It was a chilly autumn day, and goosebumps instantly broke out on my exposed skin. I was only wearing the thin camisole Joseph had bought for me, and my peaked nipples pressed against the fabric in response to the cold.

To my surprise, Joseph frowned and rubbed my arms, his eyes focused on my face rather than my breasts. He was more concerned with my comfort than checking out my tits. The knowledge that he cared more about seeing to my needs than satisfying his own lust for my body made warmth flood my chest.

“I’ll get you a jacket,” he said, guiding me back into the foyer to shield me from the cold. “Wait here.”

I hugged my arms across my chest when he retreated, a chill lingering on my skin. A light shiver wracked my body, but he returned in less than a minute. He held his leather jacket, and he stepped behind me so I could slip my arms into it. The leather was heavy on my shoulders, the jacket far too big for my much smaller frame. It smelled like Joseph, and I breathed in deeply as he zipped it up to keep me warm.

“Thanks.” I smiled, completely content in this moment with him. When he took care of me like this, I couldn’t worry about the dark events unfolding around me. I knew he would do more than keep me safe; he’d cherish me. The knowledge was heady, and pleasure washed through my body in a tingling wave.

He traced the line of my jaw, staring down at me with open adoration. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured before he pressed a quick, sweet kiss against my lips.

I flushed as my pleasure intensified. This was more than the physical ecstasy that his touch elicited from my body; this was a soul-deep satisfaction that I’d only ever felt with him.

Despite everything that was happening—despite the horrible truths I’d learned about him—I was still infatuated. I wasn’t ready to fully trust him yet, but my heart still yearned for his affection.

I kept the love locked in my chest, not willing to voice it aloud yet. I needed to know more about the real Joseph before I could fully open my heart to him again. Trust had never come easily for me, and he’d violated it by hiding his past from me. It would take time for him to earn it back.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his body heat as we walked out onto the grounds. A long, paved driveway cut through an expansive lawn, the asphalt disappearing into a line of trees. I started to walk down it, but Joseph steered me closer to the house.

“There’s nothing that way,” he told me. “The gate is just a few minutes’ drive through the tree line. There’s an electric fence around the entire estate, and Marco will be alerted if anyone tries to breach it. No one is allowed in without his permission.”

The information was baffling, totally at odds with the world I knew. This wasn’t just a house; it was a fortress. Hearing about the security made me more aware of the dangerous life Joseph led, but it also made me breathe a little easier. No one could get to me here.

We walked around the house—which took a considerable amount of time due to its sprawling expanse. Marco might as well live in a castle, complete with elaborate gardens. I spotted a large garage to the side of the house. One of the multiple doors was open, and I noted a couple of motorcycles and a red sports car. I didn’t know much about cars, but I could tell it was expensive, just like everything else on this estate.

Apparently, crime paid.

When we reached the back of the mansion, excitement fizzed in my chest. Through the windows that enclosed the conservatory, I could see a covered indoor pool.

“Oh!” I exclaimed. “Can I go swimming while I’m here?”

“You like to swim?”

I supposed I’d neglected my morning laps during my time with Joseph in Cambridge. I’d been too attached to him to take time to go to the pool.

“Yeah. I was on the swim team in high school. I usually swim laps every day.” Not only was it good exercise, but it helped me clear my head and relax, centering me at the beginning of my day.

“I’ll talk to Marco about getting the pool serviced, then. It’s been drained and covered for as long as I can remember.”

“Really? Why?”

I couldn’t imagine having the luxury of an indoor pool in my own home but not using it.

Joseph’s expression went smooth. “You’d have to ask Marco.”

Another mystery only Marco could answer. Again, I decided I didn’t care much, as long as I had access to the pool.

“Will you buy me some swimsuits?” I asked, fully confident that Joseph would follow through on his promise.