“What can I say, darlin’? When I’m around you, I aspire to be the funniest man in the world just so I can see your smile and hear your laugh. It’s intoxicating.”

I felt my cheeks flame at his words and moved on. Next was an oversized mint chocolate chip cookie beside a familiar shoe box with a note attached. There’s no such thing as too many boots for the perfect cowgirl. Inside the box were a gorgeous pair of elaborately decorated cowboy boots, the good kind that would still carry you on the dance floor in twenty years. I turned to Grant with a shaky smile. “These are lovely.”

Grant ambled over to where I stood and snagged the cookie with a smile. “The perfect excuse to spend the rest of our lives twirling you around the dance floor.”

The rest of our lives? “What?”

His deep laugh sounded. “I’ve shocked you.”

“Uh, yeah. A little.”

“Then let me be clear, Brenna. I was fooling myself to think we could ever be anything close to casual. You’re a good time, that’s for damn sure, but you’re the kind of woman that once a man gets his hands on her, gets a taste of her, she’s all he can think about. You’re all I think about. You are what I crave, Bren.”


“I’ve fallen for you Brenna. There is no other way to explain this upside down, don’t know whether I’m coming or going sensation you create whenever you’re around. I’m in love. With you.”

“With me?”

His lips twitched with barely leashed laughter. “I am in love with you, Brenna McKenna.”

I sucked in a sharp breath of surprise at his words even as my shoulders relaxed and my heart rate doubled in intensity and speed. “Oh Grant, I love you too.”

“You do? Thank god, woman!” He pulled me close and wrapped his arms tight around me. “Are you sure, because I have a big speech prepared about how I would give you as much time as you need to come around and love me too.”

“I don’t need it, Grant. I love you but I was too scared to admit it, even to myself.”

“And you’re not scared anymore?”

“Now that I know just how madly in love with me you are, no way!” it was true what they said about love giving you strength you didn’t know you possessed. “Now I can shout it out loud, I love you Grant Lopez!”

His deep laugh sounded loud as it reverberated against my chest, producing a shiver than ran the length of my body. “Say it again.” His words were intense behind the command and I knew it mattered to him.

“I love you Grant. I love you and I love Mariana.”

“And one day in the future, I’m gonna ask you to move in with us, to make our family official and you’ll say?”

“Heck yeah!” I tossed my head back and laughed, loving the way Grant kept a tight, protective grip on me so I was never in danger of falling. “But it should be a ways into the future, don’t’ you think? Wouldn’t want to set a bad example for Mari, would we?”

His lips were on mine in an instant, hot and sweet and deep, he poured everything he was feeling into that kiss. I accepted it all with a shuddery sigh as I clung to his shoulders. “I really do love you, Brenna.”

“You already said that.”

“I mean it.”

“Good, because you’re stuck with me.”


“If you can handle forever with me, I’m willing to give you forever, Grant.”

“Oh, I can handle it.” With a hungry smile, Grant picked me up in his arms and carried me upstairs where he spent most of the night showing me just how eager he was to get started on our very own forever after.