“Twice as hard for you, maybe. Old man.” I didn’t see who said it, but I could guess.

“Don’t let this handsome mug fool you, Kirkland, I can still kick your ass.” The rest of the guys laughed and ‘ohhed’ as guys tended to do when they got together. “Don’t forget to hydrate.”

“Yes sir!” Old habits died hard, so I didn’t bother telling them to just call me Lopez. Again.

I shook my head and made my way to the small office that had been set aside for me. I didn’t need much room for files and papers, and mostly I just used the gymnasium to plot out my obstacle courses. But some parts of the job required a desk and a computer, so that’s where I was headed when a pair of heels click-clacking on the hard floors stopped me in my tracks. I turned slowly and saw Eva marchinh towards me, an angry vision in red. “Eva! To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

“Don’t you flash that dimple at me, Grant Lopez.” She pointed one long red nail in my direction and I took a step back.

“What are you talking about?”

She sucked in an outraged breath as if I was some kind of mind reader or something, glancing left and then right, like all of sudden she was worried about privacy. “I’m talking about, Brenna.” She whispered the name as if I couldn’t figure out why she ambushed me at the office.

“I figured that much. What’s the problem?” We hadn’t talked about it, but there was an unspoken agreement between us to keep our night together between us. Just the two of us. I nodded for Eva to follow me inside.

“The problem is, Grant, that it’s been more than a week and you’ve kept us hanging. More importantly, you’ve kept Brenna hanging.”

What? “Did she say something to you?” Brenna was a straightforward woman, it was one of her top ten qualities, and I was sure, relatively sure, that she would come to me directly if she had a problem with me.

“No, of course not,” she said dismissively. “You know that’s not Brenna’s style. I’m here in a professional capacity.” She gave me a haughty look. “How was the date?”

“It was fine. We had a good time, a very good time.”

Eva huffed out a laugh and shook her head. “That’s exactly what she said.” And apparently it wasn’t an acceptable answer, because she leaned over my desk, glaring at me until she had my full attention. “So why haven’t you or Brenna set up a second date?”

That was a good question, and one I had no answer to. “I don’t know. Maybe we’ve both been busy with work, Eva, I can’t really say.”

“You can’t or you won’t?” One black brow arched in question.

I sighed and fell back against the plush desk chair. “I don’t know, Eva. I really can’t say.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Well I’m not in the habit of proving myself when I don’t have to, so is there anything else?”

“Nothing at the moment,” she said and stared at me for a long moment, and I stared back to let the little spitfire know that she couldn’t intimidate me. “I’ll be talking to you soon, Grant. Real soon.” She marched off and I stayed in my seat until the sound of her angry footsteps faded into nothingness.

“Is it safe?” Liam stuck his head in my office, a crooked grin on his face.

“Safer than it was a few minutes ago. Coward.”

Liam shrugged. “Not a coward, just a man with a strong sense of survival. What did you do to piss her off, anyway?”

“Apparently Brenna and I aren’t moving fast enough for the Time for Love ladies and they’re desperate to know why.” I did have a good reason for not asking Brenna out again, but it was none of their business.

“Why are you dragging your feet?” Liam held up his hands in a defensive posture when I glared at him. “I’m not asking for Olive, just my own curiosity.”

“Don’t know. I’ve been busy, and she runs her own business. Time is limited, I guess.”

“Bull. You’re lying and I can’t figure out why.”

“Why what?” Miles appeared in the doorway, a harried smile on his face.

“Why Grant is dragging ass to get a second date with Brenna.”

Miles perked right up at that news and strode inside, taking the seat beside Liam. “Why?”

“Says their both busy,” Liam answered for me. “I think that’s crap.”

“Definitely crap,” Miles agreed. “I think he’s scared.”

“I’m not scared,” I growled at them. “And I’m also sitting right here! So stop talking about me like I’m not in the room.”

They snickered like little girls, and I rolled my eyes. “If you’re not scared, what is it then? Is she a bad kisser?” Liam asked, laughing.

“Oh shit, maybe you’re a bad kisser, and that’s why she isn’t itching for a second date.”