I rounded on Joseph, emboldened now that Marco was gone. “How can you let him talk to me like that?” I demanded. “Actually, he’s not even doing me the courtesy of talking to me. He’s talking to you about me while I’m right freaking here. You’re just going to let him treat me this way? You’re just going to let him kidnap me and talk down to me like I’m nothing?”

Joseph’s brows drew together. “He’s not treating you like you’re nothing. That’s just how Marco is. And he only took you to keep you safe. We’ve explained this.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, how magnanimous of you. Instead of warning me and allowing me to go to the police for protection, you’ve chosen to abduct me and hold me against my will.”

“I don’t trust the police to keep you safe,” he said, suddenly fierce. “I don’t trust anyone else to keep you safe. I left you because I thought it was the only way to protect you. If I’d known you were at risk, I never would have let you leave my sight.”

I glowered at him. “Marco was right about one thing. You need to stop pretending to be noble. You’re not my white knight. You’re a criminal, Joseph. You lied to me.” The last came out on a strained whisper as my heart twisted at the words.

Shame colored his cheeks. “I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you everything.”

“You didn’t tell me anything,” I accused. “Every time I asked about your family or where you were from, you shut me out or changed the subject. I trusted you. I told you everything you ever asked about my life. But I don’t know you at all.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to know. I was trying to get away from my life. That’s why I was in Cambridge. I wanted to hide out and start over. I wanted to start over with you, Ashlyn. Even though I knew I didn’t deserve that kind of second chance.”

“What did you do in your life that was so terrible?” I flung at him, even though I feared the answer.

His jaw firmed, and he cut his gaze away. “Plenty. And now I’ve ruined your life. That’s the worst crime I could ever commit. All I wanted was for you to be safe and happy.” His eyes snapped back up to mine, hard with determination. “I know I’ve made it impossible for you to be happy, but I’ll keep you safe, no matter what. Now, you’re going to write these emails and give me your login information.”

I pursed my lips. “You’re starting to sound like Marco.”

“Marco is being hard on you because he wants to keep you safe, too. We just want to protect you.”

“He doesn’t even know me. Why would he care about me at all?”

His pale eyes glittered, and I became mesmerized by their crystalline shine. “He cares about you because I care about you.”

My heart ached. Were the words as heavy with meaning as I imagined?

I love you. The unspoken sentiment was still locked in my chest. Did he feel the same way?

Even after everything I’d learned about him in the last hour, I still felt that soul-deep pull toward him.

“I know you can’t forgive me, but at least let me keep you safe. Write the messages. Marco will make sure they get to the right people. It’ll buy us time to figure out what to do next.”

“I…” I swallowed back my refusal. His earnest expression tugged at my heartstrings. He really did want to protect me, like he’d done from the very beginning. Marco had made it clear that he wasn’t going to let me go. If I didn’t really have the option to go to the police for protection, then I had to rely on Joseph.

Marco’s description of what their enemies would do to me had shaken me to my core.

“Hey,” Joseph said gently, calling my attention away from the horrific images that were filling my mind.

His hand covered mine, his thumb stroking my palm. His sincere aqua gaze pierced my soul. “I’d die before I’d let anyone hurt you,” he swore.

I found myself nodding. He spoke the absolute truth, and I couldn’t hate him when he made such a stark declaration.

“Okay,” I whispered. “I’ll write the emails.”

He lifted my hand to his lips and brushed a kiss over my knuckles. “Thank you.”

His touch was electric, and even the chaste gesture made my body light up with awareness. Our eyes caught, and he didn’t let go of my hand. He kept his gentle grip on me as he leaned in, closing the distance I’d put between us. My pulse ticked up, and my lips tingled in anticipation of his fierce kiss. Just like it had always been with him, I was completely in his thrall. He didn’t have to pin me down to keep me under his power. I was helpless to fight this irresistible connection between us.