body to search for some invisible wound. Her hands roved over the scar at my lower back, as though checking to make sure I wasn’t bleeding. I’d gotten that scar on the night Gabriel Costa had attacked her, but I’d healed from the stabbing months ago.

Marco’s hands closed around her shoulders, seeking to comfort her. She screamed and twisted out of his hold, crushing her body against mine as though shielding me from further harm.

Marco’s face went ghostly pale, and his entire body froze. The pain that flashed across his onyx eyes cut into my chest, and I quickly focused on reassuring Ashlyn. She wasn’t scared of Marco; she was disoriented from her nightmare. “It’s okay, angel. It’s just Marco and me. You’re safe.”

“Marco?” She choked on his name and turned in my arms, blindly reaching for him.

He remained still as a granite statue, not so much as daring to breathe in case he startled her again.

My heart hurt far more keenly than the memory of the knife slicing into my back. “She needs you to hold her.” I spoke softly, trying to soothe both of them.